PRCC Unit 1 Attitude and Emotional intelligence

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 Unit 1

 Attitude and Emotional intelligence


An attitude is  a state of mind or a way in which one look at things.It can be an expression of favour or disfavour towards a person, things, place or event.

Attitude- Definition 

An attitude can be defined as a positive or negative evaluation of people ,objects, events activities, ideas or anything in the environment. 

 An Attitude is a psychological response to a person, an objects, events, activities, ideas, or just above anything in your environment. 

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Importance of attitude: 

1. Determines meaning of Environment: 

Attitudes helps an individual in judging the environmental circumstance by creating either a favourable behaviour or unfavourable behaviours towards it. 

2. Rationalize the action: 

Attitude helps in resolving the contradictions created due to different opinions. People with appropriate attitude can easily understand and interpret these differences.

 3. Organizing facts: 

Attitude helps in organizing relevant fact ,as variety of opinions, received by different people  when given an idea of about the goal to be achieved. 

4. Facilitates selection of facts 

Positive people always focuses on the positivity of others. Attitude helps in selection of positive facts which lead to maintenance of good working environment. 

5. Develops relationships 

Attitude serves as a one way to organise our relationship with our world 

6. Develop personality: 

Our personality is a combination of our believes & social programming and  it is something  unique to us. Expect the aspects of our personality that are defined by quality such as kindness, creativity & true spiritual power.

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Positive  Thinking

Positive thinking means how a positive attitude &positive behaviour towards our self as well as towards others. It is a state of mind which increases the self confidence of an individuals. Positive Thinking – is characterized by feelings of optimism, happiness, sense of purpose, high energy levels, high self esteem and self worth. 

Positive Attitude: 

Positive attitude results from positive thinking where  individuals starts becoming more optimistic, confident, motivated and replaces their negative thinking with positive ones is called is called positive attitude. It means developing positive attitude within oneself. 

Features of positive Attitude: 

A person with positive attitude has the following features. 

1. Being true to them self always. 

2. Smiling

 3. Motivating those around with appositive word.

4. Being friendly to those they don’t know. 

5. Understanding that relationships are more important than materials things. 

6. Having a good time even when he is losing. 

7.Using the power of a smile to reverse the tone of a situation. 

8.Enjoying the unexpected 

9.Paying a compliment, even to a total stranger. 

10.Makes someone’s day 

11.Not letting other people’s negativity bring down. 

12.It is not complaining no matter how unfair things appear to be. 

13.Having positive future vision. 

Positive attitude effects organizational growth, 

1. It helps to enhance employee morale 

2.It leads to enhanced productivity. 

3.It results in effective team building abilities,

 4.It helps in optimum utilization of resources

5.Healthy competition among the employees.

6. It inspires employees to perform at their best to improve productivity.

7.It encourages creativity. 

8.It helps in creating a harmonious workplace

Ways to build positive attitude

1. Choose to be happy : Feeling happy is a matter of choice.Replace negative thoughts with positive ones

2.Look at the brighter side of the life.-Even in wrong situations, try to see the brighter side of life which can be attained by repeated attempts

3. Choose to be optimistic.- Looking for positiveness in every thing and everyone helps to build a positive attitude towards life.

4.Find reasons to smile more often -There are so many reasons to smile if you look around.A smile automatically makes your mind or yours and others cheerful than a dull face

5.Have faith in yourself, and believe that the universe can help you -Always believe as for those who believe light dawns even in darkness.

6.Associate yourself with happy people-Being with positive bring bring cheer and happiness to mind and helps to build a positive attitude.

7.Read inspiring stories -Inspiring stories can motivate you and create a positive feeling and confidence to overcome difficult obstacles.

8.Read inspiring quotes -Affirmations help one to feel inspired and motivated  which will help to develop positive attitude.

9.Learn to be master of your thoughts -Once you are able to master and controlyour thoughts you will always be able to think positively whatever the situation be.

10. Visualizing the success and the best things which you want yo happen.-Visualisation is a powerful tool which helps to shape your future in a successful and happy way you want it to be.

Negative Attitude: 

A negative attitude is self defeating and reflects a state of mind that has negative emotions. A negative attitude is a gate way towards the darker side of the life and pain of depression

Consequences of Negative attitude: 

1. Negative attitude creates stress and negativity

2. Negative attitudes will not create any goodness in relationships

3. Negative attitude harms others. 

4. Feelings of resentment and bitterness towards everyone around

5. Negative family or friends 

6. Creates negative environment all round

7. Negative attitude people are not satisfied in any situation

8. High levels of tension, anxiety, stress and worry – towards real or imaginary problems and issues 

9.Exhaustion and lack of energy 

10.People avoid negative peoples company, at work and outside 

11.Broken relationships, both professional and personal

12.Decreased performance / enthusiasm at work 

Interpersonal Relationship: 

Interpersonal relationships 

The relationship between two individuals is known as” inter personal Relationship”.These relationships enable the individuals to understand each other and their feelings like respect, love ,Anger etc 

An association of two or more people who interact and fulfil one or more physical, emotional and intellectual needs. Associations maybe fleeting or enduring . Interpersonal relationships are formed on the context of social, cultural and professional contexts. 

Importance or significance of interpersonal relationship:

 Good relationship play significant role in both personal as well as professional life of an individual. The rate of interpersonal relationship in personal and professional life is mentioned below. 

1.Personal life: 

a)Helps people to enjoy better family life: People having capability to manage interpersonal relationship appropriately can easily develop strong and healthy interpersonal relationship with their family members. 

b)Helps in enjoying better social life: The individual capable of managing interpersonal relations develop better social life as they are capable of adjusting themselves according to the demand of the society. 

c)helps to reduce stress: Human being are not machines who can work at a stretch. We need people to talk to and share our feelings. An individual working in isolation is more prone to stress and anxiety. Good relationships helps to de-stress and make us happy.

2. Professional Life: 

Healthy interpersonal relationship among the members of the organization not only result in proper working of the organization but also help in developing trust between them. 

a) Facilitate mutual understanding among employees and management: healthy relationship among members of the organization is very crucial to create healthy working environment. b)Supports team work: The strong interpersonal relationship among the employees at the work place inspire them to work by team.

 c)Motivate employees: Healthy inter personal relationship are good sources of motivation for employees. It makes them happy and confident and increase their job satisfaction level.

d)Helps to develop trust: Good interpersonal relationship helps in the development of trust among the individual and develop positive feeling among people.

Tips for improving Interpersonal relationship: 

1. Smile 

2.Be appreciative 

3.Pay attention to others 

4.Practice active listening 

5.Bring people together 

6.Resolve conflicts 

7.Communicate clearly 

8. Humour 

9.Seeing  things from other’s view point 

10. Don't complain

Emotional Intelligence 

Emotional intelligence means it is a way of determining the degree of maturity level of an individual to handle his emotions

Importance of Emotional Intelligence:

 1.Building strong relationship: Emotional Intelligence turns out to be very beneficial not only while working in the organization but also in maintaining healthy personal relationship.

2.Improves communications with others: Presence of Emotional Intelligence factor with in an individual helps him to develop certain strategies and skills. 

3.Better empathy skills: The most important characteristics of Emotional Intelligence  is empathy. Lack of empathy are the problem to building of relationship. 

4.Acting with integrity: An individual having the ability of Emotional Intelligence is always motivated to act with integrity. He  not only focus on his personal interest but also looks after the interest of others as well.

 5.Respect from others: Presence of Emotional Intelligence along with empathy and honesty in an individual ,helps him to gain respect and trust from others. 

6.Improved career prospects: Emotionally intelligent people are needed in every organization and at all levels of organization because they know how to balance all the situations. 

7.Manage change more confidently: Emotionally Intelligent individuals are capable of adapting themselves  for the changes in the external environment.

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