Important MCQ Science and Society | Solved mcq for B.Com/BBA |

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Science and Society  MCQ

1.The word science is derived from the 

a. Latin    b. Greek     c. Sanskrit    d. English

2.The word science comes from the Latin word

a. ciencia       b. Scienza      c. Episteme   d. Scientia

3.The word Scientia means

a.Natural phenomena   b.Knowledge    c.Physical evidence  d.Experimentation a systematic and logical approach in discovering how things in the universe work

a. History   b.astrology    c.Science       d.Mathematics

Unit-2 Time value of money

5.Science refers to

a.A system of acquiring knowledge

b.A system of physical evidence

c.A system of natural phenomenon

d.A system of experimentation

6.The purpose of science is the systematic study of

a. a system of natural phenomenon

b.Make a system of physical evidence

c.Make a system of experimentation

d.Produce useful model of reality

7.A social science is a systematic study of

a.The natural world               b.Models of reality  

c.Human behaviour and society       d.Experimentation

8.Anatomy is the study of

a.Structure of an animal or plant

b.Life on earth and on space

c.structure and interaction of the complex organic molecules found in living system

d.all the above

9.Evolutionary biology is the study of

a.Structure of an animal or plant

b.Life on earth and on space

c.Evolutionary process that produced the diversity of life on the earth

10. Genetics is the study of

a.Human evolution, variation and classification

b.Cell structure and function


d.Dealing with plant life

11.Immunology is the study of

a.All aspects of the immune system

b.Human evolution, variation and classification


d.Dealing with plant life

12.Neuroscience is the study of

a.Structure or function of the nervous system and brain

b.Structure or function of the macromolecules

c.Human evolution, variation and classification

d.Microorganisms- bacteria, protozoan parasites, viruses and fungi 

13 Toxicology is the study of

a.The structure of an animal or plant

b.The nature, effects and detection of poisons

c.All aspects of the immune system

d.Microorganisms - bacteria, protozoan parasites, viruses and fungi

14. The English word scientist was first coined by

a.Landsteiner  b. Oldham   c.Einstein     d.William Whewell

15.Scientific methods have been employed since the middle ages by

a.Haber    b. Ibn Al-Haytham       c. Oldham     d.Einstein

 16.Empirical investigation of the natural world has been described since antiquity by

a.Landsteiner     b. Oldham      c.Einstein      d.Aristotle

17. Which stage scientist do not always possess exquisite technical skills

a.2nd stage     b.3rd stage     c.4th stage      d. 1st stage

18.In 1543______ proposed to switch the places of the earth and the sun

a.Nicholas Copernicus     b.Galileo   c. Oldham     d.Einstein

19.Who hoped that “my labors contribute somewhat even to the common wealth of the church?

a. Oldham   b. Nicholas Copernicus     c. Galileo      d.Einstein

20.The surface of the moon is not smooth, uniform and precisely spherical as a great number of philosophers believe it to be, but is uneven, rough, and full of cavities and prominences, being not unlike the face of the earth, relieved by chains of mountains and deep valleys

a.Nicholas Copernicus     b.Galileo       c. Oldham     d. Einstein

3rd sem SS Science and society 2019 solved paper

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21.Who laid down the first accurate laws of motion for masses?

a.Nicholas Copernicus    b.Galileo       c. Oldham       d.Einstein

22.Who introduced telescope?

a.Nicholas Copernicus  b.Galileo     c. Oldham   d.Einstein

23.The renaissance was a time of great ____ change in Europe

a.Social    b.cultural      c.both     d.none of these

24.The renaissance spanned from the

a.13th to the 16th centuries

b.14th to the 16th centuries

c.14th to the 15th centuries

d.15th to the 16th centuries

25.The renaissance birthplace

a.Italy     b.America    c. India       d.Australia

26.The European renaissance began in northern Italy in

a.1st century     b.12th century     c.13th century      d.14th century

27.The _______ city is considered the birth place of renaissance

a.London     b.Delhi     c. Paris     d.Tuscan

28.New way of thinking sparked by a philosophy known as

a.Humanism      b.Socialism       c.Behaviourism        d.Politics

29.Pioneering renaissance scientist and inventor include

a.Galileo Galilei       b.Lenordo da Vinci   c.Both a and b   d.None of these

30.In 1507 an Italian writer named _____ published a famous book called “the courtier”

a.Nicholas Copernicus    b.Count Baldassare Castiglione    c.Oldham      d.Haber

31.Rediscovery of rational civilization exemplified by

a.Greece      b.Rome       c. Both       d.None of these

32.Representation of property owners interest is called

a.Politics & the State   b.Ideology   c. Agricultural development    d. Infrastructure

33.Property right as central to concept of right is called

a.Politics & the state     b.Agricultural development   c.Ideology    d.Infrastructure

34.The creation of agricultural surplus is called

a.Politics & the state    b.Ideology   c.Agricultural development    d.Infrastructure

35.Road and canal system, port and ships called

a.Politics & the state   b. Ideology     c.Agricultural development    d.Infrastructure

36.The first stage of industrial revolution

a.Consumable goods production       b.Capital goods production  

c.Standardization         d. Productivity

37.Second stage of the industrial revolution

a.Consumable goods production     b.Capital goods production

c.Standardization         d. Productivity

38.The first moon walk in the year

a.1968    b. 1969     c.1967      d. 1970

39.Who did the first moonwalk in 1969?

a.American buzz aldin    b.Landsteiner     c. Oldham    d. Einstein

40.The first airplane was flown in

a.1902     b.1901    c.1903       d. 1904

41.The structure of DNA was determined in ____

a.1963    b. 1953      c.1967      d.1970

42.Who discovered penicillin?

a.James Watson    b. Oldham   c.  Alexandra Fleming      d.Einstein

43.The structure of DNA was determined in 1953 by _____

a.James Watson   b. Landsteiner     c. Oldham   d.Einstein

44.Quantum theory was proposed by_____

a.Planck   b.Landsteiner  c. Oldham   d.Einstein

45.Who discovered human blood groups?

a.Planck   b.Landsteiner  c. Oldham   d.Einstein

46.Establishment of the scientist study of animal behaviour

a.Cornell   b. Meitner   c.Lorenz    d.Heisenberg

47.Birth of radio astronomy

a. Jansky   b.Cornell   c. Meitner   d.Heisenberg

48.First electron microscope

a.Tatum   b.Mayor   c.Krebs    d. Ruska

49.Discovery of the neutron by

a. Wieman    b. Chadwick   c.McCarty   d.Borlaug

50.Discovery of the positron, first antimatter particle

a. Wieman  b. Anderson     c.McCarty   d.  Borlaug

51. Magnitude scale for earthquakes

 a. Cornell   b. Meitner    c. Richter    d. Heisenberg 

52. Theory of nuclear force by

 a. Yukawa   b. McCarty     c. Borlaug     d. Kapitza 

53. Discovery of the citric acid cycle by

 a. Kerbs b. Wiemam c. McCarty d. Cornell

54. Evidence in bacteria that DNA is the genetic material 

a,McCarty    b.Macleod     c.Borlaung     d.Kapitza

55. The start of the Mexican wheat improvement program, leading to the “green revolution”

 a. McCarty     b.Borlang     c. Kapitza      d.Ornell

56. Nuclear reaction in starts were found out by

 a. Wieman   b. McCarty    c. Bethe     d. Cornell 

57. Formulation of the one-gene, one-enzyme hypothesis 

a. Cornell     b. Beadle & Tatum     c. Meitner      d. Heisenberg 

58. Radiocarbon dating by 

a. Libby    b. McCarty      c. Borlaug     d. Kaptiza 

59. Initial elucidation of the reactions involved in photosynthesis 

a. Wieman     b. Calvin    c. McCarty     d. Borlaug 

60. Invention of the transistor by 

a. Shockley     b. McCarty    c. Borlaug    d. Kapitza

61. Production of amino acids in early earth condition

 a. Miller&Urey b. Cornell c. Meitner d. Heisenberg 

62. First complete DNA sequence of an organism by

 a. Sanger   b. Wieman c. McCarty d. Heisenberg

 63. First extra solar planet identified by

 a. Mayor b. Bednorz c. Tatum d. Meitner 

64. The definition of modern science is defined as an attitude of observation and experimentations quite often with the inclusion of mathematics to explain in those a. Observation   b. Experimentation    c.Mathematics    d. none of these 

65. Modern science is typically subdivided into the natural science with study the

 a. Material world   b. people and society   c. Mathematics    d. Experimentation 

66. The social science which study _____ 

a. Material world  b. Mathematics   c. people and societies  d. Experimentation

67. The formal scientist like

 a. Material world  b. Mathematics c. people and societies d. Experimentation

 68. The results of a process of inductive reasoning 

a. Scientific Method  b. Mathematic Method  c.Hypothesis   d. None of these

 69. The process of hypothesis testing has. 

a. 6 step     b. 7 step      c. 5 step     d. 8 step

 70. Allows extra time for everything that can and will go away 

a. Murphy’s Law   b. Newton law    c. Ohms law    d. none of these 

71. The history of science is the study of the development of science and scientific knowledge, including 

a. Natural science   b. social science   c. Both A &B   d. none of these 

72. The history of arts and humanities is termed as 

a. Natural science  b. social science  c. History of scholarship  d. None of these

 73. proto-mathematics from 

a. 3000BCE up to 2000 BCE       b. 2000BCE up to 800 BCE

 c. 800 BCE up to 1500 CE          d. 1400 BCE up to 1500 CE

 74. Ancient mathematics from 

a. 3000 BCE, up to 2000 BCE    

 b. 2000 BCE up to 800 BCE 

c. 800 BCE up to 1500 CE 

d. 1400 BCE up to 1500 CE 

75. Mercantile mathematics from 

a. 3000BCE, up to 2000 BCE 

b. 2000BCE up to 800 BCE

 c. 800 BCE up to 1500 CE 

d. 1400 BCE up to 1500 CE 

76 .Classic Mathematics from

 a. 3000BCE, up to 2000 BCE   

b. 2000BCE up to 800 BCE 

c. 800 BCE up to 1500 CE     

d. 1400 CE up to 1500 CE 

77. Pre- Modern Mathematic from 

a. 3000BCE, up to 2000 BCE

b. 2000BCE up to 800 BCE

 c. 1500 CE up to 1700 CE 

d. 1400 BCE up to 1500 CE 

78. Modern Mathematic from 

a. 3000BCE, up to 2000 BCE 

b. 2000BCE up to 800 BCE 

c. 1700 CE up to 1950 CE

 d. 1400 BCE up to 1500 CE 

79 . Post - Modern Mathematic from

 a. 3000BCE, up to 2000 BCE

 b. 2000BCE up to 800 BCE 

c. 1700 BCE up to 1950 CE 

d. 1950 CE up to present 

80. Yukti means 

a. Skill    b. Human intervention    c. Both a& b      d. none of these

 81. Dalva means

 a. Divine    b. Skills      c. Human intervention     d. Both a & b 

82. In India the field of ayurveda, depended heavily on the use of 

a. Herbs    b. plants     c. animals    d. none of these 

83. Traditional Indian herbal remedies are 

a. Neem    b. Turmeric    c. Both a&b    d. none of these 

84. The plants were first used for material purpose

 a. Vaccination b. Rhinoplasty   c. Herbalism    d. none of these 

85. Atharva veda dating from early

 a. Iron Age     b. Bronze Age  c. Aluminum Age   d. none of these 

86. Ayurveda, means______

a. Complete Knowledge For Long Life   b. Complete Knowledge 

c. Long Life         d. None of these 

87. Ayurveda famous texts belong to the schools of 

a. Charaka   b. Sushruta    c. Both a&b     d.None of these

 88. Which medicine got deep roots and royal patronage during medieval times 

a. Unani   b.Ayurveda    c. both a&b    d. none of these 

89. The wootz steels were discovered in 

a. India    b. Japan    c. England    d. Iran

 90. The first basic step in metallurgy is

 a. Identifying and discovering its usefulness 

b. Locating metals in quantity

 c. Mining the Ores        

  d. Melting the metal 

91. The second basic step in metallurgy is 

a. Identifying and discovering its usefulness

 b. Locating metals in quantity

 c. Mining the Ores

 d. Melting the metal 

92. The third basic step in metallurgy is

 a. Identifying and discovering its usefulness 

b. Locating metals in quantity 

c. Mining the Ores 

d. Melting the metal 

93. Basics ages of metals in ancient world

a. Copper Age    b. Bronze Age      c. Iron Age    d. All the above

 94. Copper Age 

a 40000-3000 BCE   b. 3000-1000BC   

c.1000 BCE to present d. none of these 

95. The Bronze Age 

a 40000-3000BCE 

b. 3000-1000BC 

c.1000BCE to present 

d. none of these 

96. The Iron Age 

a 4000-3000BCE

 b. 3000-1000BC 

c. 1000BCE to present 

d. none of these 

97. Which of the following definition for science has been coined by "carl Sagan?‟ 

a. Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge 

b. Is an intellectual activity carried out by humans 

c. Science is a knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws 

d. All of scienice is uncertain and subject to revision 

98. The first Renaissance science was a man named_____ 

a. Nicolaus Copernicus  b.galileo galilei 

c.Johannes kepler d. Isacc Newton 

99. The heliocentric model of Copernicus theory states about 

a. Earth Centered Universe b. Sun Centered Universe

 c. Both A and B d. None of the above 

100.__________ is the fact true about "sun centered university‟ 

a. The only planets known and found were Mercury, venus, earth , mars, Jupiter and Saturn

 b. All the planets were orbiting around the sun 

c. Moon ignored the sun‟s orbit and orbited around the earth‟s orbit 

d. All the above 

101. Who proposed that the earth rotates daily and revolves around the sun?

 a. Archimedes   b. Pythagoreans    c. Galileo galilei   d. Johannes Kepler

 102. Science is ______ activity

 a. individual     b. social     c. mandatory    d. none of these

103._______ is the biggest satellite of solar system 

a. Ganymede b. Tollymede c. Satranus d. none of these

 104. What is the maximum speed possible for any wave in the solar System? 

a. Every wave can have its own speed    b. Speed of light

 c. Speed of electron       d. None of these 

 105. Ayurveda emerged during_______ period 

a. Post-vedic period    b. Vedic period    c. Indus valley   d. Modern 

 106. Einstein received Nobel Prize for physics in 

a. 1919     b. 1920       c. 1921     d. 1922 

107. C.V Raman Nobel Prize for 

a. Literature    b. Chemistry     c. Physics    d. Peace 

 108. True goal of science research is

 a. Experimentation       b. Theorization 

c. Contribute to knowledge    d. Material prosperity 

109. Knowledge from experience or experiments is called______ knowledge 

a. Hypothesis     b. Inference      c. Theorem       d. Empirical 

110. E=mc2 is an equation to prove

 a. Photo electric effect        b. Radio activity

 c. Brownian motion        d. Theory of relativity

 111. Inexorable means

 a. Unchanging     b. Changing     c. Relative    d. Destructive

 112. Primitive observer defined natural phenomenon as activity of 

a. Super natural forces   b. Humans   c. Machines  d. None of the above 

113. Feudalism was replaced by _______

 a. Humanities b. Scientific revolution   c. Religion     d. Ideology 

 114. Science and Technology in Ancient India is a work by______

 a. Joseph Needhan     b. D.P Chattopadhyaya 

c. Sushil Kanar Mukherjee    d. John Bernal

 115. ________ is classical age of Indian science

 a. 300-600AD b. 700-1200AD   c. 400-900AD d. 900-1200AD 

 116. Greeks are to thank _______ for their scientific tradition 

a. Babylonians b. Egyptians c. American d. Both a & b 

 117. Arthur Schopenhauer is a ________ philosopher 

a. German     b. British    c. American    d. French 

 118. ________introduced scientific method

 a. Isaac Newton b. Francis Bacon c.Albert Einstein d. Charles Darwin 

 119. Which is the outermost planet in the solar system? 

a. Mercury b. Pluto c. Neptune d. Uranus

120.Small organisms, too small to see without magnification,invade humans, other animals, and other living hosts are called

a.Virus  b.Germs  c.Bacteria   d.Fungi

121.A process in which packaged and non-packaged foods (such as milk and fruit juice) are treated with mild heat, usually to less than 100 °C (212 °F), to eliminate pathogens and extend shelf life is called

a.Pasteurization   b.Fermentation   c.Sterilization   d.None of the above

122. Pasteurization is discovered in the year

a.1863   b.1864   c.1862   d.a.None of the above

123. Pasteurization is discovered by

a.Louis Pasteur    b.Rosalind Franklin    c.Robert Boyle   d.None of the above

124.A metabolic process that produces chemical changes in organic substrates through the action of enzymes is called

a.Sterilization  b. Fermentation   c.Pasteurization   d.None of the above

125.A device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation

a.Laser  b.Photons   c.Microscope   d.LED

126.The science of investigating small objects and structures using such an instrument is called

a.Microscopy   b.Laparoscopy   c.Nanotechnology  d.Astronomy

127.What is expansion of ICMR

a.International Council For Medical Research

b.Indian Council For Mental Research

c.Indian Council of Medical Research

d.None of these


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