Bangalore University ICHR Solved question paper |Indian constitution and human rights mcq| First Semester

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 I Semester B.Com./B.B.A./B.H.M. Examination, 

December - 2019 


Indian Constitution and Human Rights 

(CBCS) (F+R) (2014-15 and Onwards)

1.Indian Constitution came into force on : 

(a) 26th January 1950 (b) 26th November 1949 (c) 15th August 1947 (d) 26th October 1949

2.Who is the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution ?

 (a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (b) Mahatma Gandhiji (c) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (d) Nehru

3.How many Articles are there in original Constitution of India ?

 (a) 385 Articles (c) 445 Articles (r (b) 395 Articles (d) 320 Articles

4.Who is the Guardian of Fundamental Rights ? 

 (a) Supreme Court (b) Prime Minister (c) Speaker(d) President

5.How many members were there in Constituent Assembly of india ?

 (a) 389  (b) 292 (c) 285 (d) 340

6.Which Part of the Indian Constitution consists fundamental rights '

(a) Part-1 (b\ Part-2 (a) Part-3   d)Part- 4

 7.Which article is considered as the heart and soul of Indian constitution

(a) Article 28 (b) Article 29 (c) Article 30 d)article 32

8.The Directive principles of State Policy are 

(a) Compulsory (c) Democratic (b) Optional (d) Socialistic

9.When did constituent making assembly first session held- 

9th December 1946 (b) 11th December 1947 (c) 26th November 1949 (d) 26th January 1950

10.Which article deals with grama panchayat- 

(a) Article 32 b) Article 40 (c) Arttcle 44 d) Article 57

11. who was the chief advisor to the constituent  assembly 

(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (c) B.N. Rao (b) Nehru (d) K.M. Munshi

12. Right to Freedom of religion has been incorporated in the article 

(a) 18 - 22 (b) 29 -30(c) 25-28  d) 19-22

13.Which committee recommended of fundamental right 

(a) Surarana Singh committee (c) Sarkariya Ayoga (b) K. Santanam committee (d) Raj Mannor Samithi

14.What is the root word of ,Constitution, ? 

(a) Constitute (b) Constituted (c) Corporate (d) Common

15.When did Indian Constitution adopted 

(a) 26th November 1949 (c) 26th January 1950 b)26th November 1950 d)None of the above

16. Right is not given to the foreigners. 

(a) Religious Right b) Right against Exploitation (c) Political Right (d) All of the above

17.The word added to the Indian Constitution as per 42nd Amendment in 1976 

(a) Socialist (c) Unity (b) Esteem (d) Republican

18.How many languages included in 8th schedule of Indian Constitution ?

(a) 14 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 22

19.Among the below chief Minister who was not the member of constitution making Assembly - (a) Nijalingappa (b) Kadidalu Manjappa (c) K.C. Reddy (d) Kengal Hanumanthiah

20.Child Labour is prohibited under Article : (a) 24

(a) 24 (b) 23 (c) 25 (d) 26

21.Democracy means : 

(a) Peoples Govt. (c) Leaders Govt (b) Policy Govt. (d) Military Govt.

22.Indian Constitution is :

 (a) Rigid (b) Flexible (c) Partly Rigid and partly Flexible (d) Conservative

23.Directive Principles of State Policy are borrowed from Constitution. (

a) France (b) Irish (c) Russia (d) Britain

24.which Article is recently abolished related Jammu and Kashmir ? 

(a) 370(b) 270(c) 380 (d) 2oo

25.President of India Elected by :

 (a) Direct election (c) Electoral college(b) Recruitment (d) None of the above

26.Which article says about Financial Emergency ? 

350 (b) 352 (c) 356 d)360

27.The Chief Commander of Armed Forces

 (a) Prime Minister (i:)Chief Minister (c) President (d)Vice-President 

28.Who is the first Women President 

(a) Indira Gandhi (c) Sarojini Naidu b) Annie Besant (d) Pratibha Patil

29.Who issues ordinance in India ? 

(a) Prime Minister (c) Chief Minister(b) President {d) Governor

30.Attorney General of India is appointed

(a) Supreme Court C.J. (b)Vice-President(c) President d)Prime Minister

31.---------------Article relers to the Impeachment of the president.

(a) 61 Article (b) 70 Article (c) 7s Article (d) 78 Article

32.Who act as :he connecting bridge between President and Minister ?

 (a) Prime Minister (c) Vice-President  (b) Speaker (d) Law Minister

33.Who is the present Speaker of Lok Sabha ? 

(a) Murali Manohar Joshi (b) Om Birla (c) Shivaraj Patil (d) p.A. Songrna

34.what is the maximum gap between sessions of parliament ?

 (a) One Month (b) Three Months (c) Six Months (d) One year

35.How many members Elected to the Lok sabha from Karnataka ?

 (a) 22 (b) 23 (c) 24 (d) 28

36.The number of Elected members of Lok Sabha is :

 (a) 542 tb) 543 (c) 544 (d) 545

37.Minimum prescribed age to become a Lok Sabha member :

 (a) 25 (b) 20 (c) 28 (d) 3s

38.How many members of Anglo-Indian community nominated to Lok Sabha ?

a)2  b)  3      c) 4     d) 5

39.Generally Financial Bill first introduced in :

(a) Rajya Sabha (c) Vidhana Parishad (b) Lok Sabha (d) None of the above

40.Who is the present Finance Minister of India ?

(a) Nirmala Sitharaman (c) Sadananda Gowda (b) Amit Shah (d) Rajnath Singh

41.Who is the present Chairman of Rajya Sabha ? 

(a) Hamid Ansari (b) P.J. Kurien (c) Venkaiah Naidu (d) K. Rehman Khan

42.How many members nominated to Rajya Sabha ? (a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (d) 15

43.The term of Rajya Sabha members is : 

(a) 5 Years (b) 4 years (c) 6 years (d) 3 years

44.The chancellor of the universities of the state

(a) Education Minister (b) Chief Minister (c) Lau- Minister (d) Governor

45.What is the salary of the governor

(a) 3,00,000/- (p m) (c) 3,50,000/- p.m,(b) 3,25,000/- p.m) (d) 3,10,000/-p.m

46.The present Higher Education Minister of Karnataka is :

 (a) R. Ashok (b) C.T. Ravi (c) Dr' C.S. Aswath Narayan (d) Basavaraj Bommai

47.The Council of Ministers are appointed by :

 (a) President on the advice of prime Minister (b) President on the advice of parliament (c) Prime Minister (d) President

48.State Governor is responsible for :

 (a) Central (b) President (c) Chief Minister (d) Vice-President

49.-----------Issue ordinance in the State' 

(a) Chief Minister (b) Prime Minister (c)Governor(d)Judge of the Supreme Court

50.Minimum prescribed age to become a Governor of a State :

 (a) 30 Years (b) 35 Years (c) 25 Years {d) 40 years

51.Which is the real power centre in the State ? 

(a) Vidhana Sabha (c) Lokayukta (b) Vidhana Parishad (d) Governor

52.The total number of members in Karnataka Vidhana Sabha: 

(a) 224 (b) 225 (c) 226 (d) 227

53.Total number of members of the Upper House of the Karnataka

(a) 65 (b) 60  c)70   d)75

54.Who is the present Chief Election Officer of Karnataka ?

  (a) Dr. V. Basavaraju   (b) Sushil Chandra  (c) Sanjiv Kumar (d) Ashok Lavasa

55.Who is the present Chief Justice of Supreme Court ?

 (a) K. Nataraj b) Abhishek Manu Singhvi (c) Mukul Rohatgi (d) Ranjan Gogoi

56. Habeas Corpus'is 

(a) Writ petition (b) Committee (c) Legal Right (d) potitical Right

57.The retirement age of High Court Judges : 

(a) 60 Years (b) 61 years (c) 62 years (d) 63 years

58.How'many Articles are there in UDHR ?

 (a) 30 (b) 20 (c) 10 (d) None

59.Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was prepared by :


60.Who was the Chairman of Universal Declaration of Human Rights {UDHR) ? 

(a) Abraham Lincoln (b) Smt. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (c) Smt. Richard Nixon (d) George Washington

61.The scope of Human Rights are :

 (a) Nation (b) World' (c) State (d) India

62.Celebrating 'Human Rights' (UDHR) Day on

(a) 10th July (c) Loth Dbcember (b) 20thAugust (d) 10th January

63.Human Rights Declaration was made in the year :

 (a) 1958 (b) 1948 (c) 1956 (d) 1952

64.The second generation rights were identified with the colour of :

 (a) Blue (b) Red (c) Yellow (d) white

65.How many members were there in NHRC    

(a) Seven members (c) Nine members(b) Eight members (d) Ten members

66. NHRC established in India in the year :

 (a) 1949 (b) 1979 c)1993 d)1975

67.Who appoints members and president of NHRC ? 

(a) Prime Minister (c) Speaker (b) President (d) Chief Justice 

68.Who is the present Chairman of NHRC ? (Learn always the present person's name for the year)

(a) Justice Shri S. Rajendra Prasad (b) Justice Shri M.S. Venkatachalaiah

 (c) Justice Shri Ranganatha Mishra (d) Justice Shri H.L. Dattu

70.What is the Retirement age of the members of NHRC ? t-

 (a) 55 Years (b) 60 Years (c) 65 Years(d) 70 Years



Version Code (f+n; (CBCS) (Semester Scheme) (2014-15 and Onwards) 


1.Voting  age in lndia is 

a) '18 b) 21 c) 25 d) 16

2. The President of India takes oath in the presence of

  a) Chief Justice of India b) Prime Minister c) Vice-President d) Speaker

3. Which is the 29th State of India ? 

a) Telangana c) Pondichery  b) Delhi   d)None

4. 'Habeas Corpus' is a 

a) Writ Petition c) Legal Right  b) Committee d) Political Right

5. lndia has Party System.

  b)Multi     a) Two    c) Single  d)None of these 

6. Ordinance issuing power lies with

 a) Prime Minister  b)President c) Speaker d)home minister

7. Who appoints State Election Commissioner ?

 a) President c) Chief Minister b) Governor d) Minister

8. How many types of writ are there ? 

a)six b) Five c) Seven d) three

9. The total members of the Karnataka Assembly

 a\ 224 b) 280 c) 275 d)226

10. Expand NHRC.

 a) National Human Resident Commission b) National Human Rights Commission 

c) National Human Red Cross d) None of the above

11. Human Rights are divided into

 a)3   b)5     c)6     d)2

12. National women commission established in the year 

a) 1990 b) 1980  c) 1970 d)1960

13. Which generation Human Rights are called as "Red Rights" ? 

 a) First generation c) Third generationb) Second generation d) None of these

14. What is the retirement age of the member of NHRC ?

a) 55 years c) 65 yearsb) 60 years d) 70 years

15. Who was the first Chairman of NHRC ? 

a) Justice Sri S. Flajendra Prasad c) Justice Sri M. S. Venkatachalaiahb) Justice Sri Ranganath Mishra d) Justice Sri H. L. Dattu

Which  of the following is not a Fundamental Right ? 

a1 Right to Equality b) Right to Property c) Right Against Exploitation d) Right to freedom of Religion

17.--------------- part of the Constitution includes the Directive Principles of state policy

a. 4th  b. 3rd  c. 2nd   d.  5th

18. Indian Constitution is 

a) Flexible b) Rigid c) Flexible and Rigid d) None of the above

19. India is a) A Secular State  b. Hindu state c) Communal State d.None of these

20. Legislature is the 

a) Parl of the State b) First organ of the Government 

c) Third organ of the Government   d) None

21.In which year Fundamental duties came into force in lndia?

a.1975 b)1976 c) 1977  d) 1978

22. How many Articles in the original a) 388 b) 395   c)420  d) 448

Indian  Constitution came into force on 

a. 26th Jan. 1950 : b) 26th Nov. 1949    b.15th Aug. 1947 d) 26th Oct. 1949

24. The chairman of the constituent Assembly of lndia is

a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad c) Dr. Radha Krishnan b) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar d) Ram Narayan

25. What is the root word of the term 'constitution' ?

  a) Constitute c) Corporate b) Constituted d) Common

26. How much time was taken to complete the Constitution ?

  a) 2 years 1 1 months 18 days c) 2 years 1 1 months 10 days 

b) 2 years 10 months 1 1 days d) 2 years 11 months 20 days

27. The Indian Constitution has been divided in 

a) 16 Chapters b. 22 Chapters  c.24 Chapters d) 25 Chapters

 28.The Council of Ministers collectively responsible to the

a) President b) Prime Minister c) Lok Sabha d) Rajya Sabha

29. is not granted to Foreigners' a) Right to Religion

c) Political Rightb) Right Against Exploitation d) Freedom of Speech

30. The Ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha is

 a) Speaker c) President b) Chairman d) Vice-President

31. which state of India has a separate constitution ? 

a) West Bengal b) Sikkim c) Uttar Pradesh d) Jammu and Kashmir

32. The present Governor of the Karnataka is

  a) Ramadevi  b) H.B. Bharadwaj  c) N. D. Tiwar d) Vaiubhai Vala

33. Bi-Cameral Legislature means 

a) Consisting of one house b) Consisting of two house c) Consisting of three house d) Consisting of four house

34. Who was the First Speaker of Lok Sabha ?

 a) Mavalankar c) Nehrub) Manmohan Singh d) V. V. Giri 

35. Total strength of Lok Sabha members is

a)542  b) 543  c) 544  d)545

36. Anna Hazare led which Movement ? 

a) Chipko Movement b) Fight against Corruption c) Green Movement d) Peasant Movement

37. The term of Prime Minister years'

a.6   b.    c. 4    d.3

38. Constitution of India guarantees, how many Fundamental Rights 

a)5  b) 6  c)8   d)7

39. Right to Freedom is 

a) Fundamental Duty b) Directive Principles of State Policy 

c) Fundamental Right d) Feature of the Indian Constitution

40. The word which was included into the preamble of the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment was 

 a) Federal c) Republic b) Sovereign d) Socialist

41. The Directive Principles of state policy have borrowed from

a) England  b) Ireland  c) Canada   d )America

42. Fundamental Rights can be suspended during 

a) National Emergency c) Financial Emergency b) State Emergency  d) All the above

43. The Fundamental Rights are incorporated in part of the Constitution'

 a) 3rd b) 4th  c) 6th d) 5th

44. First General Election to Lok sabha was held in the year 

a) 1947 c) 1948 b) 1950 d) 1952

45. Who was the first Woman President of India ? 

a) lndira Gandhi c) Sarojini Naidu b) Annie Besant d) Prathibha Patil

46. The Articles 36 to 51 of the constitution deals with

 a) Fundamental Rights b) Directive principles of State policy c) Elections d) Fundamental duties

47. The Article of the constitution concern with the prohibition of  untouchability.

 a) 18 c) 14 b) 17     d) 15

48. Article 40 deals with 

a) Gram panchayat  c) Jilla panchayat   b) Taluk Panchayat   d) None of the above

49. Our Parliament consists of two houses 

a) Vidhana Sabha and Vidhana Parishat b) House of Lords and House of Common 

c) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha d) None of these

50. The Rajya Sabha is a

 a) Permanent House b) Has 4 Years of Tenure c) Has 5 Years of Tenure d) Has 8 Years of Tenure

51. Rajya Sabha consists of 

a) 250 members c) 248 members b) 238 members d) 350 members

52. Which Article of India's Constitution includes Fundamental Duties ? 

a) 51A    b) 50A   c) 55A   d) 60A

53. Prime Minister of India is 

a) Legal Executive b) Permanent Executive c) Real Executive d) Nominal Executive 

 54. Who is the Cabinet Leader ? 

a) Prime Minister c) President b) Governor d) Home Minister

55. How is the President elected ? 

a) Direct Election c) Electoral College b) Through Nomination d) None of the above

56. The age limit to become the member of Rajya Sabha is

a) 25 Years c) 35 Years  b) 30 Years   d) 21 Years

57. The present Vice-President of India is

 a) Najma Heptulla b) Hamid Ansari c) Venkaiah Naidu d) Sadananda Gowda

58. The number of elected members of the Rajya Sabha are 

 a) 543  b.223 c) 238   d.None of these 

59. Lower house of the Parliament in India is 

a) Lok Sabha c) Legislative Assembly'b) Rajya Sabha d) Common house

60. Who appoints members of NHRC ?

 a) President  b) Prime Minister   c) Governor d) Chief Minister

61. National Human Rights Commission of India started in the year 

a) 1949 b) 1979 c) 1993 d)1975

62. "Human Rights Day" is celebrated on 

a) Tenth July b) Twenty Two August   c) Tenth May    d) Tenth December

63. The Headquarters of 'UNCHR' is in

 a) New York b) Paris   c) Geneva    d) London

64. Supreme Court is the guardian of

  a) Legislature b) Executive    c) Constitution d) None of these

65. The retirement age of Supreme Court Judges is 

a) 63     b) 62      c) 65  d) 60

66. The term of State Legislative Assembly members 

a) Two years b) Five years c) Three years d) Six years

67. The Supreme Court of India located at

a) New Delhi b) Uttar Pradesh c) Maharashtra d) Calcutta

68. Who is the nominal head of the Union Executive ?

a) Vice-President c) Auditor General b) Speaker d) President

69. Governor of State is accountable to

a) President b) Chief Minister  c) Prime Minister   d) Lok Sabha

70. Federal Government means

a) Single Government b) Dual Government  c) Multi Government d) Coalition Government



(F+R) (CBCS) (semester Scheme) {2014 - 1S & Onwards) 


1. Total strength of Lok Sabha members 

a) 542 b) 543 c) 544  d) 545 

2. --------------has established the Supreme Court. 

a) Constitution b) Parliament c) President d) Prime Minister 

3. National Women Commission established in the year 

a) 1992   b) 1980 c) 1970 d) 1960 

4. The Headquarters of 'UNCHR' 

a) NewYork b) Paris c) Geneva           d) London '

5. "Human Rights Day''is celebrated on -----------day. 

a) Tenth July b) Twentieth August c) Tenth December d) Tenth January "

6. Human Rights Declaration was made in the year

 a) 1958 b) 1948 c) 1968 d) 1952

&.Present home minister of Karnataka?(study the present minister's name)

8. How is the president elected ?

 a) Direct election c) Electoralcollege b) Through nomination d) None of the above 

  9.declares ordinance in the State.

 a) Chief Minister c) Governor 

  b) Prime Minister d) Judge of the Supreme Court

10. The present Defence Minister of India is 

 (Study always the present defence minister's name as options given in the question paper is not valid currently)

 11. Federal Government means 

a) Single Government c) Multi Government b) DualGovernment d) Coalition Government

12. The Council of Minister is appointed by

a) President on the advice of Prime Minister b) President on the advice of Parliament 

c) Prime Minister d) President

13. Expand NHRC 

 a) National Human Resident Commission   b) National Human Rights Commission 

c) National Human Red Cross d) None of the above

14. Human Rights are divided into types 

a)3   b)5   c)6    d)2

15. Which Article of India's Constitution includes Fundamental duties ? 

a) 51 A    b) 50A    c ) 55A    d) 60A

16. The President of India has the power to declare 

a) National Emergency c) Financial Emergency  b) State Emergency   d) All the above

17. The Right to vote is

  a) Potitical right b) Economic right c) Social right d) Moral right

18. The Chief Election Commissioner of India 

(Always for all such questions study the current person's name who is holding the position ,  as options given will not be valid as all these are previous years question paper)

19. The Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court

 (Always for all such questions study the current person's name who is holding the position ,  as options given will not be valid as all these are previous years question paper)

20. The preface to the Constitution means 

a) Constitutional Preamble c) Rights and Duties  b) Constitutional features d) Amendment of the Constitution

 21. How many Articles were there in original Constitution of lndia ?

  a) 446 b) 395   

c) 350 d) 400 

22. Total members in the Constituent Assembly

  a) 299 b) 200 c) 250 d) 150

23.The minimum age to contest Vidhana sabha elections 

a. 25 years b) 30 years c) 21 years d) 20 years

24, The Chancellor of the Universities in the State 

a) Education Minister c) Law Minister b) Chief Minister d) Governor

25. The Directive Principles of the State Policy is included in Constitution. 

a)3   b)4     c)1    d)2

26. Total members nominated to Rajya Sabha 

a) 10 b) 250 c) 12  d)2

27. The ----------  has the power to summon or prorogue the sessions of parliament

a) Speaker c) President b) Prime Minister d) None of the above

28.The special power of Lok Sabha is 

a) To pass the vote of No-confidence b) To Amend Constitution 

c) To pass the vote of impeachment d) To pass ordinance 

 29. Amnesty international Organisations important function is

  a) Human Rights Protection c) international Transport 

b) international Trade d) international Communication

30. The second generation of Human Rights is called as

 a) Red rights b) Blue rights c) Green rights d) White rights 

31. The upper house of Karnataka Legislature 

a) VidhanaParishad b) VidhanaSabha  c) RajyaSabha  d) LokaSabha 

32  ---------is the Law Minister of lndia. 

a) Ravi Shankar Prasad b) D.V. Sadananda Gowda c) Veerappa Moily d) None of the above

33. The term of Prime Minister years.

 a)6      b)5     c)4    d)3 

31. Expand UDHR

 a) Universal Declaration of Human Rights b) Universal Direction of Human Rights 

c) Union Declaration of Human Rights d) None of the above 

35. The retirement age of Supreme Court Judge 

a) 63 years    b) 62 years    c) 65 years    d) 60 years 

36. Which fundamental right Dr. Ambedkar called soul and heart'of the Constitution ? 

a) Right to Equality b) Right to Constitutional Remedies c) Right against exploitation d) None of the above 

37. The Head of Union Cabinet 

a) Home Minister b) President c) Prime Minister d) Speaker

38. The Supreme Court is the guardian of 

a) Legislature c) Constitution b) d) Executive None of the above

39. The first citizen of India

 a) vice-President b) Prime Minister c) President d)chief justice

40. Article is related to Right to Property'

a) 32 b) 31     c)29    d)30

41. Which part of the Constitution includes Fundamental rights ?

 a) lll Part b) lV Part c) V Part d) Vl Part

42. The Chairman of the Constituent Assembly 

a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar c) Sarojini Naidu  b) Pandit Nehru    d)Dr. Rajendra prasad

43. What is the salary of the Governor ?

a) 1,50,000/-(P.m.) c) 1 ,10,000/- (P.m.)1,25,000/-(p.m.) 1,00,000/-(p.m.) b) 1,25,000/-pm

44. The present Chief Justice of Supreme Court

 (Study current chief justice name)

45. When was Indian Constitution adopted ? (Always check the question as here it is asked when it is adopted and not when it came into force)

a.1947 August 15     b)1951 January 13     c) 1950 January 26    d) 1949 November 26 

46. Indian Legislature is called as 

a) Congress    b) Parliament   c)Lok Sabha    d)Diet

 47. Who is the real executive of the State ?

  a) Chief Minister b) President c) Prime Minister d) Governor

48. The Present President of lndia 

(Study the present person's name )

49.  Lok Sabha Speaker

(study name of present lok sabha speaker)

50. ------------right is not given to foreigners

a) Religious right b) Right against Exploitation c) Political right d) All of the above

51.The present opposition leader in Karnataka 

52. The present speaker of Karnataka Vidhana Sabha

53. The Present Higher Education Minister of Karnataka is

54. Supreme Court was established in 

a) January 28,1950 c) November 26,1 949  b) January,1949 d) November 29, 1949 

55. ----------word was introduced into the preamble of the Constitution by the 42nd arnendment. 

a) Federal b) Sovereign c) Republic d) Socialist 

56.The Rajya Sabha is 

a) Permanent House   b) 6 years term   c) 5 years term  d.Has no fixed term

57.The Union list includes 

a) 97     b. 47   c. 66   d.99

 58.Financial bill is introduced in 

a) Rajya Sabha b) Lok Sabh c) Vidhana Parishat d) Allthe above b) 

 59. First Deputy Prime Minister of lndia was

 a) SardarVallabhai Patel c) L.K. Advani b) Morarji Desai d) Devilal

60. -Article related to State emergency. 

a) 356 b) 358 c) 360 d) 368 

 61. The powers of the Government is divided into - lists. 

a)1 b)2 c) 3 d) 4 

62. Parliament Session in a Year 

b)2 a)1 a)1 d)3   d)4 

63. Amendment of the Constitution can be initiated by the

 a) People b) Parliament c) States d) President

 64. Which State has separate Constitution ? 

a) Jammu and Kashmir c) Madhya Pradesh b) Uttar Pradesh d) Sikkim 

65. Fundamental duties are borrowed from Constitution. 

a) France b) lrish c) Russia d) Britain

 66.Expand PIL

 a) Public Interest Litigation  b) Private Interest Legislation 

 c) Private Interest Litigation  d) Public Interest Legislation

 67.Right to Equality has been provided in

 a) 18-22   b)29-30      c)24-26     d)14-18

68. India has -------system of Government.

  a) Parliamentary  b) Presidential    c) Aristocracy d) None of the above

69. Indian Constitution is

  a) Written c) Unwritten  b) Partly written  d) Based on customs

70. The fundamental law of the nation is

 a) Judiciary b) Parliament c) Constitution d) Executive

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