Bangalore University ICHR solved question paper part 2 |Indian constitution and Human Rights mcq

 ichr solved question paper part II

I Semester B.Com.,B.B.A/B.H.M Examination, 

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1. Who is the First prime Minister of India ?

 a) Lal Bahadur Shastri c) Mahatma Gandhiji b) Dr. Rajendra prasad d) JawaharalalNehru 

2. How many Parts are there in Indian Constitution ?

a)16   b)18  c)20  d) 22

3. The Fundamental Law of the Nation is

 a) Judiciary b) Parliament c) Constitution d) Executive

4. India adopted type of Government. 

a) Presidential b) Military c) Dictator d) Parliamentary

5. The present Higher Education Minister of Karnataka is

(Study the present ministers name)

6. Prime Minister and Ministry are responsible to

 a) Rajya Sabha c) Vidhana Sabha b) LokSabha d) Vidhana Parishath

7.-----------Article related to National Emergency. 

a)350 b) 352 c) 356 d) 365

8. Who distributes the portfolios of Government in State ?

 a) President c) High Court Judge b) L b) Prime Minister d) Chief Minister

9. The best example for Federal System

a) Britain b) India c) U.S.A' d) France

10. The Chief Election Commissioner of India

a) Naveen B. Chawla c) S.Y. Khureshi b) C.Rangarajan d) N. A.Zaidi

11. The Highest Court of Appeat in lndia 

a) President b) Supreme Court c) High Court d) None of the above

12,-Article refers to the impeachment of the President.

 a) Article 61 b) Article 76 c) Arricte 75 d) Arricte 78

13. When did'NHRC'started in lndia ? 

a) 1949 b) 1979 c) 1993 d) 1975

14, Human Rights are divided into types.

 a) 03 b) 05 c) 06 d)02

15. Human Rights are concerned to 

a) Hindus b) Muslims c) Christians d) All religions

16. Expand 'ECOSOC'.

 a) Economic and Social Culture b) Economic and Social Council 

c) Economic and Society Culture d) Economic and South Council

17. The document which is used the term Human Rights for the first time

a) Declaration of League c) a) and b b) UN Declaration d) Vienna Declaration

18. World Human Rights Day celebrates on 

a) 10 November 1948 c) 10 October 1948  b) 10 September 1948 d) 10 December 1948

19. Attorney General of India is appointed by

 a) Supreme Court C. J. c) President  b) Vice-President   d) Prime Minister

20. Indian Citizens enjoys citizenship.

a) Single c) Single and Double b) Double d) None of the above

21. Supervisor of 'ICCPR'

  a) U. N. Human Rights Commission c) General Assembly b) Security Council d) Trusteeship Council

23. The Chairman of the Drafting Committee of 'UDHR' 

a) Elinar Roosevelt c) Rine Casine b) Charles Mallik d) John Humpry

24. The Headquarters of 'UNHCR' at 

New York b) Paris c) Geneva d) London

25. Expand' OHCHR' 

a) Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights b) Organisation of the High Commissioner for Human Rights  c) Office of the Higher Commissioner for Human Rights d) Organisation of the Higher Commissioner for Human Rights

26. Third Generation of Rights are called as 

a) Blue Rights c) Red Rights b) Green Rights d) Yellow Rights   

27. Expand 'SHRC'. 

a) State Human Rights Collaboration b)State human rights commission

c) State Human Rights Corporation '

 28. Expand IHRHC'. 

a) National Human Rights Conrmission      c) National Human Rights Corporation 

b) National Human Rights Campaign d) New Human Rights Commission   

29.'ICESCR' consists of Articles.

 a) 30   b) 32  c) 31 '   d) 34 

30. The First High Commissioner of Human Rights 

a) Mary Robbinson  b) Nelson Mandela  c) Boutros Ghali   d) Jose-Ayala-Laso  

 31 . Retirement age of the Supreme Court Judge

 a) 62 years b) 63 years c) 54 Years d) 65 years 

32. Supreme court of India located at 

  a) Bangalore b) Chennai  c)New Delhi d)Hyderabad

33. Indian Constitution safeguarded by

  a) Supreme Court b) High Court c) Prime Minister  d) President

34. Contingency Fund of India is under control of 

a)  Finance Minister b) President c) Prime Minister d) Auditor and Comptroller General of lndia

35. State List consists of subjects. 

b) oa{da a\ 3/ b) 66 c) 47 d) 50

 36. The minimum age to contest Lok sabha Erections 

a) 21years b) 25 years ) 30 years d) 35 years

37. The term of Vice president

 a) 4 years b) 5 years c) 6 years d) 7 years

38. Article related to Financial Emergency

a) Article 360 b) Article 352 c) Article 356 d) Article 368

39. Who administer the oath of the office of the President ? 

a) Vice-President b) Prime Minister c) Election Commissioner d) Supreme Court of Chief Justice

40. Upper House of the State Legislature 

a) Rajya Sabha b) Lok Sabha c) Vidhana sabha d) vidhana Parishath

41 . Which Amendment added the words 'socialist' and 'secular'to the Constitution ? 

a) 44th Amendment b) 42nd Amendment c) 43rd Amendment d) 45th Amendment

42. Indian Constitution is 

a) Rigid b) Ftexible c) Partly Rigid and Partly Flexible d) Conservative

43' Which Part of the Indian Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights ?

 a) Parl - | b) Part - il c) part III d) parr _ tV A

44. Guardian of Fundamental Rights in India

a) Supreme Court c) Executive b)legislature d)constitution

45. which Part of the constitution deals with Fundamental Duties ?

 a) Part - ll b) Part - lll    c) Part - lV    d) part - tVA

46. when did constituent making Assembly's first session held ?

a) 9th December 1946 b) 11th December 1947 c) 26th November 1949 d) 26th January 1950

47.How many Articles are there in original constitution of India ?

a)415 b) 350 c) 395 d) 455

48. The Constitution of India came into force on

a) 1 947 August 15 c) 1 949 November 26 b) 1950 January26 d) 1951 January26

49, Who was the Chairman of Constitution making Assembly ?

a) Dr.Babu Rajendra Prasad c) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan b) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar d) B.N. Rao

50. When did lndian Constitution adopted ? 

a) 1950  January 26  c) 1949 November 26   b) 1947 August 15   d) 1951 January 1

51. Districts Sessions Courts Judges are appointed by

 a) Chief Minister  b) Governor c) President d) Prime Minister

52.The Ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha is 

a) President  b) Vice-President   c) Prime Minister d) Minister of State

53. How many members of Anglo-lndian Community nominated to Lok Sabha ?

 a) 02 b) 03 c) 04 d) 05

54. Who appoints the Chief Minister of a State ? 

a) President  b) Vice-President c) Party President d) Governor

55. The present Governor of Karnataka 

(Study present governor's name)

56' The chief commander of Armed Forces of India 

a) Prime Minister c) President b) Chief Minister d) Vice-President

57. Generally Financial Bill introduced in 

a) Rajya Sabha c) Vidhana parishad b) LokSabha d) None of the above

58. The retirement age of High Court Judges 

 a) 60 years b) 61 years  c) 62 years  d) 63 years

59. Minimum prescribed age to become a Governor of a state 

 a) 30 years b) 35 years c) 25 years d) 50 years

60. Who act as the connecting bridge between President and Ministry ?

 a) Prime Minister b) Speaker c) Vice-President d) Law Minister

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