Science and society 2019 solved question paper Bangalore university | Science and Society solved question paper|Third semester


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III Semester B.A. /B.Com/B.B.A. /B.H.M. Examination

December - 2019 


(CBCS) (F+R| (2015-16 & Onwards (Semester Scheme

1."Origin of Species" written by :

(a) O Parin Mendel    (b) Lamark  (c) Darwin       (d) Copernicus 

Unit-1 Important MCQ Science and Society

2.  Graphite,is used in nuclear plant as

 (a) a fuel (b) an electrode (c) moderator (d) coolant 

3.  Father of Indian Surgery is

 (a) Charaka     (c) Bhaskara    (b) Sushrutha     (d) None of the above

FM-Unit 2 Time value of money

 4.  The nearest Planet to sun is 

(a) Mars     (b) Earth (c) Moon (d) Mercury 

Science and Society 2018 solved paper

5.  Nuclear fusion means :

 (a) splitting of large atom into one or more smaller ones

 [b) fusion of 2 or more lighter atoms into larger ones .

(c) both (a) and (b)    

(d) none 

 6. To join the internet, the computer has to be connected to a :

 (a) internet architecture board (b) internet society

(c) internet service provider (d) none 

7' Which of the below is the non-renewable energy  resource ?  (b) Coal   c.hydro electricity (d) Wind power

8.The observed increase in the average temperature of the air near earths surface and in oceans in recent decades

a.environmental change     b. global warming     c. health change     d. none

9.------coined the term nano technology

a.Richard Faynman  b.  Richard Watson 

c.Norio Taniguchi         d.none of the above

10.Each Computer connected to the Internet must 

(a)be an IBM PC (b) have a unique IP address 

(c) be internet compatible (d) have a modem connection

11.Soaps are 

 (a) sodium or potassium salts of fatty acids (b) contains petroleum products only 

(c) they contains fatty acids only      (d) none

12.Which State in India ranks first in the installation of Wind Power ?

Gujarat (c) Maharashtra  (h) Andhra Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu

13.Which of this is not a Bio-fuel ? 

(a) Ethanol (c) Methanol (b) Diesel (ci) A11 the above

14.The Iron Age : 

(a) 4000 - 3000 BC     b.3000 - 1000 BC 

(c) 1000 to Present         (d) None

15.Transgenic plants are : 

(a) native       (b) contain foreign genes in their ce1ls 

{c) are used to produce disease and pest resistance crops   (d) both (b) and (c)

16.-------is regarded as father of Genetics. 

(a) Mendel (c) Hugo de beris  (b) Bateson    (d) Darwin

17.C.V. Raman won  Nobel prize for 

(a) Physics   (b) chemistry (c) Botany (d) zoology

18.The microscopes which help to observe nano-materials are 

 {a) scanning tunnelling microscope (b) atomic force microscope

 (c) electron microscope (d) both (a) and (b)

19.Expand NDDB : 

a.National Diary Development Board      b.New Diary Development Board

(c) National Daily development board      (d) None

20. yukti means :

 (a) skill    (c) Games     b. strength     d.none

21.------ is the 3rd generation  satellite launched by ISRO  in Nov 2019

a. Chandrayan II       b.  INSAT 

c.  Chandrayan I       d. Cartosat-3

22.Internet works on :  

(a) Packet switching    (c) Both    (a)  and (b) (b)circuit Switching    ( d)main switch

23.Genetic improvement  in which two crops form the basis of Green Revolution

(a) Corn and Rice (c) Wheat and Rice (b) Wheat id) Wheat and Corn and Ragi

24.Who discovered Human Blood groups ? 

(a) James Watson       (b) Alexander Fleming

  (c) Land Steiner        (d) Einstein

25.Magnitude scale for earthquake is 

(a) Richter (c) Meitner(b) Corneli (d) Heisenberg

26.who released a special stamp fitted "wheat Revolution,, in July 1968 ?

 (a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Indira Gandhi (d) M.S. Swaminathan

27.Expand DNA :

  (a) Deoxyribo nucleic acid (b) De-ribo nucleic acid 

(c) Deoxy nucleic acid          (d) none

28.which of the following causes least pollution when burnt ? 

(a) Petrol (c) Coal (b) Diesel (d) Natural gas

29.The only metal in liquid state is 

a.Iron   b.calcium   c. magnesium     d. mercury

30.The first Indian Satellite launched through Indian made launch vehicle in the year 1980 is

(a) Aryabhata   (b) Bhaskara   (c) Apple    d Rohini

31.Birth place of renaissance is 

a.Italy      b.America      c. India     d.Britain

32.Photovoltaic energy is the conversion of sunlight into 

(a) Chemical energy/ (c) Bio gas energy    (b) Electricity  (d) Geothermal energy

33.The most energy/ efficient and environment safe source of light is : 

(a) CFL (b) LCD (c) LED (d) LPG

34.Which of the following is not a naturally occurring nuclear fuel ?

(a) Uranium - 23i8 (c) Plutonium - 239 (b) Thorium - 233 (d) None

35.-----said there is electricity in lightening

(a) Micheal Faraday (c) Galileo   b.Benjamin Franklien      d. Copernicus

36.Heliocentric System given by 

(a) Nicholas Copernicus   (c) Oldharn    b. Galiieo     (d) Einstein

37.Chernobyl Nuclear accident occurred in early morning of

(a) 26th April 1986 (c) 26th June 1987 (b) 25th March 1986 (d) 26th July 1987

38. Gariita Sara Sangraha is written by  

(a) Aryabhata (c) Bhaskara    b)Mahavira Acharya          d)Nilakanta

40.The antibiotic Penicillin is obtained from 

 a)Staphylococcus    b)Streptococcus  c)Penicillium notatum      d)All the above

Part B 

Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks.

41.Which one is found only in males ? '

 (a) X chromosome (b) y chromosome (c) 2 X chromosome (d) None

42.Match the correct pair : 

                         Disease                           Causes 

                          (A) typhoid                   (1) pneumococcus 

                          (B) Tuberculosis           (2) HIV 

                          (C) AIDS                       (3) Mycobacterium 

                           (D) Pneumonia             (4) Salmonetla typhi 

(a) (A)-(4), (B)-(3), (c)-(2), (D)-(1)  

b)(A)-(3), (B)-(2), (c)-4), (D)-(1)

 (c) (A)-(2), (B)-(4), (c)-(1), (D)-(3)

 (d) (A)-(1), (B)_(s), (c)_(4), (D)-(2)

The chemical used in manufacturing soaps which has high risk of causing Cancer in : 

(a) Trethanolamine (c) Propyienegiycol 

 (b) PEG-6A and Sodium PCA (d) All of  the above

E= mc 2 is an equation to prove

 (a) Photoelectric effect (b) Radioactivity (c) Brownian motion (d) Theory of relativity

HTML stands for : 

(a) Hypertext Makeup Limited (b) Hotmail Markup Limited

 (c) Hotmail Markup Language (d) Hypertext Markup Language

LASER is used in these areas :

 (a) Medicine and Industry (b) Military and Law 

(c) Research and Laser Light Show (d) Ali the above

PSLV means :

 (a) polar Satellite Landing Vehicle (b) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle

 (c) Polar Satellite toad Vehicle (d) polar Service Launch Vehicle

During White Revolution the Research institute of-------- developed a vaccine called

(a) Hyderabad -Raksha(c) Hyderabad-vaccine (b) Gujarat - Raksha (d) Cow - Raksha

Rediscovery of rational civilization exemplified by

(a) Greece     (b)Rome   (c) Both  (a) and (b)   (d) None

The first structure of DNA was determined in -------by-------

(a) 1953 by James Watson (c) 1953 by Darwin 

(b) 1953 by Land Steiner (d) 1935 by planck

The word science comes from----------meaning---------

a)Latin meaning Language (b) Latin meaning Information 

c)Greek meaning Knowledge (d) Latin meaning Knowledge

Which is the first Nuclear Power Plant in India

 (a) Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (b) Tarapur Atomic Power Station

 (c) Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant  (d) Madras Atomic Power Station

One nano is equal to 

 (a) 10-m     (b) 9^-10 m      (c) 10^-10 m       (d) 9^-9 m

Through wind mill motor generator ------is converted into-----------

(a) wind energy to electricity (c) kinetic energy to electricity

(b) wind energy to chemical energy (d) wind energy to kinetic energy

Match the correct pair : 

(A) Indian Nuclear programme     ( I ) M. S. Swaminathan

(B) Green Revolution                       (2) Vasant Gowarikar

(C) Indian Monsoon Model              (3) Homi J. Bhabha

{D) White Revolution                        (4) Kurien Varghese

 (a) (A)-(2), (B)-(3), (c)-(4), (D)_(1)    

(b) (A)-(1), (B)_(3), (c)_(4), (D)_(2) 

(c) (A)-(4), (B)-(2), (c)-(1), (D)_(3)

 (d) (A)-(3), (B)_(1), (c)_(2), (D)_(4)

Science and Society 2018 solved paper

Science and Society 2017 solved paper

Unit-1 Important MCQ Science and Society

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