FM-Unit 2-Time value of money|Financial Management


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Time Value of Money

Meaning of Time value of money

The concept of  time value of money refers to the idea that "Time has value". It means that a sum of money is worth more now, than the same sum will be,, at a future date due to its earnings potential in the interim.This is a core principle of finance. 

A sum of money in the hand has greater value than the same sum to be paid in the future.Investors prefer to receive money today rather than the same amount of money in the future because a sum of money, once invested, grows over time. 


Time value of money is defined as  "the value derived from the use of money over time as a result of investment and re-investment."

It means that money deposited into a savings account earns interest. Over time, the interest is added to the principal, earning more interest. That's the power of compounding interest. 

If it is not invested, the value of the money erodes over time. If you hide 1,000 rupees in a mattress for three years, you will lose the additional money it could have earned over that time if invested. It will have even less buying power when you retrieve it because inflation has reduced its value.The time value of money is also referred to as present discounted value.

Need for Time value of money

i)Preference for present consumptionPeople prefer  to possess cash present consumption of goods, than to postpone it to a future period.

ii)Risk and uncertainty of cash flows-An individual is not certain of getting the inflow of cash in the future so he will like to receive money today rather than receiving it in the future.

iii)Inflationary conditions-Inflation can affect the purchasing value of money so people prefer to have getting money today than getting it in future.The amount of money one has in hand today, has more purchasing value, than it will be having in the future.

iv)Due to urgency-People prefer to have money today for some urgent requirements they need to do  than to receive money in the future.

v)Investment opportunities-If an individual or a business concern can receive money today they can invest it in many areas, which will reap them high profit in the future.So earlier they receive money, the better the profit they can reap.

3 Techniques to understand the Time Value of Money

i)Compounding-  refers to the process of finding the tomorrow's value  of today's money.In compounding we have,

  • Annual compounding, 
  • Multiple compounding 
  • Future value of annuity-i)Even cash flow and ii)Uneven cash flow

ii)Discounting-refers to the process of finding today's value of tomorrow's money.

  • Annual discounting , 
  • Multiple discounting
  • Present value of annuity-i)Even cash flow and ii)Uneven cash flow

iii)Indexing-refers to the process of finding today's value of yesterday's money

Compounding or Finding Future Value

Compounding refers to finding the future value of cash inflow or outflow happening at present.It refers to the amount receivable at the end of a given period for an investment made today, or the amount payable at the end of a given period for borrowing today.

i)Annual Compounding
In this method the future value of money is calculated for a given period of time at a specified rate of return.It is calculated as 

FV= PV(1+ i) ^n

FV = Future value
PV= present value
i= Rate of interest (expressed in decimals)
n= number of years

1.Calculate the future value of a sum of Rs.1000 if it is invested at 8% interest for a period of 1 year.

FV= PV(1+ i) ^n                  [^n= to the power of n]
     =1000(1+ 0.08)^1

2.Calculate the compounding  value of a sum of Rs.2000 if it is invested at 12 % interest for two years.

 PV(1+ i) ^n                  [^n= to the power of n]
     =2000(1+ 0.12)^2

3.Calculate the future  sum of money if it is invested at 11% interest for a period of three years and of Rs.25,000.

PV(1+ i) ^n                  [^n= to the power of n]
     =25000(1+ 0.11)^3

ii)Multiple compounding

Multiple compounding means finding the future value when the return or the interest is calculated for more than once in a year, i.e, monthly half yearly and quarterly.It is also called Continuous compounding.

The formula is 

FV= PV(1+( i/f))^n x f                Note: [ ^n x f= power of n x f]

1.Calculate future value of sum of rupees 1000 if it is invested for a year with compounding period of i)semi-annually ii)quarterly and  iii)monthly,  for 10% interest rate.

FV= PV(1+( i/f))^n x f                 Note: [^n x f= power of n x f]


FV= PV(1+( i/f))^n x f  

     = 1000(1 + (0.1 / 2))^1 x 2
      =1000(1 +0.05)^2
     = 1000(1.1025)
      = Rs.1102.5


FV= PV(1+( i/f))^n x f  

     = 1000(1 + (0.1 / 4))^1 x 4
      =1000(1 +0.025)^4
     = 1000(1.1008)
      = Rs.1103.8


FV= PV(1+( i/f))^n x f  

     = 1000(1 + (0.1 / 12))^1 x 12
      =1000(1 +0.00833)^12
     = 1000(1.1043)
      = Rs.1104.3

2..Calculate the future value of sum of Rs. 5000 if it is invested for two years with interest rate 12% if it is compounded i)semi-annually ii)quarterly and  iii)monthly,  

FV= PV(1+( i/f))^n x f           ^n x f= power of n x f


FV= PV(1+( i/f))^n x f  

     = 5000(1 + (0.12 / 2))^2 x 2
      =5000(1 +0.06)^4
     = 5000(1.2625)
      = Rs.6312.5


FV= PV(1+( i/f))^n x f  

     = 5000(1 + (0.12 / 4))^2 x 4
      =5000(1 +0.03)^8
     = 5000(1.2667)
      = Rs.6333.5


FV= PV(1+( i/f))^n x f  

     = 5000(1 + (0.12 / 12))^2 x 12
      =5000(1 +0.01)^24
     = 5000(1.2697)
      = Rs.6348.5

iii)Future Value of Annuity -Even Cash flow

An annuity is a series of equal sums of receipts or payments occurring at equal time intervals over a specified number of years.In other words, constant  periodic sums are called annuities.The future value of even cash flow, if it is deposited at a particular rate of interest for a specified period of time is calculated in similar lines as that of single cash flow

FVA = R(1 +i)^n-1  +  R(1 +i)^n-2  + R(1 +i)^n-3  +.......

where FVA = future value of annuity,R = even cash flow
i= interest rate , n=number of years

1.Calculate future value of annuity of Rs.8000 deposited at the end of each year at 6% for a period of 5 years.

R = 8000   i = 0.06   n= 5 years

FVA =   R(1 +i)^n-1  +  R(1 +i)^n-2  + R(1 +i)^n-3  + R(1 +i)^n-4  + R(1 +i)^n-5

        = 8000(1 +0.06)^5-1 + 8000(1 +0.06)^5-2 + 8000(1 +0.06)^5-3 + 8000(1                   +0.06)^5-4 + 8000(1 +0.06)^5-5
        = 8000(1.06)^4 + 8000(1.06)^3 + 8000(1.06)^2 + 8000(1.06)^1 +
        = 8000(1.2625) + 8000(1.1910) +8000(1.1206) +8000(1.06) +8000(1) 
         =10100 + 9528 + 8988.8 + 8  + 80 + 8000
Ans  =Rs.45096.8

2.Mr. SMV deposits Rs.12000 at the end of every year for 5 years and the deposit earns compound interest at 18% per annum. Determine how much will he have at the end of 5 years.

FVA =  R(1 +i)^n-1  +  R(1 +i)^n-2  + R(1 +i)^n-3  + R(1 +i)^n-4  + R(1 +i)^n-5

        = 12000(1 +0.12)^5-1 + 12000(1 +0.12)^5-2 + 12000(1 +0.12)^5-3 + 
           12000(1 +0.12)^5-4 + 12000(1 +0.12)^5-5
        = 12000(1.12)^4 + 12000(1.12)^3 + 12000(1.12)^2 + 12000(1.12)^1 +
        = 12000(1.5735) + 12000(1.4049) +12000(1.2544) +12000(1.12) +12000(1) 
         =18882 + 16858.8 + 15052.8 + 13440  + 12000
Ans  =Rs.76233.6

iv)Future Value of Annuity -Uneven Cash flow

FVA(UCF) = R1 (1 +i)^n-1 +  R2 (1 +i)^n-2  + R3 (1 +i)^n-3  + R4 (1 +i)^n-4

where FVA(UCF = future value of uneven cash flow,

R1, R2, R3,... = uneven cash flow, i= interest rate,  n= number of years

1.Calculate future value of the following cash flow if it is compounded at 8% per annum.

At the end of each year     Amount Deposited                   

1                                            1000
2                                            2000
3                                            3000
4                                            4000


FVA(UCF) = R1 (1 +i)^n-1 +  R2 (1 +i)^n-2  + R3 (1 +i)^n-3  + R4 (1 +i)^n-4
                    =1000(1 +0.08)^4-1 +2000(1 +0.08)^4-2 +3000(1 +0.08)^4-3 +
                       4000(1 +0.08)^4-4 
                    =1000(1.08)^3  +2000(1.08)^2 +3000(1.08)^1 +4000(1.08)^0
                     =1000(1.2597) +2000(1.1664)+3000(1.08) +4000(1)
                    =1259.7 + 2332.8 + 3240 + 4000
                    = 10832.5 

2.Calculate future value at the end of 5 years of the following series of payment at 9% rate of interest.
Rs 2000 at the end of 1st year
Rs 4000 at the end of 2nd year
Rs 6000 at the end of 3rd year
Rs 8000 at the end of 4th year
Rs 10000 at the end of 5th year


FVA(UCF) = R1 (1 +i)^n-1 +  R2 (1 +i)^n-2  + R3 (1 +i)^n-3  + R4 (1 +i)^n-4
                      + R5 (1 +i)^n-5
                    =2000(1 +0.09)^5-1 +4000(1 +0.09)^5-2 +6000(1 +0.09)^5-3 +
                       8000(1 +0.09)^5-4 + 8000(1 +0.09)^5-5
                   =2000(1.09)^4  +4000(1.09)^3 +6000(1.09)^2 +8000(1.09)^1                                     +10000(1.09)^0
                   = 2000(1.4115) +4000(1.2950)+ 6000(1.1881)+8000(1.09)
                   =2823 + 5180 +7128.6 +8720 +10000

FVA  =    Rs. 33851.6


Discounting refers to finding the present value of cash inflow or outflow happening on a future date.It refers to finding today's value of future cash flows.

i)Annual discounting 

PV = FV / (1+i)^n

1.Calculate PV of Rs.25000 received after 2 years at dividend rate at 8% per annum.

PV = FV / (1+i)^n
     =25000/ (1 +0.08)^2
     =Rs. 21433.4785

2.Mr.A receives rs.30000 after 5 year from now. His time preference  for money is 10% per annum. Calculate the PV.

PV = FV / (1+i)^n
     =30000/ (1 +0.1)^5
PV=Rs. 18625

ii)Multiple Discounting

MDPV= FV / [1 +(i/f)^ n x f]

iii)Present value of annuity-Even cash flow

If the investor expects a uniform cash flow over a period of time at a definite discount rate, such cash flows present value will always be less, compared to the future flows.

PVA = FV/(1+i)^1 +FV/(1+i)^2 +FV/(1+i)^3 +FV/(1+i)^4 +FV/(1+i)^5 

where PVA is present value of annuity, 
FV = future value or uniform series of payments,
i= rate of interest expressed in decimals

1.Find out the present value of annuity(PVA) receipt of Rs.8000 received for 5 years at the rate of 8% discount rate.

PVA = FV/(1+i)^1 +FV/(1+i)^2 +FV/(1+i)^3 +FV/(1+i)^4 +FV/(1+i)^5 
=8000/(1+0.08)^1 +8000/(1+0.08)^2 +8000/(1+0.08)^3+8000/(1+0.08)^4 +         8000/(1+0.08)^5
=8000/(1.08)^1 +8000/(1.08)^2 +8000/(1.08)^3 +8000/(1.08)^4+8000/(1.08)^5
=8000/(1.08) +8000/(1.1664) +8000/(1.2597) +8000/(1.3604) +8000/(1.4693)  
=7407.4+6858.71+6350.7+ 5880.6 + 5444 .76 

2.What is the present value of  Rs.9000 received at the end of  5 years if it is discounted at the rate of 10% per annum.

PVA = FV/(1+i)^1 +FV/(1+i)^2 +FV/(1+i)^3 +FV/(1+i)^4 +FV/(1+i)^5 
=9000/(1+0.1)^1 +9000/(1+0.1)^2+9000/(1+0.1)^3+9000/(1+0.1)^4 + 9000/(1+0.1)^5
=9000/(1.1)^1 +9000/(1.1)^2 +9000/(1.1)^3 +9000/(1.1)^4 +9000/(1.1)^5
=9000/(1.1) +9000/(1.21) +9000/(1.331) +9000/(1.4641) +9000/(1.6105)  
=8181.81+7438+6761.83+6147.52+ 5588.32

iv)Present value of annuity-Uneven cash flow

PVA(UEC) = FV1/(1+i)^1+FV2/(1+i)^2 +FV3/(1+i)^ +FV4/(1+i)^4+...FVn/(1+i)^n

1.Calculate the PV  of the following series of payments received at the end of each year for a period of 5 years at a discount rate of 8% per annum.

Year         Cash flow
1               8000
2              10000
3              12000
4              14000
5              16000         

PVA(UEC) = FV1 /(1+i)^1 + FV2 /(1+i)^2 + FV3 /(1+i)^ +FV4 /(1+i)^4 +...FVn/(1+i)^n

=8000/(1+0.08)^1 +10000/(1+0.08)^2+12000/(1+0.08)^3+14000/(1+0.08)^4    + 16000/(1+0.08)^5   

=8000/(1.08)^1+10000/(1.08)^2+12000/(1.08)^3+14000/(1.08)^4+16000/(1.08)^5  = 8000/1.08 +10000/(1.1664) +12000/(1.2597) +14000/(1.3604) +
=7404.4 +8573.38 +9526.07 + 10291.09 + 10999.5
= Rs  46,687.47

2.How much should Mr. A invest to get cash flows of Rs 16000, Rs 14000, Rs 12000 ,Rs 10000 and Rs 8000 at end of years respectively at discounted rate 8%.

PVA = 16000/(1.08)^1 + 14000/(1.08)^2 + 12000/(1.08)^3+ 10000/(1.08)^4+
   = 16000/(1.08)+ 14000/(1.1664) + 12000/(1.2597)+ 10000/(1.3604)+

Doubling Period

Doubling period means the period required for an investment to get doubled.For eg, the time required for Rs. 1000 to become Rs.2000  is known as doubling period.

Sometimes, investor should know how long it will take to double his money at a given rate of interest. In this case, a rule of thumb called the rule of 72, can be used.You can calculate the doubling by dividing 72 by the interest rate.

i)Rule 72 :   Doubling period=   72 / Rate of interest

A more accurate method used for doubling your money is using the rule of 69. 

ii)Rule 69 :   Doubling period=   0.35 + 69 / Rate of interest


1.The amount of money is irrelevant
2.Under doubling period the rate of interest is not converted into decimal because only the doubling time period is calculated and does not involve any monetary calculation.

1.Calculate the doubling period for a sum of Rs.8000 at 6% per annum.

i)Rule 72 :  
 Doubling period=   72 / Rate of interest
                                 =72 / 6   = 12 years

ii)Rule 69 :   
Doubling period=   0.35 + 69 / Rate of interest
                 = 0.35 + 69 / 6
  =0.35 + 11.5
= 11.85 years , Approx. 12 years

2.In how many years a sum of money will be doubled if it is invested at 8%.

i)Rule 72 :  
 Doubling period=   72 / Rate of interest
                                 =72 / 8   = 9 years

ii)Rule 69 :   
Doubling period=   0.35 + 69 / Rate of interest
                 = 0.35 + 69 / 8
  =0.35 + 8.625
= 8.975 years , Approx. 9 years

3.Calculate the doubling period using rule 72 and rule 69 if an investor invest  a sum of money at 12% per annum.

i)Rule 72 :  
 Doubling period=   72 / Rate of interest
                                 =72 / 12  = 6 years

ii)Rule 69 :   
Doubling period=   0.35 + 69 / Rate of interest
                 = 0.35 + 69 / 12
  =0.35 + 5.75
= 6.1 years , Approx. 6 years

4.If the interest rate is 10%, what are the doubling periods of an investment at this rate ?

(a) As per rule of 72, the doubling period will be
Doubling period=   72 / Rate of interest

   72/10 = 7.2 years, Approx. 7 years

(b) As per the rule of 69, the doubling period will be

Doubling period=   0.35 + 69 / Rate of interest

       0.35 + 69/10 = 0.35 + 6.9 = 7.25 years, Approx. 7 years

Concept of valuation

Valuation refers to finding the value or worth of any asset or resource.Assets can be real assets  and financial assets.

Real assets refer to those assets which can be put into some use.Examples of real assets are building, machinery,furniture,vehicles,etc.

Financial assets refer to instruments which represent investments made on which return are expected.Examples of financial assets are shares,debentures,mutual funds etc

Valuation of Bonds and Debentures

A bond or a debenture is a debt instrument.It is an acknowledgement of debt given by an investor.Being a financial asset a bond or a debenture  is valued by taking the present value of future inflows from the bond or debenture.It is used to evaluate the securities either to buy or not to buy.


i)Redeemable debentures-carry a specific data of redemption on the certificate.The company is legally bound to repay the principle amount to the debenture holder on that day.

ii)Irredeemable debentures-They do not carry any date of redemption.The principle amount will be returned to the debenture holder at the time of winding up of the company or when the company decides to repay the amount.

i)Redeemable debentures

PVD/B(Rede)  = I1/(1+d)^1+ I2/(1+d)^2+.....In/(1+d)^n+M/(1+d)^n

where I = interest amount received ,d=debentures rate of interest

n= number of years, M= maturity value of debentures or bond

1.What is the present value of bond redeemable after 5 years yielding Rs.60 every year with the maturity value of Rs.110 capitalised at 8%.

n=5 years,  I= 60 rupees, d= 8%=0.08  , M=110 rupees

PVD/B(Rede)  = I1/(1+d)^1+ I2/(1+d)^2+.....In/(1+d)^n+M/(1+d)^n

= 60/(1+0.08)^1 +60/(1+0.08)^2 +60/(1+0.08)^3 +60/(1+0.08)^4 +60/(1+0.08)^5 


= 60/(1.08)^1 +60/(1.08)^2 +60/(1.08)^3 +60/(1.08)^4 +60/(1.08)^5 


=60/(1.08) +60/(1.1664) +60/(1.2597) +60/(1.3604) +60/(1.4693) 



=Rs. 314.44 ,  Approx  Rs.314 

2.A debenture is available in the market for Rs.1000 with Rs.80 as the interest for a year for a period of 4 years with maturity value of Rs.1120.The debenture capitalisation rate is 10%.Advice Mr.A  whether to buy this debenture or not.

80 rupees  x 4 years = 320

MV(Maturity value) - PV(Present Value) = 1120-1000= 120

There is a profit of 440. So Mr.A can be advised to buy this debenture.

ii)Irredeemable Debentures

PVD/B(Irr) = I / d

1.What is the value of an irredeemable debenture which has 260 as interest for infinite period of time at a discount rate of 9% per annum.

PVD/B(Irr) = I / 

 = 60 / 0.09 

= Rs.667

2.What is the value of an irredeemable bond yielding Rs.110 per annum as interest until dissolution of the company at 7% rate of return.

PVD/B(Irr) = I / 

 = 110 / 0.07 

= Rs.1571

Valuation of Preference shares

Preference shares are also called as preference stocks.These are the shares of the company with dividends having a fixed rate and that are paid out to the shareholders before equity dividend are distributed.

Preference shares are of two types

Valuation of Redeemable Preference shares

PVP= D1/(1+d)^1+D2/(1+d)^2+D3/(1+d)^3+D4/(1+d)^4+M4/(1+d)^4

PVP= Present value of preference shares
D1, D2,...=Dividend
M= maturity value
d= discount rate


1.How much  an investor has to pay to a preference share which has the dividend of Rs.70 per year for 4 years and the maturity value of same is Rs.1150.The capitalisation rate of this share is 8% per annum.

PVP= D1/(1+d)^1+D2/(1+d)^2+D3/(1+d)^3+D4/(1+d)^4+M4/(1+d)^4

2.What is the PV of the preference shares which earns Rs.60 dividend for 5 years and carrying maturity value at the end of 5th year Rs. 1130 at capitalisation rate 10% per annum

=60/(1.1)^1+60/(1.1)^2+60/(1.1)^3+60/(1.1))^4+ 60/(1.1)^5+1130/(1.1)^5
=Rs.929.05  Approx.Rs.929

Valuation of Irredeemable Preference shares

PVIR/PS = D / d  where D is the dividend amount, d= capitalisation rate


1.A company issues 8% irredeemable preference shares of Rs.100 each.The capitalisation rate is 6%.Calculate its present value

PVIR/PS = D / d  = 8 / 0.06 = Rs.133                           [D=100 x 8%= 8]

2.Compute the present value of 7% irredeemable preference share of Rs.100 each if it is capitalised at 11% rate.

PVIR/PS = D / d  = 7 / 0.11 = Rs.64                          [D=100 x 7%=7]    

Valuation of Equity share

Equity share refer to that part of equity capital directly contributed by the investor with a view to enjoy the ownership of the company.The reward given by the investor to the company at the year is known as dividend.This percentage of dividend is known to the investor at the commencement of issue of preference shares.
The valuation of equity shares are determined by using two approaches

i.Dividend capitalization model
ii.Earning capitalization model

Dividend capitalization model

1.Single Period valuation model-under this method it is assumed that the investor is holding the equity shares for one year and enjoying the dividend of that year and later sells his shares.

PVES= D1 / (1+d)^1  +  P1 /(1+d)^1
where PVES is the present value of equity share
D is the dividend paid in first year
P1 is the sale price of the equity share at the end of first year
d  is the discount rate 

1.Mr.A holds an equity share which has the feature of getting Rs.20 as the dividend  for the first year.He expect to sell the same share for Rs.190 at the end of the year.What is the value today if the capitalization rate is 11%

PVES= D1 / (1+d)^1  +  P1 /(1+d)^1

 = 20 / (1+0.11)^1+  190 /(1+0.11)^1
=20 / (1.11)^1+  190 /(1.11)^1
=20 / (1.11) +  190 /(1.11)
=18.01 + 171.17

2.1.Mr.A purchases an equity share which has the following feature .The dividend for the year is Rs.10.The sale price of equity at the end of first year is 140 rupees.The rate of discount is 12%.How much Mr.A should pay as of today to make investment.

PVES= D1 / (1+d)^1  +  P1 /(1+d)^1

 = 10 / (1+0.12)^1+  140 /(1+0.12)^1
=10 / (1.12)^1+  140 /(1.12)^1
=10 / (1.12) +  140 /(1.12)
=8.92 + 125

2.Double period valuation 
Under this method it is assumed that the shareholder holds the equity for a period of 2 years and sells it at the end of second year.There is a possibility that the dividend for both the years may or may not be the same.

Note:Multiple period valuation-This method is similar to double period valuation where the shareholder holds the equity for certain number of years and then sell it off.

PVES= D1 / (1+d)^1  +  D2 / (1+d)^2  + P /(1+d)^2

1.Mr.A is investing in an equity share with  the following features. It earns a dividend of 8 and 10 Rupees respectively for the first two years .The equity is capitalized at 9%  per annum. At the end of the second year Mr.A can earn 160 rupees by selling this equity.Calculate the PV of the equity.

PVES= D1 / (1+d)^1  +  D2 / (1+d)^2  + P /(1+d)^2
= 8 / (1+0.09)^1  +  10 / (1+0.09)^2  + 160 /((1+0.09)^2
= 8 / (1.09)^1  +  10 / (1.09)^2  + 160 /(1.09)^2
 =8 / (1.09)  +  10 / (1.09)^2  + 160 /(1.09)^2
=7.33+ 8.41+134.66

2.Mr.X holds an equity which has dividend of rupees 7,8 and 10 for 3 years.The equity capitalisation is 12%. He decides to sell the equity for Rs.240.How much should he invest today.

PVES= D1 / (1+d)^1  +  D2 / (1+d)^2  +  D3 / (1+d)^3P /(1+d)^3
= 7 / (1+0.12)^1  +  8 / (1+0.12)^2   +  10 / (1+0.12)^3 240 /(1+0.12)^3
= 7 / (1.12)^1  +  8 / (1.12)^2  +  10 / (1.12)^3 + 240 /(1.12)^3
 =7 / (1.12)  +  8 / (1.2544) + 10 / (1.4049)  + 240 /(1.4049)

3.Valuation of equity share where the dividend rate is constant.

The present value(PV) of equity shares of an instrument which has 'no' growth in the dividend can be determined by using the formula

PVES= D / d
D  is the dividend
d=capitalisation rate

1. XYZ Ltd. is currently paying a dividend of Rs.30 per share.It is expected that the company will pay some dividend in future  as well.The current capitalisation rate is 6%.Find out PV of this equity share.

PVES= D / d
=30 / 0.06

2.ABC company is presently paying the shareholder  a dividend of Rs.12 per share and it is expected that the company will not deviate in its dividend policy.How much should an investor invest today to purchase this share if the equity capitalisation rate is 14%.

PVES= D / d
=12 / 0.14

4.Valuation of Equity share when the dividend is growing at a constant rate

The present value(PV) of equity share with the feature of growth in dividend at the constant rate is determined using the formula

PVES = D / (d-g)
D  is the dividend
d=capitalisation rate
g=growth rate of dividend

1.A company is expected to pay a dividend of Rs.8 per share by next year.The dividends are expected to grow continuously at the rate of 10%.What is the value of equity share of the rate of return is 12%

PVES = D / (d-g)

= 8 / (0.12 -0.10)
=8 / 0.02

2.An investor is contemplating to to purchase an equity share which has the following features.Current dividend is Rs.30.Capitalisation rate is 16% and dividend is expected to grow at 8%.What is its PV 

PVES = D / (d-g)

= 30 / (0.16 -0.08)
=30 / 0.08

ii.Valuation of an equity share under Earning capitalisation method
Under this method the equity shares will be valued depending on the earning capacity of a share at a particular capitalisation rate.The same can be done calculated using the formula

PVES= E / d
E= Earnings per share
d=capitalisation rate

1.Calculate the price of ES according to earnings capitalisation approach when earnings per share is Rs.22 with a capitalisation rate of 13%

PVES= E / d
=22 / 0.13

2.Calculate the PV of ES of a company that earns a total of Rs 1,00,000 to be distributed among 10,000 shareholders with a capitalisation rate of 12%.

PVES= E / d     E = 100000 / 10000= 10 EPS
=10 / 0.12


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