The Imp and The Crust -Leo Tolstoy |Additional English for B.Com/BBA/B.Sc/BCA Bangalore University,


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The Imp and The Crust 

Leo Tolstoy

Answer the following in one or two sentences

1.What did the peasant take with him for breakfast ?

The peasant took with him a crust of bread for his breakfast. He wrapped  the bread in his coat and put it under a bush and set to work.

2.What did the peasant do after his bread was stolen

Though the peasant was sorry to lose his breakfast, he was not angry  at all. He told to himself that he is not going to die of hunger and whoever took the bread might have needed it and let it do good to him.Then he went to the well , drank some water and rested a bit. 

Sweets for Angels-R.K. Narayan 

On Habits -A.G. Gardiner

3.Why was the imp sitting behind the bush

The imp had stolen the peasant's bread while he was ploughing  . The imp  was sitting behind the bush, waiting to hear the peasant swear and call on the Devil, the moment peasant sees that his only crust of bread was stolen.

4.How did the peasant react when he did not found his crust of bread

The peasant was sorry to lose his breakfast but was not at all angry when he found that his bread was stolen.Instead he told to himself that he was not going to die of hunger and whoever took the bread might have needed it and is blessing the person saying, may it do good to him.

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 5.Why was the devil angry?

The devil was angry because the imp failed in making the peasant sin.The devil was angry hearing that peasant did not sin and told the imp that the peasant got better because of imp's fault.Instead of cursing the person who had taken his bread, the peasant actually blessed the person, saying that, may it do him good.

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6.How did the devil reprimand the imp?

The devil was angry that the imp could not make the peasant sin.He told that it was imp's fault as he did not understand his business .The devil warned imp that if he does not put things right  and if in three years if he don't get the better of the peasant, he will have the imp ducked in holy water.

7.Why did the peasant scold his wife?

The peasant was having a party in his house with his well-to-do neighbours and was treating them with drink.His wife was offering the drink to the guests and as she was handing the drink she tumbled against the table and spilled a glassful.

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Answer the following in a paragraph

1.What advice did the imp(in the guise of pilgrim) give the peasant?

The imp turned himself into a labouring man and took service with the poor peasant.The first year he advised the peasant to sow corn in a marshy place.The year turned out to be a dry one but poor peasant's corn grew thick and tall and full eared and he had enough for the full and besides much left over also.

The next year the imp advised the peasant to sow on hill and it turned out to be a wet summer.when other peoples corn were rotted, peasant's crop was fine and had much left over than before.The  peasant did not knew what to do with it all.Then the imp showed the peasant how he could mash the grain and distil spirit from it.

2.Describe the change that overcame the peasant?

The peasant became a greedy man when he had more than enough.The man who had not grudge his last crust, started behaving like a beastly man.He scolded his wife for spilling the glass of wine when she accidentally tumbled and spilled the wine.He was not ready to offer wine to the poor peasant who came to his party uninvited. Only the rich peasants were invited to his party.And they all drank including the peasant ,and started making false oily speeches to one another under the influence of wine.Thus the peasant who was once a humble, noble and kind man, became  greedy and unkind ,and started behaving like a beast  when he became rich.

 3.How did the peasants and the guests behave under  the influence of wine?

The peasant and the guests started drinking together and started making false oily speeches to one another  and started behaving like foxes trying to get round like one another..When they had another glass their talks became wilder and rougher and instead of oily speeches they began to abuse and snarl at one another .Soon they took to fighting and punched one another's noses like wolves.The peasant also joined the fight and he too got well beaten.

When the peasants had their third glass they started behaving like swines.They became quite like brutes .They muttered and shouted not knowing why and were not listening to one another.Then the party began to break up and all were  staggering down the street.The peasant went out to speed his guests but he fell on his nose into a puddle, smeared himself from top to toe and lay there grunting like a hog.

4.What do you mean by "the blood of the beast is always in man"?

"The blood of the beast is always in man" means that   the beastly behaviour is always  hidden inside  man. But as long as he has only enough corn for his needs, it is kept in bounds.When the peasant was poor and had just only enough corn for his needs, he did not grudge his last crust. He was not at all angry when he found that his bread was stolen.Instead he told to himself that he was not going to die of hunger and whoever took the bread might have needed it and is blessing the person saying, may it do good to him.

But when  the peasant had corn left over, he looked for ways of getting pleasure out of it.And the imp showed him a way of getting pleasure ,that is, drinking.And then when the peasant began to turn God's gifts into spirits for his own pleasure the fox's. wolf's and swine's blood which was in him all came out.If the peasant goes on drinking he will always be a beast.

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Sweets for Angels-R.K. Narayan 

On Habits -A.G. Gardiner

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