PRCC Unit 4 Communication Skills


Unit 4 

Communication Skills


Communication in simple words is transfer of information between people. Communication is a process in which people share information, ideas, and feelings ,expressions of thoughts and emotions through words. 

Communication is defined as the transfer of information from the sender to the receiver, with the information being understood by the receiver W.H.Newman and C.E summer” communication is an exchange of facts ,ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons”. 

PRCC Unit 5 -Career Planning

Elements of Communication/ Process of Communication 

Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another. The communication process involves the following elements 

1.Sender: The communication begins from the sender who wants to transmit the message to another person. Sender is also called source.Sender or source of a communication is the person or organisation that has the information or message to share with another person or organisation.

2.Message: The idea or information in physical form is known as message. 

3. Encoding: The communication process begins when the source or sender selects words, symbols, pictures and the like, to represent the message that will be delivered to the receiver(s). This process, known as encoding, involves putting thoughts, ideas, or information into a symbolic form.

4. Channel: The channel or medium is the method or vehicle used to transmit the message. 

5. Receiver: The receiver is the person to whom message is sent and he perceives the message and attaches some meaning to the message. 

6. Decoding: Decoding means attaching meaning to the message sent .The communication will be effective when senders message commensurate with the receivers understanding. 

7.Feedback: The reversal in communication process is the feedback whereby the receiver express the response of the sender’s message.

PRCC Unit 5-Career Planning

Significance of communication: 

1.Helps in achieving coordination: Modern business firms which are organized on large scale consist of workers working on the basis of division of labour and specializations to achieve the company common goals. 

2.Helps in smooth working: To achieve the goals of the enterprise co-operative action of the persons workings in its different activities is necessary. Co-operative action in turn depends on the communication process prevailing in the organization. 

3.Increased managerial efficiency: It is said most managers time spent on communication. this helps the manager in performing his duties quickly and systematically. 

4.Helps in decision making: For taking any sort of decisions and also for its effective implementation a good communication system in the enterprise is a primary requirement. information from different levels which helps the process of decision making. 

5.Helps in maintaining industrial peace Lack of communication or improper communication may result in industrial disputes between management and worker. communication helps in maintaining industrial peace. 

6.Helps in recruitment process: Communication is needed in the recruitment process to acquaint potential employees with the merits of working for the enterprise. The recruits are told about the company organization structure, its policies and practices. 

7.Helps employees to perform effectively Employees are require to know their job relationship and importance to the overall operation. This knowledge makes it easy for them to identify themselves with the organization mission. 

8.Helps to acquaint subordinates with their evaluation It is needed to acquaint the subordinates with the evaluation of their contribution to the enterprise activity. It is matter of some motivational importance for subordinates to know their superior how they and what future may hold for them. 

9.Helps in teaching employees about personal safety: Communication is needed to teach employees about their personal safety on the job,to reduce accidents to lower compensation to maximize legal costs and to reduce recruitment and training costs for replacement. 

10.Helps in manager performing his functions. It helps the manager in performing his managerial functions such as planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling. Plans requires detailed communication among the managerial and other personnel. 

Types /Forms of communication 

The different types of communication are as follows 

1.Oral Communication: Oral communication refers to spoken words through face to face or through the electrical devices such as phone, teleconferencing, Public address system etc. 

2.Written communication: Communicating message through writing, typing, printing is called written communication . it includes written words graphs ,charts , Reports diagrams and pictures etc. Ex. Report, Letter, Memo, Circular, Order 

3.Verbal communication: Communication through words and language is called verbal communication. It includes oral as well as written communication. Ex. Speech, Meeting 

4.Non-Verbal communication: Communication through symbols is called non verbal communication. It includes para language, facial expression smile, eye to eye contact posture, visual symbols, auditory symbols. 

5.Formal communication: Formal communication refers to the communication that flows along formal organizational structure. It flows through the established chain of command. Ex. Circulars,departmental meetings. 

6.Informal communication: The communication that takes place outside the formally prescribed network or channel is called informal communication. It is spontaneous and has no set of rules and regulations. 

7.Upward communication: The communication that flows from subordinates to their superior is called upward communication. Its main purpose is to get feedback regarding the performance of job. 

8.Downward communication: The communication that flows from the superior to their superior is called down ward communication . The main purpose is to educate and train the employee Ex. Motivating, Order

 9.Horizontal communication: Horizontal communication also known as Lateral communication refers to the communication that flows between persons at the same hierarchical level. Ex. Compliant boxes 

10. Diagonal communication: The communication that flows between manager of a department and the workers of the departments is called diagonal communication. The manager communicate diagonally to collect information. 

11.Internal communication: Internal communication refers to flow of communication within the organization in a well defined pattern of hierarchy. 

12.External communication : The communication that flows between the organization and outside is known as external communication. IT may be inward or outward. 

13.One-way communication: The communication where in the sender communicates without expecting a feedback from the receivers called one-way communication 

14.Two –way communication: The communication where in the sender receives the feedback from the receiver is called two-communication.

Communication Gap 

Communication gap is a state that occurs when what is being said is not been communicated to the addressee properly and completely. Communication gap in the organization means that the goals and objectives that are set by top management are either not communicated to the employees of the organization at all levels .

Causes for communication gap: 

1. Fear 

2. Mistrust

 3. Body language and tone 

4. Improper communication medium 

5. Inappropriate language

 6. lack of focus and clarity

 7. The lack of enthusiasm

 8. lack of empathy and trust

 9. External noise 

10.Confusing facts. 

11.Overloaded information 

12. Making assumptions and ignoring details

Listening Skills: 

According to Johnson” listening as the ability to understand and respond effectively to oral communication.” Listening is the process of receiving, interpreting and reacting to the messages received from the communication sender”.

Basics of managerial speaking skills

The actions of conveying information or expressing once feelings in speech is called speaking The process of conveying information in an organization,corporate or management is called as managerial speaking. 

Managerial speaking skills are needed for making effective presentation, for participating and conducting meetings,to deal with customers and to interact o a day to day basis to peers and sub-ordinates within the organisation.


1.Pronunciation means the way we make the sound of the word 

2.Stress: It is the amount of breath or process or energy that is put into a sound. 

3.Voice: The tone reflex the speaker’s attitude the tone usually carries the emotion behind the words eg. Angry tone, sad tone, Cheerful tone, 

4.Intonation:Raise and follow the voice in speaking is called intonation. 

5.Accent:Accent is the way of how sound is made. Ex. Finance – fenence, Director – derecter 

6.Rate of speech :It is the speech with which we speak that is speaking slow or fast. 

7.Volume: Volume means it is a loudness or softness of your voice. 

8.Articulation: It means saying words distinctly and clearly.

Body language 

Body language means the changes that occurs in body position in the moments that shows what a person is feeling and thinking. An important factor in oral communication is body language. When message is communicated through face to face, number of other factors are also communicated such as facial expressions, posture, gestures, clothing and other body movements.

How to develop matter for speech

A speech is a talk given to a large gathering. It is rendered on a social or official occasion such as an anniversary, an inauguration, a farewell or some such event. Its purpose is usually to inform, encourage,appreciate, congratulate or entertain; it is followed by applause from the audience. The tone of such speeches is cheerful and congratulatory.

Speech preparation:

1. Finding out about the surroundings

The venue: Be familiar with the physical environment.

The Occasion: It is important to know the occasion. It may be an anniversary, or a celebration or an inauguration or a farewell. You will have to refer to it in your speech. The tone and style of your speech must be suitable to the occasion.

Time available: Always check before hand, the time that has been allotted to you. Preparation work depends on the given time.

The Organisers: Find out everything possible about the organisers; name of the organisation, names of the president, the secretary, office bearers and any other important persons who will be sitting on the dais.

The Audience: Knowledge of the audience is the most important for any speaker. The speech must be in a form and style that suits and interests the audience. The content and the tone of the speech depend on the nature of audience. Factors to be taken into account are:Size of audience, Age group , Status

2. Preparing the text

The most important thing is to decide exactly what to say find out the required information and give it a proper shape. It must have a smooth flow from one point to the next. For beginners, it is advisable to write down the whole speech, including the address, the opening sentences and the ending sentences.

Style: A talk must sound like conversation not like a written text. Speaking style is different from writing style. In speaking use simple common words and short sentences to enable the audience to grasp them at once.

Humour: Humour makes a speech more interesting and personal; it engages the audience, but it is not easy to be humorous. Use humour only if you are definitely good at it and can tell it in your natural style without feeling nervous or self-conscious.

Style of addressing: A speech is presented at an organised meeting; the meeting has a chairperson who must be addressed first; other members of the organization who are seated on the platform are addressed next, in order of their seniority.

3. Composition of Speech

The content of the speech must be carefully prepared. Preparation of a draft and correction of the same is essential.Find a general theme suitable to the occasion; this enables the speaker to focus and give a good body to the speech.

Opening of Speech: Your first words are: greeting, self-introduction and expression of pleasure for the opportunity to speak.You have 10 seconds in which to make a good starting impression. Smiling helps.Don't start with a joke; it can back fire. Don't begin with apologies for anything

Focus attention on the central theme of the talk. This may be done by making statements of facts and figures, quotations and proverbs, telling a story / anecdote. Body of the speech: The main text depends on the occasion and the objective of the speech. The objective of an inaugural or annual function is to encourage and felicitate; the speech may mention the highlights of the achievements, elaborate on the value of the effort and express faith in the participation ability to do even better.

Conclusion: The closing must leave a clear message. For a speech of encouragement, a good conclusion is to express confidence in further achievement.


A presentation is a live mode of sharing information with a select audience .It is a form of oral communication in which a person shares factual information with a particular audience. 

Techniques of presentation Aids: 

1.objects: Physical things can be very useful and create a very visceral impact as you use them as direct examples or as metaphors for points you want to make. 

2.Photographs: Photographs provide a picture of reality and are easily included in slides where they can be used illustrate a point or just provide a background. they are good for illustrating action, evoking emotion and more. 

3.Diagrams: Diagrams illustrates concepts and ideas by using shapes rather than words. Shapes can have different internal angles and use colour with specific effect, such as using red to make something standout or imply danger. Diagrams can be positioned relative to one another for subtle effect. 

4.Graphs:Graphs and charts are diagrams that interpret data, visually they include line graph, Bar charts, pie charts, radar diagrams and so on. Graphs are much better than the tables at showing meaning and communicating the value of the data. 

5.Charts: Non-Numeric charts can show a number of different things, in particular where individual items have distinct relationships with one another. Flow chart show the relationships between different activities. Organizational charts show who reports to whom. Network diagrams show many to many relationships. 

6.Maps: Maps are variants of charts that are used to show where things are relative to one another. They may be to scale or simply relative. 

7.Power point presentation: Microsoft power point is probably now the most commonly used form of visual aid.used well, it can really help in presentation.

 8.Over head projector slides/Transparencies: A very useful tool found in most lecture and seminar rooms .The OHP projects and enlarges your slides onto a screen or wall without requiring the lights to be dimmed. A useful rule ofthumb is to use 18 point text if you are producing slides with text on a computer. This should also helps reduce the amount of information on each slide. 

9.White or Black board: White or Black board can be very useful to help to explain the sequence of ideas or routines, particularly in the sciences. 

10.Paper handouts: Hand outs are incredibly useful and it is detailed to fit on a slide for audience to have a full record of your findings. one powerful way of avoiding these pitfalls is to give out incomplete handouts at key stages during your presentations. 

11.Flip chart: A flip chart is a large pad of paper on a stand .it is a very useful and flexible way of recording information during your presentation. 

12.Video(DVD or VHS): Video gives a chance to show stimulating visual information. Use video to bring movement ,pictures and sound into presentation. Always make sure that the clip is directly relevant to the content. 

13.Posters: You can craft a poster in a variety of ways. For example tape or paste a hand drawn picture on poster board, or use pictures from other sources. 

14.Models:A three dimensional model also provides a very effective visual aid. if your speech concern a house ,animal or car, for example you can bring in a smaller version of what you are talking about. Use the model to help the audience understand your key points better.

How to make Effective Use of Presentation aids

1.Presentation aids must also be easy to use and must also be easy for the listeners to see and understand.

2.The presentation aids must be appropriate to the topic.

3.The visual aids used must be visible  to the audience

4.Each presentation aid must directly express an idea in your speech.

5.Presentation aids must be used at the time when you are presenting the specific ideas related to the aid. For example, if you are speaking about coral reefs and one of your supporting points is about the location of the world’s major reefs, it will make sense to display a map of these reefs while you’re talking about location

Resume Preparation

A resume is a brief document that summarizes one’s employment history, education, and experiences that are relevant to one‟s qualifications for a particular job. Resume gives a complete information about a candidate. Through resume the candidate is introduced to the employer. The resume consists of personal data, Qualification, Experiences and References. 

Contents of the Resume: 

1.Heading: Name of the candidate is to be highlighted and easily visible. The address (permanent and temporary), phone numbers and e-mail ID to be written clearly and without clutter 

2.Objective: Has to be specific, concise and clear. Not to be copied from another resume or the internet.

3.Educational qualification: Are to be mentioned in chronological order (Preferably beginning with the most recently awarded degree and working backwards). The details to be given include: Name of the degree or certificate programme Name and location of the institution & University where the degree was granted Year that the degree was granted Percentage / CGPA / Scale 

4.Relevant Work Experience: Are to be mentioned in chronological order (Preferably beginning with the most recent employment details and working backwards as required).). The details to be mentioned include: Name and address of organization/employer Dates of employment, Position title and Responsibilities Skills learned (if job has little relevance to the position for which you are applying) Accomplishments / Achievements on the particular job 

5.Related Skill sets and Expertise: Put the most important skills at the beginning. If necessary, separate different categories of skills (software, secretarial, laboratory skills etc.) 

6.Achievements and Accomplishments: Mention Noteworthy awards, commendations received. By who, when and why it was conferred on you? 

7.Activities / Interests / Hobbies: Employers are interested in activities,professional affiliations, volunteer work etc. Include hobbies that are not commonplace. Remember to limit your activities to those which fit one or more criteria: Shows leadership, communication, creativity and is related to your field 

8.References:Mention the references only if it is specifically sought. Else, just mention that the references will be furnished upon request. 

9.Personal Information: Keep it very brief and to the extent required. The Date of Birth, Gender and Marital status can be mentioned here. A declaration stating that all the information furnished is true maybe written after the personal details. The resume, finally needs to be signed and dated.

Group Discussion (GD)

Group discussion is one of the important and popular techniques being used in number of personality tests. It involves understanding listening, sharing ideas, experience, accepting others point of view and criticism. It is a systematic oral exchange process. It is a systematic interactive process of exchanging information, views, issues, problems, and opinions about a topic, or situation among members of a group.


Group discussion may be defined as a form of systematic and purposeful oral process characterized by the formal and structured exchange of views on a particular topic, issue, problem or situation for developing information and understanding essential for decision making or problem solving.

Factors to be considered by participants in a Group Discussion(GD)

 1. Subject knowledge 

2. Presentation

 3. Language 

4. Logical thinking

 5. Clarity in thoughts 

6. Body language 

7. Dress code 

8. Exchange of information 

9. Discuss each others interpretation 

10. Stay on topic.


Interview is a selection techniques which enables the employers in selecting a suitable candidate for a particular job. Interview is a purposeful exchange of ideas,the answering of questions and communication between two or more persons.

Preparations for Interview and its process: 

Interviews are a critical part of the hiring process. 

Certain guidelines that interviewee can follow are: 

1.Review the job description-Read the job description  thoroughly to understand how the employer has described the position and the type of candidate they are looking for.

2.Consider your eligibility for the job-Assessing how the job fits into your career path and what value you can add to the company will help you convince the interviewer about what makes you the best candidate for the position.

3.Learn more about the company-Get in-depth information about the company through its website, social media pages, employee reviews and other online sources. Find out about its mission, management, work culture, the types of products it offers and the types of clients it serves.

4.Prepare a list of expected interview questions-Make a list of common interview questions for the given position and frame thoughtful answers. 

5.Practice mock interviews-Mock interviews can be a great help in this regard. They can create a real interview-like environment and help boost your confidence.

6.Organise your documents- Put all the important documents including your mark sheets, certificates, ID proofs and photographs in a folder.

7.Update your social media profile-Employers often check your social media presence to get an idea about your personality and background.

8.Make travel arrangements-Familiarise yourself with the location map that the company has sent you.

Certain guidelines that Interviewers can follow are: 

1.The interviewer are required to prepare themselves first for conducting the interview. The applications received must be stored and scrutinized. The suitable qualified candidates are selected for interviewing. 

2.Suitable arrangement is to be made in the room where interview is conducted. 

3.prepare in advance: The interviewer have to prepare the following before interview. create agenda and structure for the interview ,including time limits. Work with HR,peer and staffs to develop a set of questions. 

4.Come up with question with four categories: a) fact finding ,Creative thinking questions ,Problem solving questions, Behavioural questions

 5.interview the candidate in person whenever possible.

 6.Create an agenda 

7.Take notes during the interview 

8.Pay attention to the candidates nonverbal cues during the interview 

9. Fact checking or background verification

Requirements for successful Interview: 

1. Find out the location of the employer in advance. 

2. Arrive 15 mins early for the interview 

3. Take minimum 5 copies of resume, and PP photos 

3. Dress in a conservative and appropriate manner 

4. Greet the interviewer with a firm handshake. 

5. Establish good eye contact

 6. Give the interviewer undivided attention 

7. Relate your work experience and academic course work directly to the job skills required. 

8. Be alert the cues that’s the interview is about to end. 

Tips for writing Good resume: 

1. An attractive resume title 

2. A clear career objective

 3. A brief and crisp summary of yourself 

4. Detailed Education Qualification

 5. Detailed Work Experience 

6. Key and Important Achievement

 7. Your strengths and weakness 

8. Your hobbies and interests 

9. References 

10.Personal details

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