Science and Society 2018 solved Bangalore University question paper


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1. Which one is found only in males ?

 a) X chromosome  b) 2X chromosome  c) O chromosome d) Y chromosome

2. Which of the following causes the least pollution when burnt ? 

a) Petrol b) Diesel c) Natural gas  d) Coal

3rd sem SS Science and society 2019 solved paper

4. The main constituent of CNG is 

a) Methane b) Butane c) Ethane d) Propane

5. First manned landing on the moon was done using 

a) Apollo 9   b) Apollo 10  c)Apollo 11  d)Apollo 12

6. The National science Day is observed every year in India on 

a) March 28  b) September 16  c) June 21  d) February 28

7. The World Wide Web was developed by 

a) Bill Gates  c) Tim Berners-Lee  b) Charles Babbage  d) Blaise Pascal

8. lnsomnia is a characteristic feature of 

a) Schizophrenia b) Depression c) Epilepsy d) Psychosis

9. Which of the following is a non renewable source of energy ? 

a) Solar b) Wind c) Coal  d) Bio fuel

10. Antibiotics 

a) Do not destroy viruses 

b) Should be taken preferably in the morning 

c) were known around the time of the first world war 

d) Have no known side effects

11. A social science is the systematic study of 

 a) The natural world 

 b) Models of reality 

c) Human behaviour and society

d) Experimentation

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3rd sem SS Science and Society 2017 solved paper

Unit-1 Important MCQ Science and Society

12, The first stage of industrial revolution 

a) Consumable goods Production

 c) Standardization 

b) Capital goods Production 

d) Productivity

13. The theory that evolutionary change is slow and continuous is known as

a) Punctuated equilibrium c) Speciation b) Geographic isolation d) Gradualism

14.Darwin,s theory of evolution is  based on the concept of  

a) Use and disuse c) Mutations b) Natural selection    d) Hybridization

15.Which of the following is considered to be bacteriostatic ? 

a) Penicillin    b) Ciprofloxacin   c) Cefotaxime   d) Chloram Phenicol

16. Nuclear Reactors usually employ 

a) Fusion   b) Fission  c) Both a) and b)    d) None of the above

While fission is used in nuclear power reactors since it can be controlled, fusion is not yet utilized to produce power. 

17. GPS means

 a) Global Pointing System 

 b) Globe Positioning System

c) Global Positioning System

 d) General Pointing System

18. Penicillin is obtained from

 a) Algae  b) Fungi   c) Bacteria d) Virus

19. What is the common environmental problem with the use of detergents ?

a) Soil erosion  b) Global warming   c) Eutrophication   d) All the above

20. Why is nuclear radiation dangerous ?

 a) It explodes when touched  b) It causes blindness

 c) It can change your DNA  d) All the above

21. The terrn ISP refers to 

a) lnternal Software Protocol 

b) International Shareware Pool 

c) lnternet Service Provider 

d) lnterface Standard Protocol

22. The efficiency of solar cells is about 

a) 25%  b) 15%  c) 40%  d)  60%

23. Entomology is the study of 

a) insects   c) Entamoeba    b) Plants     d) None of the above

24. The rings of Saturn were discovered by 

a) Kepler c) Copernicus b) Ptolemy d) Galileo

25, The industrial Revolution began in 

a) England c) India b) U.S.A d) Germany

26. ln which year Sir C.V. Raman won the Nobel prize for Physics ?

 a) 1920    b) 1922    c) 1938    d) 1930

27. To whom we will call as a "Missile Man of lndia" ? 

 a) H.J. Bhabha   b) Vikram Sarabhai   c) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam   d) Sathyendra Basu

28. In Karnataka where atomic power station is placed ?

a) Shivamoga    b) Kaiga    c) Hubli    d) Dharwad

29. In which year ISRO launched MOM (Mars Orbit Mission) was successfully entered to the mars orbit ?

   a) 2012   b) 2010    c) 2014     d) 2015

30, In feudalism lords were called as 

a) Dukes and Earls     b)  Baronus    c) The king    d)Lesser Lords

31. The ancient Babylonians found to use the soap around

 a) 3800 B.C. b) 2800 B.C, c) 2500 B.C d) 2400 B,c.

32. Moderators are used in the nuclear reactors to 

a) Accelerate the neutrons b) Slow down the neutrons 

c) Produce neutrons d) To absorb the neutrons

33. who announced the introduction of National Food security Act ?

a) Pranab Mukharjee c) P.Chidambaram b) Manmohan Singh d) Arun Jaitley

34. The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) established in the year ? 

a) 1970  b) 1975   c) 1977    d) 1980

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) was established on 12 July 1982 by an Act of the Parliament.

35. Where is the Central Rice Research institute located

a) Bengaluru   b) Cuttack    c) Kanpur     d) Coimbatore

36. In science, an educated guess is called 

 a) Question b) Conclusion c) Hypothesis d) Observation

37. Which of the following is a proof of the Earth's revolution around the sun ?

 a) Rising and setting of the sun b) Seasons c) Parallax of stars d) All the above

38. The Department of Science and Technology (DST) was established in India by

 a) May 1971   b) June 1971    c) May 1981     d) June 1981

39. The process of repeated formation of species is called 

 a) Evolution   b) Hybridization    d) Mutation    c) Speciation

40. The term polymer is derived from 

a) Greek      b) Latin    c) French    d) English

41. The process of hypothesis testing has 

a) 6 steps b) 9 steps c) 7 steps   d) 8 steps

42. Principle of laser is

 a) Spontaneous absorption c) lnduced emission

b) Stimulated emission d) All of the above

43. The prefix ,,nano', comes from a 

a) Greek word meaning dwarf c) Latin word meaning invisible

b) Spanish word meaning particle d) French word meaning billion

44. Smart materials are those materials 

a) That responds to a change in their fossilised and hydrocarbon form

b) That responds to a change either in the temperature moisture and pH 

 c) That can be controlled b[ external factors such as mechanical stress etc.

d) Both  b) and C)

45' Hemochromatosis, sickle cell anaemia,down  syndrome are examples of 

a) Diseases as a result of complications due to HIV 

b) Dysfunctional  gene behaviour caused due to mutation 

c) Hearth  hazards as a result of increased use of GM crops

d) Diseases where no new cases have been reported since year 2000

46' The "green revolution" 

a) is criticised by some because it created an agricultural surplus 

b) It promoted many varieties in food grains  

c)It enhanced the dependence on fertilisers and many pesticides

d)none of the above

47. The word,Agriculture,has been derived from

 a) German   b. Latin   c.American  d. Arabic

48.Which group of organisms is believed to be among the earliest to evolve on 

a) Arthropods  b) Coelenterates  c) Protozoans d) Reptiles

49. A sheet of newspaper is about thick

 a) 100000 nano meters  b) 10000000 nano meters  

  c) 1 nano meter    d) 1000 nano meter

50. Which of the following definition for "science" has been coined by ,Carl Sagan, ? 

a) Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge 

b) ls an intellectual activity carried out by humans

 c) Science is a knowledge covering general truth 

d) Science is uncertain and subject to revision

51. What are the causes for low agricultural productivity in lndia ? 

a) Social environment      b) Pressure of population on land 

c) Lack of credit and marketing facilities   d) All of the above

The German Physcist/scientist proved that the earth and other planets round the  sun not in a circle,,  but in elliptical orbits orbits was

 a) Tycho Brahe c) John Kepler b) Sir Isaac Newton  d.Galileo

53. Expand GSLV.

 a) Geocircular Satellite Launch Vehicle 

b) Geoelliptical Satellite Launch Vehicle

 c) Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle

 d) Geoorbital Satellite Launch Vehicle

54' The decimal number system in use today was first recorded 

a) lndian Mathematisians in 

c) Greek Mathematisians

 b) Roman Mathematisians 

 d) Latin Mathematisians

55. TCP/IP is a  

a) Network Hardware c) Protocol b) Network Software d) None of the above

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