Financial management 2021 Bangalore university question paper|B.Com Third Semester

lll Semester B.Com. Examination, April/May 2021

 (F + R) (CBCS) (2015 - 16 and Onwards) 


3.4 : Financial Management 

Time : 3 Hours                                                                         Max. Marks : 70

 Instruction : Answers should be written completely either in Kannada or in English.


 1. Answer any five sub-questions. Each sub-question carries two marks. (5 x 2=10) 

 a) Give the meaning of Finance. 

 b) What is financial planning ? 

c) What do you mean by investment decision ?

 d) What is time value of money ? 

e) What is combined leverage ? 

f) Calculate the present value of  Rs.80,000 received after 6 years, if the discount rate is 9%.

g) Initial investment Rs. 20,00,000, residual value Rs.4,00,000, working life 10 years. Additional working capital Rs.2,00,000. Calculate average investment. 

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Answer any three questions. Each question carries six marks. 

2. Explain the principles of financial planning. 

3. Mention the functions of financial management. 

 4. A firm has sales of Rs. 20,00,000, variable cost of Rs.14,00,000, fixed cost Rs. 4,00,000, 10% debt capital of Rs.10,00,000. Calculate operating, financial and combined leverage.

5. Calculate the future value at the end of five years of the following series of payments @ 10%  rate of interest. 

Rs. 4,000 at the end of 1 year 

Rs.5,000 at the end of 2 years 

Rs. 6,000 at the end of 3 years 

 Rs.7,000 at the end of 4 years 

Rs. 8,000 at the end of 5 years.

 6. Calculate the payback period of the following projects. Each requiring a cash outlay of Rs. 1,00,000. Suggest which project is acceptable if the standard payback period is 5 years. 

 Year                    1              2           3            4          5 

Cash inflows A   30,000   30,000   30,000   30,000  30,000

                       B   30,000   40,000   20,000   10,000   5,000  


Answer any three questions. Each question carries fourteen marks. (3 x 14=42) 

7. Briefly explain the factors determining working capital requirements. 

 8. what is dividend policy ? Discuss the various forms of dividend. 

9. KPMG Ltd. has currently an ordinary share capital of Rs. 25,00,000, consisting of 25000 shares of Rs. 100 each. The management is planning to raise another Rs.20 lakhs to finance a major programme of expansion through one of the four possible financial plans.

 i) Entirely through ordinary shares. 

ii) Rs.10,00,000 through ordinary shares and Rs.10,00,000 through long-term borrowings at 8% interest.

 iii)Rs. 5,00,000 through ordinary shares and Rs. 15,00,000 through long term borrowings at 9% interest.

 iv) Rs.10,00,000 through ordinary shares and Rs.10,00,000 through preference shares with 5% dividend. 

The company's expected EBIT will be Rs. 8,00,000. Assuming a corporate tax rate of 46%, determine the EPS in each alternative and suggest which alternative is best and why ?

10. A firm's cost of capital is 10%. It is considering two mutually exclusive projects J and K. The details are given below. 

Net cash flow(t) J 

                       Project J                     Project K

lnvestments  Rs.2,80,000              Rs.2,60,000 

Year                     J                         K

    1                  80,000;                 1,60,000

    2               1,20,000                80,000

    3                1,80,000                40,000

,    4               2,40,000                40,000

     5                6,60,000                5,50,000

Compute : 

a) Payback period    b) Net present value     c) Profitability index 

P.V factor @ 10% for 5 years

Years                           1        2        3       4        5   

P.V.factor @ 10%      0.909 0.826 0.751 0.689 0.621

11. A company has EBIT of Rs. 4,80,000 and its capital structure consists of the following securities. 

Equity share capital of Rs. 10            Rs.  4,00,000

12% Preference shares                       Rs. 6,00,000

14.5% Debentures ,:                           Rs.10,00,000

The company is facing fluctuations in its sales.What would be percentage change in EPS 

 a) If EBIT of the company increases by 25% ? 

b) If EBIT of the company decreases by 25% ? The company tax rate is 35%.

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