The Liar-Mulk Raj Anand | B.Com/BBA English notes Bangalore university

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The Liar

Mulk Raj Anand

About the author

Mulk Raj Anand was one of the first Indian writers in the English language to make a mark on the international scenario. Mulk Raj Anand is such a writer who had made various experiments on language. While doing so he used language in such a way that the portrayal of character and situation immediately capture the reader’s attention. He depicts his characters from all sections of Indian society. These characters are drawn from higher, middle and lower class in the society.  Considered a pioneer of the Anglo-Indian fiction, he is best remembered for his depiction of the poorer classes of people in India and their plight. His writings are rich with the realistic and touching portrayal of the problems of the common man, often written with heart wrenching clarity. In story The Liar the author has portrayed the theme of storytelling, caste discrimination, friendship, innocence of the childhood, respect and jealousy.

 Short answer questions

1.What was Labhu's defining character?

Labhu's was a born liar. He was a teller of tell-tales. He had a glint of a lance and the glide of an arrow and had such a vivid imagination that he was able to take mundane events and spin elaborate stories out of them which  makes him a very agreeable companion.

A work of Art-Anton Chekhov

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2. Labhu had a glint of a --------- and the glide of an-------

Labhu had a glint of a lance and the glide of an arrow

3.Why was the narrator Labhu's devoted follower?

It was the spell that his tragic verses and weird stories cast on narrator that  made him Labhu's devoted follower through his childhood.

4.The narrator was a critical pupil .True or false

True.It is noticeable that sometimes Labhu’s tales were so fanciful that the narrator does not believe them and used to question Labhu. So Labhu usually used to teach him with examples as narrator was rather a critical people.

5.What did Subedar and his employers think of Labhu?

Subedar and his employers had  malicious misrepresentation about Labhu's character.They told that he could only wait by the forest pool or a safe footpath, to shoot at some unfortunate beast and often shoots in the dark with the inefficient gunpowder of his and he was no good except for tracking.According to them he was a boaster and a liar.

6.Why was Labhu limping?

Labhu was limping because he had sprained his foot while leaping across the mountain and because of pain was unable to walk.

7..The narrator respected Labhu as a

a.story teller


c shikari


Answer.story teller

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Paragraph answer questions

1.Describe Labhu

Labhu, the old shikari of narrator's village, was a born liar. Therefore he had won the reputation of being the best storyteller in those areas. Even though a sweeper of low caste, he was honoured by all and sundry.He had such a vivid imagination that he was  able to take mundane events and spin elaborate stories out of them. This made him a very agreeable companion and unfortunately also earned him the reputation of being a liar. Labhu has a vivid imagination and a willingness to share his imagination with others not so much to boost his own self-worth but to entertain and enchant those who listen to his stories.Even though he was a liar he had a fond attachment towards narrator and loved him very much.

2.Provide a character analysis of the narrator

The narrator was a young boy who had a strong bond or friendship with Labhu .Just like any other children of his age, the narrator was very much interested in stories and admired Labhu for his  weird and vivid stories.The narrator was Labhu's devoted follower because  his tragic verses and weird stories had cast a spell on him It can be seen by the fact that they forget their disagreement when Labhu returns from his hunting trip.When Labhu goes for hunting tour the narrator always regretted his absence.

When narrator happens to hear Subedar and his employees and sometimes his father also, misrepresenting  Labhu's character, and was calling  him a liar and a boaster, narrator was not believing that and had the thought  that because Labhu belonged to the lower caste and they were actually not good hunters like Labhu they were telling bad about Labhu.. The narrator was having more trust on Labhu and was not ready to believe any of the stories told by others and was waiting for Labhu's return to hear it from his mouth.All this shows the trust  and innocent love the narrator had for Labhu. 

If anything the narrator was genuinely concerned about was, Labhu’s well-being. When Labhu returned limping and was ill, the narrator was actually very sad to see him broken and disappointed. He forgets all the scandal about him and was worrying about his change in character.The fact that Labhu was not well might also be important ,as through his illness, he is able to produce another fantastical tale which keeps the narrator mesmerised. The narrator was still young is also  significant as there is a sense that he was still innocent of the world and as such believes a lot of what Labhu tells him. The narrator takes a lot of happiness from listening to Labhu tell his stories.Thus we can see a pure bond of friendship, innocent love and trust between the narrator and Labhu.

3.What did Labhu think of Kuldeep Singh and his friends?

Labhu had the opinion that Kuldeep can't shoot at any range and wondered what he did in army and according to Labhu Kuldeep's friends were clumsy, purblind white men. Whenever Labhu points to a beast with his stick, though they could see the hide with their eyes ,they used to bungle with their guns or were too noisy on their feet and away crashed the bull which they had been tracking.Then Labhu would grunt and shrug his shoulders and did not mind as they all were like children for him.They had finished hundred of cartridges and had not shot anything and used to daily beg Labhu to help them to secure some game.

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4.What explanation was given by Labhu when the narrator asked him about his limp?

Labhu told narrator that on his eight day of hunting tour with Kuldeep Singh and his friends, they saw a monster which had the body of a wild boar , the head of a reindeer , feet of a goat, and the tail of a wild bull with glistening fibrous tissue all around it.Seeing it Kuldeep Singh and his friends were frightened and said it was the devil itself in the form of earthly being.They were all for killing it outright but Labhu was sure that it was only a  princess of the royal house of Nepal who had been transformed by some magician into that fantastic shape and size. Labhu wanted to catch it alive and bring it home to be his bride.He told that he loved her but by that time some fool, whom Labhu thought as subedar's son,fired a volley of shots which frightened her and she ran and became one with the air and ascended the snowy peaks of Kailash Parbat. 

On an attempt to rescue her Labhu leaped from one mountain to another, calling after her, to stop.But those idiot Kuldeep and sahibs kept on shooting and roused the magician who kept guard over her, that the evil sage throws a huge mountain of snow on Labhu to kill him. Labhu then just blows a  hot breath and the mountain of snow was cracked into a million pieces and then the magician  stuck the earth with his feet and opened up a grave to bury Labhu alive. Labhu then leapt right across the fissure  and found himself on a  peak in the land of the lan who never dies.By that time the magician had hidden the beauty away in some cave, Labhu had to give up the chase as there was the  doom of death about his beauty and so he took one leap across the Himalayas for home and while landing sprained his foot which made him limb.

5.Recount anyone story told by Labhu which  impressed  the narrator

Labhu tells narrator a story that , once when he was hunting with subedar they saw an apparition with him.It was  a beast with the  size of an elephant ,with eyes as big hen's eggs,and a beard as long as that of the priest of the mosque and had huge ears as big as an elephant's,which did not flap and it had square jaws which showed teeth almost as big as the chunks of marble lying outside the temple , as it laughed at subedar. It appeared unexpectedly at the peak of Devi Parbat and Subedar and Labhu had ascended about twelve thousand feet up the mountain in search of game, when suddenly, out o f the spirit world ,there was the clattering of stones and boulders,the whistling of sharp winds,the gurgling of thunder and a huge crack on the side of the mountain.Then an enormous figure seemed to rise,

From a distance, it seemed to both of them, like a dark patch and they thought it was an oorial and began to stalk towards it Then to their surprise it was standing there facing them with its glistening white eye'e as a hen's egg, and it sneezed and ripped the mountain side with a kick of its forefeet and disappeared.The mountain shook and subedar trembled , and  Labhu told the narrator that he stood there bravely and laughed till he wept with joy at his good luck in having seen so marvellous a manifestation of the devil-god of the tribe of rains. Labhu is also telling the narrator that he shall show 'him' to the narrator on one of those  days.The narrator was fully fascinated by this story of Labhu.

Essay Question

"Story telling is an art".Elaborate with reference to the lesson "The Liar"

In the lesson The liar by Mulk Raj Anand the narrator is exploring the way in which Labhu the shikari  is able to make up stories. Labhu had the ability to make up fascinating stories as he was a teller of tell-tales.Because of his stories, even though a sweeper of low caste, he was honoured by all and sundry.He had such a vivid imagination that he was  able to take mundane events and spin elaborate stories out of them. This made him a very agreeable companion and unfortunately also earned him the reputation of being a liar. 

Labhu has a vivid imagination and a willingness to share his imagination with others not so much to boost his own self-worth but to entertain and enchant those who listen to his stories.The narrator was a young boy who had a strong bond or friendship with Labhu .Just like any other children of his age, the narrator was very much interested in stories and admired Labhu for his  weird and vivid stories.The narrator was Labhu's devoted follower because  his tragic verses and weird stories had cast a spell on him.

When Labhu described  about his hunting experience with subedar, he explained about the beast they saw in a very imaginative way. He told it was  a beast with the  size of an elephant ,with eyes as big as hen's eggs,and a beard as long as that of the priest of the mosque and had huge ears as big as an elephant's,which did not flap and it had square jaws which showed teeth almost as big as the chunks of marble lying outside the temple.This itself proves that he was good in the art of story making.

Even when he came back limping after his hunting tour with Kuldeep Singh and his friends , the reason he told narrator for his limping was another great story. He told that on the eighth day of their hunting they saw a monster which according to Labhu was a  princess of the royal house of Nepal who had been transformed by some magician into that fantastic shape and size.On an attempt to rescue her Labhu leaped from one mountain to another.But the shooting of  Kuldeep and sahibs roused the magician who kept guard over her, that he throws a huge mountain of snow on Labhu to kill him and  stuck the earth with his feet and opened up a grave to bury Labhu alive. Labhu then leapt right across the fissure  and found himself on a  peak but had to give up the chase and so he took one leap across the Himalayas for home and  the landing sprained his foot which made him limb.

Thus throughout the lesson we can see that even though Labhu was s shikari, it was his stories which created so much recognition and respect for him and also made narrator his ardent follower.The story of Labhu itself thus shows  that "Story telling is an art?.

Language Exercise 

1.Draft a sales letter introducing a new talcum powder in the market.

A sales letter for introducing  a new talcum powder

Skin Care Products Ltd

No.1,Industrial Estate,Peenya,Bangalore-87


Ms. Sita



Dear Madam

We are very proud to introduce to you our new range of talcum powder which takes care of your skin gently.Our new talcum powder is made with natural skin friendly ingredients which take gentle care of your skin with its lingering fragrance.

We hope you will be eager to try it.Hurry up as the stocks are limited and also we have an exciting introductory offer of 50% off on your purchase.So hurry and grab your offer.

                                                                          Yours faithfully

                                                                          For Skin Care Products Ltd.


                                                                           Sales Manager

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