All creatures great and small-Ruskin Bond| I Semester

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Ruskin Bond

About the author

Ruskin Bond –He is an Indian author of British descent. This shy literary genius could be easily credited for making almost three generations of Indian students into avid readers. His stories are simple and lucid, a quality that made him a literary star. The stories speak directly to the reader about the charms of the Dehradun hills and the idiosyncrasies of the North Indian terrain. His first novel, Room on the Roof was written at the age of 17 years and had won hi m John Llewellyn Rhys prize that is awarded to British commonwealth writers who are under the age of 30. It was a semi-autobiographical story of an orphaned Anglo Indian boy. Ruskin Bond has received the Sahitya Academy Award for English Writing in India and also has been conferred with Padmashree Award in 1999 and Padma Bhushan in 2014.

Short Answer Questions :

1. Whom did the grandfather get the Python from?

Grandfather got the python from a snake charmer for six rupees.

Additional English The imp and the crust

2. How did he impress the crowds with the Python?

He impressed the  bazaar crowd by slinging it across his shoulders and walking home with it.

3. Grandmother was tolerant of most birds and animals,but drew the line at reptile pets.

4. Who was Mabel and why did the grandfather dislike her?

Aunt Mabel was Grandfather's cousin and she was coming to stay with them next day.Grandfather disliked her as she was very fussy.

5. Why did the grandfather feel crestfallen?

The grandfather was crestfallen because he was not able to find the snake charmer

6. Where was the Python kept and how did it escape?

Grandfather took the python into the bathroom where he placed it in a steep-sided tin tub  and  then he went to the bazaar in search of the snake charmer. By the time he came back. the python escaped through the open window inside the bathroom.

7. How did Aunt Mabel react to the Python's first appearance?

Aunt Mabel came flying up the veranda steps, looking as though she had seen a ghost.She told them that when she was reaching for a guava, she saw the snake staring at her  and the look in its eyes was as though it would devour her.

Additional English The imp and the crust

8. When did Aunt Mabel decide to pack her bags and leave?

Aunt Mabel had another fit of hysterics when she saw the python admiring her from under a cushion. She packed her bags and left grandfather's house.

9. The Python's weakness as perceived by the grandfather was:

a. Umbrella

b. Reflection

c. Juicy chicken

A work of Art-Anton Chekhov

What i require from life-J.B.S.Haldane

The five boons of life-Mark Twain 

Paragraph answer questions :

II a. Explain the chaos created by the arrival of the python in the grandfather's house.

Grandmother nearly fainted at the sight of the python curled round Grandfather's throat.She was afraid that he might get strangled and wanted to get rid of it at once.She insisted that the python must be immediately taken back to the snake charmer. Grandfather told it as nonsense and said that he's only a young fellow and he'll soon get used to them.But grandmother keeps telling him that she  has no intention of getting used to him and also as he know well that his cousin Mabel was coming to stay with them next day and she'll leave them the minute she knows there's a snake in the house.' grandmother wanted  to get rid of the python.Then grandfather is telling her with an innocent expression that he can't let it loose in the garden as it might find its way into the poultry house.The grandmother then starts grumbling that how exasperating he was and insists him to lock the creature in the bathroom and go back to the bazaar and find the man he bought it from, and get him to come and take it back. Now grandfather had to take the python into the bathroom where he placed it in a steep-sided tin tub.

b) Describe Aunt Mabel's reaction to the presence of the Python.

When Aunt Mabel arrived next day for a three-week visit, and for a couple of days ,there were no appearance of the python.But on the third day towards evening grandfather and the narrator were startled by a scream from the garden.Seconds later, Aunt Mabel came flying up the veranda steps, looking as though she had seen a ghost. 

She gasped and told them that when she was reaching for a guava, she saw the snake staring at her  and the look in its eyes was as though it would devour her.'Then she sobbed and continued that it was a great boa-constrictor and it might have been twenty feet long.She told that it was in the guava tree and its eyes were terrible and it was looking at her in such a queer way.Aunt Mabel had another fit of hysterics when she saw him admiring her from under a cushion. After this incident she packed her bags,and left grandfather's house.

c) How did the grandfather finally succeed in caging the Python?

The grandfather understood the weakness of the python.They found out that the python was admiring his own reflection.He set about preparing a large cage with a mirror at one end. In the cage he left a juicy chicken and various other delicacies, and fitted up the opening with a trapdoor.For a few days nothing happened, and then, as the narrator was leaving for school one morning. he saw the python curled up in the cage. He had eaten everything left out for him, and was relaxing in front of the mirror with something resembling a smile on his face.

The narrator lowered the trapdoor gently, but the python took no notice as he has in raptures over his handsome reflection. Grandfather and the gardener put the cage in the pony trap, and made a journey to the other side of the riverbed. They left the cage in the jungle, with the trapdoor open.Thus the grandfather finally succeeded in caging the python.

Essay question

"The Python had fallen in love with his own reflection".Elucidate

In the story 'All creatures great and small' written by Ruskin Bond, the author is humorously bringing out how a python had fallen in love with his own reflection.The story revolves around a young python which grandfather had brought from the snake charmer for six rupees.In the story the elderly couple who are narrators grandparents have different preferences towards exotic pets.Grandmother was intolerant towards most of the birds and animals but had no tolerance for reptiles.Even a handsome chameleon was not welcome.When grandfather brought home a young python it was not welcomed by the grandmother. She nearly fainted at the sight of the python and wanted grandfather to get rid of it.The grandfather locked it inside his bathroom and goes out in search of the snake charmer to return the python back to him but he comes back with no success.When he comes back he finds out that the python had escaped from his bathroom through the window which was open. In spite of a hard search they were unable to find it anywhere.

When Aunt Mabel arrives at grandfather's house for a three week  and a couple of days visit, she happens to see the python in the garden and comes screaming towards the house.She was gasping for breath and when everyone asked her what happened she told them that she saw a snake and the snake was staring at her from the guava tree when she was reaching for a guava.She also told that it was looking at her in a queer way and was twenty feet long.After this incident, the python began to make a series of appearances,  often in unexpected places.

Aunt Mabel had another fit of hysterics when she saw him admiring her from under a cushion. She packed her  bags, and this made grandmother intensify the hunt for python. Next morning, the narrator again sees the python curled up on the dressing table, gazing at  his reflection in the mirror. He went for Grandfather, but by the time they returned, the python had moved elsewhere. A little later he was seen  in the garden again. Then he was back on the dressing table, admiring  himself in the mirror. Evidently he had become enamoured with his  own reflection.

Grandfather observed that perhaps the attention he was  receiving from everyone had made him a little conceited.  He now understood the weakness of the python and set about preparing a large cage with a mirror at one end. In the cage  he left a juicy chicken and various other delicacies, and fitted up the  opening with a trapdoor. For a few days nothing happened, and then, as the narrator was leaving for school  one morning, he saw the python curled up in the cage. He had eaten  everything left out for him, and was relaxing in front of the mirror with  something resembling a smile on his face.So the narrator lowered the trapdoor gently, but the python took no notice as he had in raptures over his handsome reflection. Grandfather and the  gardener put the cage in the pony trap, and made a journey to the other  side of the riverbed. They left the cage in the jungle, with the trapdoor  open. Grandfather later told that the python made no attempt to get out and even he didn't  have the heart to take the mirror away. He remarked that it was for the first time he had seen a snake  fall in love with its own reflection.

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Grammar exercise

Exercises : 

Read the following passages and fill in the blanks with suitable articles: 

1. ...A..... boy received…a….note from……a…..friend written in……an…..illegible hand. After struggling to understand its  meaning, he ultimately hit upon……the……idea of enlisting  with....the.. help of…a….local druggist. …The…..girl at ..the…drugstore  looked at ......the…..note for…a…whole minute, then took…a..large brown bottle from .........the…..shelf, placed it on.... the….counter. 

2. …A…friend asked Muskan for …a.. sum of money. Muskan was  convinced that …the… money would not be returned. But since  he did not want to offend…the….friend and…the..sum asked for  was…a .small one, he gave him…the… To his great  surprise, exactly one week after…the…loan was given, ……The…… returned…the……

3. When …the..Parsis first came to Gujarat, …the…king did not want  them to settle there. He had already too many people in .. the...kingdom. So he sent the Parsi community …a…. diplomatic, symbolic language; ……a…full glass of milk, to  indicate ……the… could contain no more. …The………..Parsis  poured…a…spoonful of sugar into it and stirred it, and sent  back …the….glass of milk – indicating that like sugar they would  mix with …the….population, take no extra space, and sweeten it  all. …The….. king was pleased and persuaded. …The……..Parsis  came to stay. 

4. ……A. child with all ……the….behaviour of …a.. monkey has been  found in Africa. He was found living with …a… tribe of  monkeys and taken to ……an……orphanage. …The….boy, whose  age is estimated to be between five and seven, is believed to  have lost his parents at about …the….. age of one and to have  been mothered by …a…….. chimpanzee or ……a….. gorilla. …the….. jungle boy gets about by jumping like ……a……. monkey  with his hands clenched; when still, he squats on his rump,  and if approached, scratches. He grunts and squeals and  eats indiscriminately: grass, clothes, bedding, even stones.  Shunning ………the…… company of humans, he neither smiles  nor shows any interest whatsoever, in his surroundings.

1st sem Business Management and Startups(BMS) as per new NEP syllabus 2021-22

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BMS-Module 2 Leadership and Motivation as per new NEP SYLLABUS

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Unit 1-Introduction to marketing

1st sem English as per new NEP syllabus 2021-22

First semester English Chapter 1 The Last Leaf

First semester English Chapter 2 All creatures great and small

First semester English Chapter 3 The Heart of a Tree

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First semester English Chapter 6 My Teacher

First semester  English Chapter 8 A conversation with a reader

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Additional English The imp and the crust
Additional English  Sweets for Angels

click here ICHR solved previous question paper part 1

Click here ICHR solved previous question paper part 2

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