Sweets for Angels-R.K.Narayan


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Sweets for Angels

R.K. Narayan

Short answer questions

1..Who is Kali?What was his profession?

Kali was a daily wager with no family.His profession was carrying bags of rice from lorry to grain store at the market.He used to earn one rupee for doing that work.

Great Expectations-Charles Dickens

2.The aroma of food reminded Kali of The Great Mahratta Hotel

3.Name the other occupants of the pyol.

The other occupants  of the pyol who lived with Kali were his two friends, Kuppan, a rickshaw puller and Pachai ,a beggar , who begs at the bus stand  pretending  to be blind.

Why did Kali feel proud?

Kali felt proud that he could afford to sit in a chair and order coffee.This was possible because he had hauled several  sacks of grains on the previous day and hence his little money purse was bulged with coins.

On habits-A.G. Gardiner

On travel by train-J.B. Priestley

How did Kali react when the three children did not notice him?

When Kali saw three children coming down the road he hold out the sweet packet towards them.But they did not seem to notice him.So he was disappointed and felt somewhat shy in the presence of that children.

Why was Kali delighted?

Kali was offering sweets to the school children passing by. When he offered sweets to a young boy and his sister, the younger of the two snatched up a piece and ate it with great relish.Meanwhile more children arrived and surrounded Kali. This delighted him and soon the children were snatching the sweet package from his hand and were shouting and scrambling.

Who accompanied Kali in the hospital?

Kuppan the rickshaw puller and Pachai the blind beggar , accompanied Kali to the hospital.

The cask of Amontillado-Edgar Allan Poe

Describe Kali's home in the story "Sweets for Angels "

Kali's home was a brick pyol attached to a locked up deserted house in Rayapuram. He lived there with two fellow occupants Kuppan  a rickshaw driver and Pachai a beggar.

Answer the questions in a paragraph

Describe Kali's appearance?

Kali had a frightful appearance with his beard. Though he had the look of somebody who may be prone to be a rowdy , the reality was that he was a gentle , kind  and innocent man who did not wish any harm for others. 

Explain the enthusiasm found in Kali after his earnings.

Kali felt elated as he had hauled several sacks of grains on the previous evening  and so his money purse was bulged with coins.He decided not to go near the market that day.In the afternoon he felt hungry and the smell of spices frying in ghee reminded him of the The Great Mahratta Hotel.He had a heavy lunch from there and had coffee in the evening from a coffee shop.He felt  proud that he could afford to sit in a chair and order coffee.

Describe how Kali's friends were helpful at the end?

Kali's friends Kuppan and the blind beggar were with him when Kali was in the hospital.They consoled him by saying that he can come back to their old pyol and people won't hurt him anymore as now it will be difficult for them to recognise Kali.They told him that now people may think he is someone else as the doctors have shaved off his beard and every hair on his head.The blind man also comforted him saying that he would soon be alright.

Great Expectations-Charles Dickens

On habits-A.G. Gardiner

Essay questions

1.Write a note on Kali's admiration for children

Kali admired children very much.He used to watch little children go to school nearby his pyol. It filled him with delight.He used to remark to Pachai ,with wonder,  how those children were able to read and used to look admiringly at the children, their pencils, books and slates.The children were unaware that there was a man fervently worshipping them as he sometimes softly walk behind them, and stood at the school gate staring far into it.The hum emanating from the yellow school building was music to his ears.It filled him with mystic joy as it was an emotion that could not be satisfactorily explained. explained.

How much Kali actually admired and loved children is noticeable by his innocent attempt to give the school children some sweets.It was from his hard earned money he purchased sweets for the children and he is running back to his place to offer sweets to the passing children.When he saw three children coming down the road he hold out the sweet packet towards them.But they did not seem to notice him.So he was disappointed and felt somewhat shy in the presence of those angels.

Then came a young fellow and his little sister. Kali offered sweets  to them. The younger of the two snatched up a piece and ate it with great relish.Meanwhile more children arrived and surrounded Kali. This delighted him and soon the children were snatching the sweet package from his hand and were shouting and scrambling.All this delighted him as he loved those little children very much.

2.The love toward's the children was mistaken by the public.Discuss

 In the lesson 'Sweets for Angles' by R.K. Narayan ,the main character Kali in the story is a simple ,kind and innocent man who loved children very much.Watching them everyday gave him immense joy.He used to watch little children go the school nearby his pyol. It filled him with delight.He used to remark to Pachai, his friend  ,with wonder,  how those children were able to read and used to look admiringly at the children, their pencils, books and slates.

Though Kali had the look of somebody who may be prone to be rowdy, the reality was that he was a gentle and kind man who does not wish any harm on others. How kind Kali actually may be is noticeable by his innocent attempt to give the school children some sweets. Though this may be a harmless act. To others Kali was viewed upon as being a kidnapper and somebody who may harm the children. This may be important as it is clear to the reader that Kali is being judged by others simply based upon his appearance. No consideration is being given to the fact that Kali is simple being kind or generous due to the connection he feels he has with the children.

Kali could have chosen to keep his  hard earned extra money for himself but he wanted to share his happiness with the children. The school bell is reminding him of the children and he is rushing to his place to offer sweets to the children passing by .When he was surrounded by children, he was delighted as he loved their presence.But the crowd misunderstood him as some gangster from Himalayas who wanted to harm children by poisoning them.Kali was not a complicated man as the public had thought. He had no hidden agenda nor did he wish to hurt the children.  It is also interesting that nobody believes Kali when he tries to explain what he was doing. It is as though the  crowd of people who were beating Kali have made up their mind about what Kali’s intentions might have been. They find it easier to believe what they want to believe than let Kali explain himself.

Kali was as innocent as the children themselves. His innocent act of offering some sweets to the children was misunderstood by the public just because of his  frightful appearance with the beard. It is his frightful appearance that is letting him down.  Despite the fact that Kali meant no harm to the children he was a stranger which made the public doubt his act of offering sweets. But Kali was just somebody who wanted to share his own happiness with the children whom he loved and admired most. His innocent love towards the children was thus mistaken by the public.

A work of Art-Anton Chekhov

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1st sem English as per new NEP syllabus 2021-22

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First semester English Chapter 2 All creatures great and small

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First semester English Chapter 6 My Teacher

First semester  English Chapter 8 A conversation with a reader

 First sem Additional English

First sem The Imp and the crust

First sem Sweets for Angels

On habits-A.G. Gardiner

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