Science and society 2017 solved paper mcq





(CBCS) (F+R) (2015-16 and Onwards) (Semester Scheme) 


1.Copernicus is well known for his contribution in

a.Biology   b.Physics    c.Mathematics     d.Social science

2, The discovery of 'Cape of Good Hope' goes to

 a) Columbus  b) Vespucci     c) Vagellan  d) Bartolomeu Dias

3. Nano particles of which substance were found on the surface of the sword of Tipu Sultan ? 

a) Gold   b) Lead  c) Carbon  d) Silicon

4.The size of nano particles is between

a.100-1000   b. 0.1 - 10   c. 1-100   d. 0.01 - 1

5. Main branch of mathematics is 

a) Algebra c) Statistics b) Geometry d) Abacus

6. Which is the base of scientific development ?

 a) Physics c) Engineering b) Chemistry d) Mathematics

7. Principle of laser is

 a) Spontaneous absorption  b) Simulated emission c) lnduced emission  d) Both b) and c)

8.Laser is the short form of 

a) light absorption stimulated emission of radiation b) light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 

c) light amplification stimulated emission of rays d) light adsorption stimulated rays

9. OFC stands for 

a) Optical Fibre Cables c) Optical Forged Cables b) Optic Forced Cables d) Optical Fibre Can

10. The most energy efficient and environment safe source of light is

a) CFL  b) LCD    c) LED  d) LPG

11.Compound microscope has ---lenses

a)1     b)2     c)3      d)4

12. The resolving power of unaided human eye is 

a) 100 micro m b) 1000 micro m c) 10 micro m d) 1 micro m

13. Photograph which is taken from microscope is known as 

a) macrograph    b) monograph   c) micrograph   d) pictograph

14. Process in which two light nuclei combine to form a heavy nucleus is called

a) fusion reaction  b) fission reaction   c) radioactivity   d) transmutation

15. Genetic improvements in which two crops form the basis of the Green Revolution

 a) Corn and rice   b) Wheat and corn c) Wheat and rice d) Wheat and sorghum

16. The nearly perfect source of energy is 

 a) coal c) petrol b) natural gas d) tar

17.DNA is not a genetic material in 

a) Human b) Virus   c) Plant    d) Animal

18. DNA stands for

 a) Disaccharide Nucleic Acid      b) Diphenyl Nucleic Acid 

c) Diribose NuclearAcid           d) Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid

19.The objectives of experiments include

 a) testing hypothesis          b) for supporting and negating theory

 c) for gathering about natural phenomenon     d) all  the above

20.The detailed report of the whole work prepared in a standard format is called

 a) research    b) presentation    c) thesis    d) scientific paper

21.The only metal in liquid state is 

a) iron    b) mercury    c) calcium  d) magnesium

22. Stainless steel is so called because of its 

a) High strength b) High corrosion resistance c) High ductility d) Brittleness

23. Layer of atmosphere in which Ozone layer lies is

 a) Exosphere b) Mesosphere c) Troposphere d) Stratosphere

24. One of the best solutions to get rid of non biodegradable wastes is 

a) Burying    b) Burning     c) Recycling    d) Dumping

25. Which state irrigates largest percentage of land ? 

a) Haryana b) Uttar Pradesh c) Maharashtra d) Punjab

26, Which of the following is not a primary pollutant ?

a) SO   c) O3    b) Volcanic ash   d) co2

27 . The earth originated 

a) 4.6 billion yrs.    b) 8'5 billion yrs'    c)2.6 billion yrs.   d)1.3 billion yrs

28. The first formed photosynthetic organisms were 

a) Algae    b) Cyanobacteria    c) Bryophytes    d) Plants

29. The scientifically suggested reason for the extinction of dinosaurs is

 a) volcanic eruptions b) massive storm c) massive asteroid hit d) massive flood

30. Soap does not work well with 

a) hard water    b) light water c) heavy water d) soft water

31.Hard water contains the salts of 

a) Aluminium    b) Carbon     c) Calcium      d) lron

32. INTELSAT lV telecommunication satellite has a capacity of handling

 a) 1 TV channel b) 2 TV channels    c) 3 TV channels    d) 4 TV channels

33. Headquarters of ISRO is situated

 a) Chandipur b) Chandigarh    c) Bengaluru    d) Chennai

34. Satish Dhawan space centre is situated in 

a) Bengaluru b) Ahamedabad c) Chennai   d) Sriharikota

35. Remote sensing includes gathering of 

a) lmages    b) Changes    c) Movements    d) Sounds

36. Landsat program began in 

a) 1972   b) 200s   c) 1982    d) 1992

37. To join the internet, the computer has to be connected to a 

a) internet architecture board b) internet society

 c) internet service provider d) none of the mentioned

38. lnternet works on 

a) Packet switching c) Both a) and b)

 b) Circuit switching d) None of the mentioned

39. Drug is 

a) produced by endocrine glands      b) produced by exocrine glands 

c) are secreted through pituitary gland   d) externally administered chemical substances

40, Lakes and forests are best classified as examples of 

a) artificial ecosystem b) natural Ecosystem 

c) natural biosphere d) artificial biosphere

Unit-1 Important MCQ Science and Society

Part B

41. Photovoltaic energy is the conversion of sunlight into 

a) chemical energy b) bio gas     c) electricity    d) geothermal energy

42. The outermost layer of the earth is

 a) Magma    b) Mantle    c) Crust  d) Solid iron core

43. LED stands for 

a) Laser Emitting Diode  b) Light Emitting Diode

 c) Light Emitting Device     d) Laser Emitting Device

44. Lignite, bituminous, anthracite is the variety of

 a) naturalgas c) petrol  b) wind d) coal

45. BTU is measurement of 

a) Volume   b) Temperature    c) Area      d) Pressure

46. Non conventional energy sources are 

a) biomass, solar, wind b) nuclear, coal, petrol 

c) thermal, nuclear, diesel d) all the above

Energy generated by using wind, solar, small hydro, tides, geothermal heat and biomass is known a non-conventional energy. All these sources are renewable process of energy generation and do not cause environmental pollution.

47. Match the correct Pair. 

A) Indian nuclear Programme           1. M. S. Swaminathan

B) Green revolution                           2. Vasant Gowarikar 

 C) Indian monsoon model                3. Homi J Bhabha

 D) White revolution                          4. Kurien Varghese

a) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1 

 b) A-4, B-2,C-1, D-3

c) A-1, B-3, C-4,D-2  

 d) A-3, B-1, c-2, D-4

48.------ and -------are two major discoveries of 15h century which led to expansion of white colonies outside Europe.

 a) Mariners compass and telescope   b) Spinning machine and telescope 

c) Gun powder and steam engine     d) None of the above

49. Match the correct pair. 

Diseases Gar"s 

A) Typhoid               1. Pneumococcus 

B) Tuberculosis        2. HIV 

C) AIDS                    3. Mycobacterium 

D) Pneumonia           4. Salmonella Typhi 

a) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1

 b) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1

 c) A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3 

d) A-1, B-3, C-4,D-2

50. Name the MOEFCC campaign for land use science or Forest plus. 

a) Good Wood b) Wood Good  c) Wood is Good   d) Good Earth

51. Union Environment ministry approved projects for climate change in which States ?

 a) Rajasthan      b) Gujarat    c) Manipur  d) Both a) and b)

Environment ministry approves climate change projects in Rajasthan, Gujarat and Sikkim.

52. The process of introduction of weakened pathogen into a human body is called

a) vaccination  b) immunization 

c) attenuation  d) none of the above

53. Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana of Government of India, is related to

 a) child development b) house for individual c) skill development d) none of the above

The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) is an initiative of the Government of India which aims at providing affordable housing to the urban poor by the year 2022.

54.Which of the following States in India ranks first in the installation of wind power ?

 a) Gujarat    b) Andhra Pradesh      c) Maharashtra      d) Tamil Nadu

55' The observed increase in the average temperature of the air near earths surface and oceans in recent decades

 a) environment change b) global warming   c) health change d) none of these

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Unit-1 Important MCQ Science and Society

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