Corporate Accounting 2021 Question paper

 lll Semester B.Com. Examination, April/May 2021

(CBCS) (2015 - 16 and Onwards) (F+H) 

COMMERCE 3.3 : Corporate Accounting 

Time : 3 Hours                                                                                                 Max' Marks I 7

L) instruction : Answer should be written completely either in English ar in Kannada. 


1 . Answer any five sub-questions. Each sub-question carries two marks. (5 x 2=10) 

a) Give the meaning of underwriting.

 b) What is the partial underwriting ? 

c) Mention the Ratios required to calculate profit prior to incorporation. 

d) State any 4 factors determining the value of Goodwill. 

e) How do you calculate intrinsic value of shares ? 

f) State under what heading the following items will appear in the Balance Sheet of a company. 

i) Calls unpaid ii) Loose tools. 

g) What is the fair value of shares ? 


Answer any 3 questions. Each question carries 6 marks. (6 x 3=18) 

2. Ganesh Co. Ltd. issued 50,000 shares of  Rs.10 each. The whole issue was fully under written by ABC and D as follows. 

A - 20,000 shares B - 15,000 shares

 C - 5,000 shares and D - 10,000 shares 

The company received applications for 45,000 shares of which marked applications were as follows. 

A- 22,000 shares,   B - 11,000 shares,

C - 1,000 shares and   . D-9,000 shares. 

Determine the liability of each underwriter.

 3. Shiva Ltd. had purchased a business on 1.4.2019. The company received its certificate of incorporation on 1 .9.2019. The average monthly sales for the period , before incorporation was 25% more than the average monthly sales for the period after incorporation. The total sales during the year was Rs. 26,50,000. 

Ascertain :

 i) Time Ratio 

ii) Sales Ratio

 iii) Pre and post incorporation sales. 

4. From the following information calculate the Value of Goodwill under

, i) 3 year purchase of super profit method. 

ii) Capitalisation of super profit method. 

   a) Average capital employed - Rs. 4,35,000

   b) Net profit of the firm for the past 3 years were Rs 61,000 ,Rs.49, 250 and Rs.87,750

   c) Managerial remuneration of employed Elsewhere Rs. 9,000 p.a. 

   d) Normal rate of return 8%. 

5. From the following particulars of Karunya Ltd., compute the value of shares under Yield Method.

 a) Equity shares of Rs.10 each. 

b) Profit for the last 3 years Rs 75,000, Rs 78,000 and Rs 87,000

c) 20 % is transferred to Reserve. 

d) Normal rate of return - 10%.

 6. Under which heading would you show the following in company final account

a) Provision for taxation    b) Underwriting commission 

c) Work in progress           d) Pension fund 

e) Loan to employees        f) Unclaimed dividend. 


Answer any 3 questions. Each question carries 14 marks. (3x14=41

7. A Ltd. Co. issued 1 ,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each. M,N,O and p underwrites the entire issue in the proportion of 30%, 30%,20% and 20% respectively. They also apply for firm share application as follows. 

M - 3,000 shares         N - 2,000 shares 

O - 2,000 shares and   P -3,000 shares. 

Asides the firm application, the public apply for 60,000 shares of which marked applications are as follows

 M - 10,000 shares      N - 6,000 shares 

O - 8,000 shares and   P - 16,000 shares. 

calculate  the Net Liability of each underwriter treating

 i) Firm underwriting as marked application. 

ii) Firm underwriting as unmarked application.

8. 'A' Ltd. took over the business of B on 1.4.2019 and it was incorporated on 1.7.2019. The P/L A/c of 'A' Ltd. on 31.3.2020 was as follows. 

 Particulars                     Rupees      Particulars     Rupees

To Commission (sales)   5,250        By Gross profit   1,96,000

To Advertisement          10,500    By Bad debts recovered   1,000

To M.D. Remuneration    18,000 

To Depreciation              5,600 

To Salaries                     36,000

To insurance                   1,200 

To Preliminary Expenses w/o  1,400 

To Rent and taxes          6,000 

To Discount                    700 

To Bad debts                  2,500 

To Net profit              1,09,850

                                   1,97,000 '                               1,97,000 

Further details : 

a) The average monthly sales after incorporation was twice the average monthly sales before. 

b) Rent which was paid for the first 3 months at Rs. 400 P.M. increased by Rs.100 per month for the balance of period. 

c) Bad debts of Rs. 350 related only to the period after 1.9.2019 and the Balance related to the sales made up to 1 .9.2019. 

d) The Bad debts realised belong to the bad debts which were written off in 2019-20.

 Find out the profit before and after incorporation. 

9. The B/S of Divya Co. Ltd. as on 31.3.2020 is as under. 

  Liabilities                      Rupees                     Assets         Rupees

 6,000 pre shares of Rs.100each     6,00,000   Fixed assets  10,00,000


                                                                          Stock           3,50,000      

 10,000 Eq. shares of  Rs.100 each   10,00,000    Debtors     4,50,000

                                                                         Cash at Bank    2,00,000

General reserve ,:      80,000

P/L A/c                 1,60,000

  S. Creditors       1,60,000 

                      20,00,000                             20,00,000

The profit of the company (before providing for tax 40%) and the rate of dividend declared in respect of the last 5 financial year are as follows. 

Year                     Profit             Rate of dividend 

2015 - 16              2,70,000                8% 

2016 - 17               3,10,000               10% 

2017 - 18               3,40,000               12%

 2018 - 19              3,30,000                15% 

2019 - 20               3,60,000                15% , 

You are required to find out the value of Goodwill of the company on the basis of 

a) 5 years purchase of super profits. 

b) Capitalisation of super profit method.

 c) As per annuity of super profit taking P.V of annuity of Re. 1.00 for 5 years at 10 % is as 3.78. 

10. On 31.3.2020 the Balance sheet of Jagadish Ltd. was as follows. 

Liabilities            Rs.                             Assets                      Rs.

5,000 shares of Rs.100 each   5,00,000   Land and Building   2,20,000


 P/L A/c               1,03,000    Plant and Machinery   95,000

Bank over draft      20,000      Stock                       3,50,000

Creditor,s             77,000         Debtors                 1,55,000

Provision for tax    45,000

Provision for dividend  75,000

                                    8,20,000                              8,20,000 

The 5 years net profit of the company after deducting all working charges and providing for depreciation and taxation were as under. 

2016 - Rs.85,000            2017 -Rs. 96,000   2018-Rs.90,000 

2019-Rs. 1,00,000 and       2020=Rs.95000

 on 31.3.2020 Land and Building was revalued at Rs. 2,50,000. Plant and Machinery at Rs.

 1,50,000 and Goodwill at Rs.1,50,000. The normal rate of return is 10%. 

You are required to ascertain the value of equity shares under 

a) Intrinsic value method b) Yield value method c) Fair value method. 

11. Following are the B/S of Karunya Ltd. as on 31.3.2020. You are required to prepare Final Account of the company after taking additional information into consideration

 Debits           Rupees            Credits                 Rupees

Premises        30,72,000        Share capital      40,00,000

 Plant              33,00,000        12% debenture   30,00,000

 Stock on 1.4.2019 7,50,000     P/L A/c            2,62,500 

Debtors              8,70,000         Creditors          7,70,000

Good will            2,50,000        Sales               41,50,000 

Bank balance       4,06,500        General Reserve  2,50,000

Calls in arrears        75,000        R.D.D. as on 1.4.2019 35,000 

lnterim Dividend    3,92,500

 Purchases '            18,50,000 

Preliminary expenses '   50,000

Wages                         9,79,800 

General expenses          68,350 

Salaries                       2,02 250

 Bad debts                      21,100

Debenture Interest paid    1,80,000

                                      1,24,67,500                                 1,24,67,500

Additional information : 

a) Closing stock is valued at Rs.10,50,000.

 b) Depreciate plant at 15%. 

c) Write off Rs.5,000 from preliminary expenses. 

d) Half year debenture interest is due.

 e) Transfer Rs.25,000 to General Reserve. 

f) Ignore Corporate Dividend Tax (CDT).

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