The Ploughman - Khalil Gibran |Bangalore university english semester 1|


Khalil Gibran  


Short Answer Questions :

1. Why must one work?

One must work so  that one may keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth.

2. What will happen if one is idle according to the speaker?

According to the speaker to be idle is to become a stranger unto the seasons, and to step out of life's procession,

3. What has one always been told about work?

One has always  been told that work is a curse and labour a misfortune.

4. How can one change one's destiny?

One can change one's destiny with the sweat of one's brow and it shall wash away that what was written.According to the poet one should work hard to wipe out what is written on one's forehead.

The Imp and the crust

 Sweets for Angels

On Habits-A.G. Gardiner

Great Expectations-Charles Dickens

The tell-tale heart-Edgar Allan Poe

5. List the words associated with music.

i)wind speaks not more sweetly to the giant oaks than to the least of all the

blades of grass;

ii)And he alone is great who turns the voice of the wind into a song made

sweeter by his own loving.

iii)And if you sing though as angels,

6. “Whispering hours” means

 1. Passage of time 2. Chatting with each other 3. Telling secrets.

7. The fruits of work can make the worker as well as-others happy.

8. When is work considered empty?

Work is considered empty when there is no love.

What i require from life-J.B.S.Haldane

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Paragraph answer questions :

1. What are the misconceptions about work? Explain.

The misconceptions about work is that work is a curse and labour a misfortune. Some call birth an affliction and the support of the flesh a  curse written upon one's brow. One has also been told that life is darkness, and in ones weariness one repeats what was said by the weary. People view hard work and labour as burden and misfortune and those who had to do hard work all their life are not considered to be fortunate.Speaker tells his audience that work is a natural part of life and keeps the worker in rhythm with time and the seasons of the soul of earth. Neither a curse nor a misfortune, work is an ennobling endeavour that fulfills life.

When performed with love, work creates a spiritual bond, joining "yourself to yourself, and to one another, and to God." To work in love is to work as if one's beloved were the intended recipient of what the labour produce. All work is noble when it is performed with love. Work without love creates an inferior end product  which will not serve the purpose it was  intended for.

2. How are the misconceptions about work dispelled?

According to the poet the misconceptions about work can be dispelled in the following ways:

One should first consider work as a noble goal that fulfils life. One should remove from his thought all misconceptions of work like work is a curse and labour a misfortune.One must put his heart and soul into his work,  and then work becomes a loving task  rather than a burden and thus  brings meaning, love and happiness  to one's life.

One should not blindly accept what is told about work.Instead one must work hard and through the sweat of hard work one must change one's destiny.The nobility of work lies in the fulfilment of the purpose of life. Its beauty lies in the tapestry it weaves, binding people to their own souls, to one another, and to the divine.Thus it is through hard work and labour the purpose of life can be fulfilled.

Work becomes enjoyable when one has the urge to do something in life.When there is no urge, there is no drive and hence no enthusiasm and as a result no goal. Just like a chemical chain reaction, a life without any goal does not have any knowledge.Even if there is knowledge, unless it is put into action, it is useless. So for this work has to be done. And when it is done with devotion and love, that's what  make work, worth and superior.

3. How does work teach selflessness? Explain.

According to the poet work teaches selflessness.To be selfless is to have great love for others.When one work, it benefits not only oneself but also others.All work, however big or small, is of immense value to others.Uniting love with other aspects of life is the key to transcending the gruelling, physical aspects of work.An attitude of love can make work enjoyable. This means working as if the work were for someone the worker loves, not a nameless, faceless stranger. 

How much ever difficult the work , selfless love toward the work is the key to transcending the hardship of work. This means one should be working as if the work were for someone one loves.  Unconditional love can transform one's attitude toward the work . Love becomes a commitment to do the best that can be done while doing any kind of work. Without love, work is empty, and the quality of its product is mediocre and poor quality. With love, one is  putting the soul into work and fashioning it "with a breath of one's own spirit"This gives the creation of work, a divine quality. Work then becomes, in the prophet's words, "love made visible." Thus work teach selflessness.

4.What happens when one work with love?

When one work with love, one bind oneself to one self,

and to one another, and to God. And to work with love is to

weave the cloths with threads drawn from one's heart,

as if one's beloved were to wear that cloth.

When one builds a house with love, it is to build a house with
affection, even as if one's beloved were to dwell  in that house. 
When one sow seeds with love,it is to sow seeds with tenderness
and reap the harvest, as if one's beloved were to eat the fruit.
To work with love is to charge all things one fashion
with a breath of one's own spirit.

Love becomes a commitment to do the best that can be done. 
Without love, work is empty, and the quality of its product is
 mediocre and shoddy. With love,one is  putting the soul into 
work and fashioning it "with a breath of one's own spirit"
This gives the creation of work a divine quality. Work then
 becomes, in the prophet's words, "love made visible."

Essay question
1.Describe the speaker's concept of work.

The poem 'The Ploughman' written by Khalil Gibran, explains the concept of work.The speaker wants to remove the misconceptions people have  about work.According to the speaker work helps one to keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth. For to be idle, is to become a stranger unto the seasons, and to step out of  life's procession.When one work, one is a flute, through whose heart , the whispering of  the hours turns to music But the speaker wants to say that when one work one fulfil a part of earth's furthest  dream, assigned to one when that dream was born, And in keeping oneself with labour one is in truth loving life,  And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life's inmost secret. 

There are many misconceptions about work.One have been told that work is a curse and labour a misfortune.Some call birth an affliction when they are in pain and support of flesh a curse upon one's brow.When a person is weary he thinks life is darkness and thinks one who has to do all the hard work and labour, is not fortunate.

According to the speaker the  misconceptions about work can be dispelled if one s  consider work as a noble goal that fulfils life. One should remove from his thoughts, all misconceptions of work , like work is a curse and labour a misfortune. One must put his heart and soul into his work,  and then work becomes a loving task  rather than a burden and thus  brings meaning, love and happiness  to one's life.

One should not blindly accept what is told about work.Instead one must work hard and through the sweat of hard work one must change one's destiny.The nobility of work lies in the fulfilment of the purpose of life. Its beauty lies in the tapestry it weaves, binding people to their own souls, to one another, and to the divine.Thus it is through hard work and labour the purpose of life can be fulfilled.

Work becomes enjoyable when one has the urge to do something in life.When there is no urge, there is no drive and hence no enthusiasm and as a result no goal. Just like a chemical chain reaction, a life without any goal does not have any knowledge.Even if there is knowledge, unless it is put into action, it is useless. So for this work has to be done. And when it is done with devotion and love, that's what make work worth and of superior quality.

According to the speaker one should work with love and when one work with love,
one bind oneself to one self, and to one another, and to God
and to work with love  is to weave the cloths with threads drawn
from one's heart,as if one's beloved were to wear that cloth.
When one builds a house with love, it is to build a house
with affection as if one's beloved were to dwell in that house .
When one sow seeds with love, it is to sow seeds with
tenderness and reap the harvest, as if one's beloved were to
eat the fruit.To work with love is to charge all things
one fashion with a breath of one's own spirit.

According to the speaker love becomes a commitment to do the best that can be done. Without love, work is empty, and the quality of its product is mediocre and shoddy. With love,one is  putting the soul into work and fashioning it "with a breath of one's own spirit"This gives the creation of work a divine quality. 

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