PRCC Unit 3 Creativity|B.Com Third semester Bangalore University

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Unit 3 


Creative Mind 

A mind that is quick to grasp any happening around it and by associating it with his current knowledge and experience to generate something meaning full is termed as creative mind. 

A creative mind is the one that sees information – particularly from the world around it – and relates it to their experiences and existing knowledge in order to create.

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Characteristics/Features of creative mind: 

1.Uniqueness: Creative minds do not comply with set standards and resolutions. Usually they are rebellious as they prefer doing things out of the box. 

2.Motivation: They are target oriented ,believe in performance, have a creative attitude and have the determination to resolve challenging situations. 

3.Ambition: It is the desire for success, honour and power . People who are ambitious  try their level best to achieve goals. 

4.Flexibility: They process the capacity to visualize issues from various angles  and adjust accordingly and come with the best resolution. 

5.Low emotional stability: Creative minds easily loss their self confidence, face, mental and emotional problems .

 6.Not cordial: They are less thought full and tend to point out errors and weakness in others.

Importance of creativity: 

1.Ability to discover new solution: Creativity  has the capacity to look up for better solutions to issues and inventing new things. Hence creativity is appreciated as creativity can bring out wonderful solutions.

2.Increases efficiency: It acts as a main source to develop ideas in order to increase the efficiency and usefulness of a system. 

3.Enhances knowledge: Creativity provides the benefits of in- depth knowledge and skills to the people and also widens the scope of a knowledge. 

4.Assets in exploring opportunities: In the initial stage new ideas might be developed by thinking totally out of the box or by following a dynamic process or alternative set of action. 

5.Faith and confidence: When we create ,we recognize that our work does matter even if it is not published ,displayed or presented to the public. We trust our strength and gain confidence that carries over into decisions, we make in other areas of life. 

6.Stress relief: Being creative makes us happy. Art is fun and doing anything that brings joy reduces our stress levels and improves our quality of life.

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Elements of Creativity: 

1.Learn: The people must learn something new every day. The people enhance their learning capabilities to competitive in the present scenario. In order to achieve their dreams and be successful in life the people must involve themselves in continuous learning. 

2.Finding relationship between facts The creative thinkers produce ideas by finding the relationship between facts .Facts merely on their own are useless until one sees the connection between them. When you see the connection between facts. You are able to create something different. 

3.Make a List: Creative thinkers use as mental road maps. Now take a good look at your list. Keeping in mind the habits of creative thinking.

4.Avoid interruption: You don’t want someone knocking down your ideas before those ideas flourish. when it comes to bring a freelancer though, we have to some times tone down our creative mind. 

5.Broad perspective: One must put efforts to think beyond a one way street. As a creative freelancer you need broad perspective. Creative minds are also curious about how the world works. 

6.Take risks: It is perfectly 'ok'  to be wrong sometimes.'.To be creative you must consider new and  untested, ideas. Famous scientist Einstein said that he could have ninety nine ideas that were wrong before he got the one that was right.

7.Enjoy the creation process: Do not focus on the result. Enjoy the process of creations. If you constantly break the flow to check to how the final result will look to others,you will subvert the process and possibly damage your creation. 

8.Implement: Don’t wait for the perfect moment.. Painter paint, scrape the paint off and paint again. Writers write and delete. They don’t wait until they can do it perfectly before they start. So start with your creations and do not hesitate to implement it.

Factors affecting creativity: 

There are two factors that impact creativity such as Factors at individual level and Factors at organizational factors.


I. Factors at individual level

There are a number of individual factors which are associated with creativity like, 

1.Education: The acquired knowledge and expertise can have major influence on creativity. 

2.Family: The atmosphere ,background, nature and size of the family  of an individual can also influence on creativity. 

3.Creative thinking: Imagination, flexibility and thinking out of the box can influence creativity.

4.Living Environment: Location ,society, friends and leisure activities can also influence  creativity. 

5.Age: The creative activities which always tend to decrease with the increasing age.

6.Personality: Varied interests, self confidence, value and honesty also contribute for creativity. 

II. Factors at organisational level

a)Organizational Encouragement: It involves encouragement of risk taking and idea generation at all levels.Two way flow of ideas between employees and management makes employees feel happy. Positive feedback through performance related evaluation, reward and bonus also encourage employees. 

b)Supervisory encouragement: The clarity of goals and clarity of problem definition,open interaction and support for the team work and ideas all comes under supervisory encouragement.The excellent communication with middle level management can solve the problems of employees. 

c)Work group encouragement: Diversity of the background of team members,mutual openness to ideas,shared commitment etc are also factors which affect creativity. 

d) Autonomy or Freedom: Autonomy or freedom in day to day conduct of work,sense of ownership and control over work and ideas are factors that can affect creativity.

e)Resources: Adequate financial resources and human resources also contribute for the development of creativeness of the employee. 

f)Creative Location: Geographical location, staff canteens and variety of facilities like  good ventilation and lighting can affect the creativeness.

g) Security &Safety: Safety of Employees ,security of job (No hire and Fire mentality)health and hygiene in working environment can have an impact on the creativity  

h) Pressure: Stress factor due to work pressure has the immediate influence on employees.

Methods of Enhancing Creativity 

1. Rephrasing the problem to give it a fresh perspective 

2. Breaking up the problem into smaller, manageable parts 

3. Using different language structures: Put it positively, put it in question form, make it        exciting 

4. Stimulate yourself to think beyond the obvious 

5. Habituate yourself to try learning something new everyday 

6. Trust your intuitive abilities 

7. Enhance imagination 

8.Capture ideas that occur to you – any place, anytime 

9.Take risks, have courage to be creative. 

10. Look at the problem/situation from different perspectives 

11. Interact, ask questions, and be aware of social environment 

12. Be physically and emotionally fit

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Methods of Enhancing creativity: 

1.Stimulate Yourself: The people who involve in stimulating themselves with a variety of new sounds, conversations, taste, people etc. leads to enhance creativity within self. The stimulation's lead to enhance performance in the individuals. 

2.Identify creativity mood: The individual  must know their creative moods. When people are stressed due to daily routine it is better for them to break the routine and involve in some other activities. For example the individual can  go for holiday. So that they get back their energy for doing creative things. The creative moods can result in evolving new ideas and concepts. 

3.Give space for yourself: The people involving in continuous work lead to stress. The people manage stress by giving space for themselves in the busy schedule. For example people work on daily basis but release stress by taking holiday or rest for one day in a week. 

4.Avoid Ideal time: Time plays vital role in every one’s life. The individuals must  practice to be productive  to enhance efficiency in them. The people engaging in bringing new ideas ,perspectives, questions and experiences to the problems do effective and optimum utilization of time which leads to achievements in life. 

5.Leadership: Leadership is the key linkage between individual creativity, knowledge and organizational innovation. Leadership influences motivation. Leaders can  motivate people in developing a sense of pride in them which results in achieving individual and common goals and also help people to come out with creative ideas.

6.Enhance Imagination: The enhanced creative imaginative power has helped brilliant thinkers, generous and ordinary people to discover fantastic theories and concepts. The imagination power of the people helps to boost creativity. Many great creations were done because of brilliant imagination.

7.Situations: The people experience majority of ideas into mind in every day situations. For example the idea can be generated while working, talking , walking etc. The individual must focus to catch these ideas and work on it in appropriate direction to be successful in life.. 

8.Capture Ideas: People experience or come out with best ideas unexpectedly. The idea may generate sometimes at inconvenient situations. It is important to make some preparations to catch hold of ideas. The people can make use of mobiles, laptops, computers, notepads etc. to capture these ideas and get more benefits from the ideas. 

9.Variation: Variation helps people to enhance creativity. It supplies lot of new experiences, feelings, thoughts ,ideas and insights in the individuals. For example the people can involve in listening to new music, conversation with friends etc. Routine can be barrier to innovation and creativeness. 

10.Brain storming: The creative potential of brainstorming can be beneficial to enhance creativity. Brainstorming Helps to establish associations and integrate different ideas with each other. A brain storming session can help to generate many new ideas, concepts and associations. 

11. Evolve Ideas:  people must find new ideas as a result of existing thoughts. For example people can ask questions for themselves like how to solve an existing problem or how to improve an already existing idea and must evolve with new innovative solutions.

 12.Thinking out of the box: The ability to think out of the box is a fantastic characteristic that creative people possess. Thinking out of the box means approaching things in a completely different way than you would have normally done and this would enhance creativity. The people must have openness to different ideas or thoughts. 

Techniques of Creativity 


 Brain storming is technique of finding a creative solution to a problem which involves an individual or a group who discuss the problem. Brain storming is one of the most popular techniques of creativity. It is a process for generating creative ideas and solutions through concentrated and freewheeling group discussion. It combines a relaxed, informal approach to problem solving with imaginative thinking. 

Brain storming is a conference technique by which a group attempts to find a solution for a specific problem by amassing all the ideas spontaneously by its members. Brain storming is the creation of an optimal state of mind for generating new ideas.

2.Attributes listing

 In this technique, when a problem is confronted we have to list all the attributes of the problem. This gives us a direction to think on those lines required. It breaks down a problem into smaller parts to enable us to examine each part. 

Attributes listing technique is popular in business enterprise as the permutation & combination of different attributes & features of products will help come out with a novel product/service. It is an effective method for generating new ideas by making new combinations of the components.

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