Three soul searching stories-Prof. Shrikant Prasoon|BCom/BBA English Bangalore University

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Three soul searching stories

Prof. Shrikant Prasoon

Summary of the lesson 'Three soul searching stories'.

'Three soul searching stories' by Prof. Shrikanth Prasoon, the author is presenting a collection of three beautiful stories which give valuable moral lessons.

The first zen story of two monks and a women,  portrays how we often carry unnecessary burdens in our mind which drain all our energy and weigh us down.The elder monk though had broken his vow, did the right thing and was having a free and pure mind whereas the younger monk, just because of the fear of  breaking the vow, could  not help the women but was also carrying the burden of impure thoughts like anger,irritation, restlessness and fear in his mind .What makes life worth, is concentrating on the present moment and doing what one feels right at the moment rather than sticking to rules and regulations and carrying the burden created by it.It is always better to get rid of sensuous unrighteous,unwholesome and impure feelings than to carry a load in mind.

In the second story of wealthy man and a scholar, where a wealthy man request an old scholar to wean his son away from his bad habits.The story is bringing out the fact that how difficult it is to change habits once it grows old.We should not wait for bad habits to grow and must drop them while we have control over it else they will get control over us. It  gives the message that one must try to focus on every action with perfection , sincerity and dedication which brings success.Work well done is joy in itself and must concentrate on cultivating good habits from childhood.

The third story 'Born, ruled and died ' is the story of a king  who wanted to know how other kings ruled and what great things they did made them loved and respected by their subjects.So his historians and litterateurs  collected books  about those kings and brought it to him.Every time his scholars brought books, the king wanted to summarise the  books  even more saying excuse that he don't have enough time to read it and years passed by.  Finally when the ministers bring the summary in one line king was in his death bed and asks his minister to read it for him.As the minister reads the summary in one line as ''All the king's were born,and they ruled and died ' the king was not alive to listen it.The story brings the moral that one must do as much righteous deeds as possible without waiting for auspicious time  for time has its fixed, regular and incessant movement forward.

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Theme of the lesson 'Three soul searching stories'

The story brings  out the theme of how one should live life in a meaningful way to achieve success, peace , harmony and happiness in life. The first story of two monks and a woman illustrates the way we choose to hold onto the past and continue to carry our baggage of negative emotions, pain, judgement, hurt, criticism, blame, self-pity, etc. , when it is no longer necessary The story brings out the fact that we are responsible for the choices we make. The older monk made the choice to go against his vows in order to help a woman and then chose to let go of any self-blame or self-doubt. The younger monk chose to hold onto judgement, anger, blame, bitterness and criticism for many hours; he didn’t realize until told that he, too, is responsible for his choices.The story brings out the moral that one should get rid of impure feelings, than to carry a load in the mind.

The second story brings out the theme of how habits can control us if we do not keep them in check.If we have bad habits, then it is better to get rid of them as early as possible or else  they will get so uprooted like a tree which will be  difficult to pull  out.One should always focus on his actions and must try to do it wholeheartedly with sincerity and dedication and then success will follows.The story brings out the moral that bad habits must be thrown away and good habits must be cultivated.

The third story of a king brings out the theme of how one should make use of time.The king  wasted his entire lifetime, to find out what other kings did  which made them loved and respected by their people.The king could have utilized his time in very useful ways and could have done many good things for his people, instead of wasting his time to find out about others.The story brings out the moral that time is precious and one should work hard every second to make use of it. One must perform as much righteous deeds as possible  without waiting for auspicious time for time has its fixed, regular and incessant movement forward.

Carrying load in mind

Short answer questions

1.Why was the young women waiting on the road?

The young woman was waiting on the road for someone who could help her as she was unable to walk across because of the muddy water.

2.The younger monk did not like the idea of helping the women.True /false

True.The younger monk did not like the idea of helping the women and when the women asked for help he stepped back in refusal.

3.How did the older monk react to the women's request?

The elder monk went up to her, lifted her  in his arms and left her on the other side of the road, and continued his way to the monastery.

4.What was the older monk's reply to the younger monk

When the younger monk asked him was it good for him to carry a young woman in his arms across the road , the older monk  smiled and replied that  he has left her on the other side of the road, while the younger monk is still carrying her.

Paragraph answer questions

1.Write about the apprehension of the younger monk.

In this story the two monks were returning back to the monastery and because it rained there were puddles of water on the road.At one place a young beautiful women was standing and was waiting on the road for someone who could help her as she was unable to walk across because of the muddy water.When she requested the monks for help, the younger monk did not like the idea of helping the women and  he stepped back in refusal.The elder monk went up to her, lifted her  in his arms and left her on the other side of the road, and continued his way to the monastery.

The younger monk is shocked at the behaviour of his elder monk.He could not stop thinking about how elder monk had broken his vows by touching a woman.The story is revealing the fear of younger monk which is caused by a primitive vow not to touch women of their tradition, which they took while joining the monastery.Even though the young women is helpless and request for their help the younger monk is worried and bothered about the vows he had taken in the past.So he is refusing to help the women out of the fear of breaking the vow.He gave more importance to the vows and rules of the monastery rather than helping those who are needy. He was full of fear and anxiety which made him step back from doing the right thing.What makes a lot of sense is to respond to the events in the present , like the older monk did.What makes life worth is concentrating on the present moment and doing what one feels right at the moment rather than sticking to rules and regulations.

2.Narrate the events that led the older monk to carry the young women.

In this story the two monks were returning back to the monastery and because it rained there were puddles of water on the road.At one place a young beautiful women was standing and was waiting on the road for someone who could help her as she was unable to walk across because of the muddy water.When she saw the monks, she requested them for help. The younger monk did not like the idea of helping the women and  he stepped back in refusal.The elder monk did not want to leave the helpless woman alone as he went up to her, lifted her  in his arms and left her on the other side of the road, and continued his way to the monastery.The younger monk is shocked at the behaviour of his elder monk.He could not stop thinking about how elder monk had broken his vows by touching a woman.

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Essay questions

1."I left her on the other side of the road,while you are still carrying her".What according to the writer was the younger monk carrying .Explain

'Three soul searching stories' by Prof. Shrikanth Prasoon, is taken from Buddhist Zen traditions, Indian history, myths, culture epics ,dramas, folklore, and also from European spirituality.According to the writer the younger monk was carrying the thoughts of the young woman.This simple  story has a beautiful message about living in the present moment.  Like the younger monk in the story, we  often carry around hurts of the past , holding onto resentments, when the only person we are really hurting is ourselves.In this story, the two monks, an elder monk and a younger monk, were returning back to the monastery and because it rained there were puddles of water on the road.
At one place a young beautiful women was standing and was waiting on the road for someone who could help her as she was unable to walk across because of the muddy water.When she requested the monks for help, the younger monk did not like the idea of helping the women and  he stepped back in refusal.The elder monk went up to her, lifted her  in his arms and left her on the other side of the road, and continued his way to the monastery.

The younger monk was shocked at the behaviour of  elder monk.He could not stop thinking  how elder monk can broke his vows by touching a woman and couldn't stop asking him how  he can do so.The elder monk replies that what younger is telling is correct but  replied that  he has left her on the other side of the road, while the younger monk is still carrying her in his thoughts.Here we can see that the younger monk is questioning the older monk about breaking his vows of not to touch a women.But the elder monk is not at all irritated or angry by his question and he is replying him with a smile.

The story brings out the fact that we are responsible for the choices we make. The older monk made the choice to go against his vows in order to help a woman and then chose to let go of any self-blame or self-doubt. The younger monk chose to hold onto judgement, anger, blame, bitterness and criticism for many hours; he didn’t realize until told that he, too, is responsible for his choices.The story brings out the moral that one should get rid of impure feelings, than to carry a load in the mind

Everyone go through times in life when other people say things or behave in a way that is hurtful towards them. We can chose to ruminate over past actions or events, but it will ultimately weigh us down and sap our energy.Instead we can choose to let go of what doesn’t serve us anymore and concentrate on the present moment.It makes a lot of sense  to respond to the events in the present , like the older monk did.Rather than worrying about the consequences of breaking his vows the elder monk did what he felt right at the present moment.What makes life worth, is concentrating on the present moment and doing what one feels right at the moment rather than sticking to rules and regulations.

Proper Lesson

Short answer questions

1.Why did the wealthy man send his son to the scholar?
The wealthy man had sent his son to the scholar because he wanted to cure him of his bad habits.

2.The scholar takes the boy to the



Answer. scholar took the boy for a stroll in  the garden.

3.What lesson did the boy learn from the scholar?

The boy learnt from the scholar the lesson that, bad habits are just like saplings.When they are tender and young  it is easy to pull them out but when they take hold they cannot be uprooted.

 4.What does the young boy realise?

The boy realised that he needed to get rid of his bad habits as he understood  from the scholar that once bad habits take hold they cannot be removed.

Paragraph answer questions

1.What were the examples given by the scholar to describe what might happen to the young boy?

The scholar used the examples of a tiny sapling, a slightly bigger plant, a bush and a guava tree to describe what might happen to the young boy if he do not get rid of his bad habits.The scholar took the young boy for a stroll in the garden and  first asked him to pull out a tiny plant growing there.The boy was easily able to pull it out with just his thumb and forefinger. Next the scholar asks him to pull out a slightly bigger plant.This time  the boy had to pull little harder to pull the plant out.Next the old man pointed towards a bush and asked the boy to take that out.The boy had to use all his strength to pull it out.Next the old man pointed towards a guava tree and asked the boy to take it out.The young boy grasped the trunk and tried to pull it out but it refused to budge. So the boy told the old man that it was impossible for him to pull it out and he was already panting in the effort to pull the guava tree.

Then the old man told to the boy that same was the case with bad habits. Bad habits are also just like saplings.When they are tender and young ,it is easy to pull them out but when they take hold they cannot be uprooted.The boy realised that he needed to get rid of his bad habits as he understood  from the scholar that once bad habits take hold they cannot be removed.

2.What lesson did the young boy learn from the scholar towards the end of the story?

The young boy learnt from the scholar the lesson that he needed to get rid of his bad habits in his early age itself as he understood from the scholar that once bad habits take hold they cannot be removed. .The scholar took the young boy for a stroll in the garden.The scholar used the examples of a tiny sapling, a slightly bigger plant, a bush and a guava tree to describe what might happen to the young boy if he do not get rid of his bad habits.The scholar first asks the young boy to pull out a tiny plant growing there.The boy was easily able to pull it out with just his thumb and forefinger. Next the scholar asks him to pull out a slightly bigger plant.This time  the boy had to pull little harder to pull the plant out.Next the old man pointed towards a bush and asked the boy to take that out.The boy had to use all his strength to pull it out.Next the old man pointed towards a guava tree and asked the boy to take it out.The young boy grasped the trunk and tried to pull it out but it refused to budge. So the boy told the old man that it was impossible for him to pull it out and he was already panting in the effort to pull the guava tree.

Then the old man told to the boy that same was the case with bad habits. Bad habits are also just like saplings.When they are tender and young ,it is easy to pull them out but when they take hold they cannot be uprooted.The boy realises his mistake and understood that he needed to get rid of his bad habits as once they take hold they cannot be removed.

Born,Ruled and Died

1.What did the king want to know?

The king wanted to know how other kings ruled and what great things they did, that they were loved and respected by their subjects and made them immortal.

2.What did the king's learned historians and litterateurs do?

The king's learned historians and litterateurs  collected and brought a cart of load of books ,in a few years to the king.

3.What was the king's reaction  every time the learned men come to him?

Every time when the learned men came to him with the collection of books, he told them that he don't have so much time before him to read all those books and asked them to write it short so that he could finish reading  them.

4.Mention the last words of the minister which the king wasn't alive to listen?

The last words of the minister which the king weren't alive to listen was "All the kings were born, they ruled and died'.

Paragraph answer questions

Did the king finally succeed in his mission of knowing how other kings became immortal?elaborate.

No.The king finally was not successful in his mission of knowing how other kings became immortal.When the king had the wish of knowing how how other kings ruled and what great things they did that they were loved and respected by their subjects and made them immortal, his learned historians and litterateurs  collected and brought a cart of load of books ,in a few years to the king.The king's learned historians and litterateurs  collected and brought a cart of load of books , in a few years to the king. But he told them that he doesn't have so many decades before him and asked them to write it short so that he could finish reading them.So  again taking a few more years they reduced the volume of books and brought it to him.

Every time when the learned men came to him with the reduced volume of books, he kept saying that he don't have so much time and wanted to shorten it more and more.Finally when the learned men summarised the entire book in one volume the king was already in his death bed as so many years had already passed by in doing this task.When the minister is finally bringing him the book which was only a single book, the king is saying to him that he can't read the book as it was already his time for departure and yet he wanted to know what the other kings had done,so he asks his minister to tell him in short.All the minister could do was to read it as 'All the kings were born, and  they ruled and died'.But the king was not alive to listen that.Thus the king was not successful in his mission of knowing how other kings became immortal.

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