Bangalore university EVS Solved Previous Year Question Paper| mcq Part 1| Environmental Studies |


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II Semester B.Com/BBA/BHM Examination, May/June - 2019 


(AECC) (CBCS) (Fresh) (2018-19 & Onwards)

 For Environmental studies solved mcq part 2 click here

For EVS  solved  mcq part 3 click here

1.Ecosystem consists of 

(a)Only biotic component   (b) Only Abiotic component  (c) Both (a) and (b)    (d) None of these

2.Amount of water vapour in air is known as 

(a) Wind      (b) Humidity    (c) Precipitation      (d) Temperature

3.Deforestation is caused by

(a) Grazing   (b) Mining     (c) Cultivation      (d) All of these 

4. Phytotrplankton -+ zooplankton + small fish + largefish is an example of 

aquatic ecosystem / (b) 'Terrestrial Ecosystem (.) Desert ecosystem (d) Tropical ecosystem

5.The major carbon storage in the carbon cycle is 

(a) Oceans     (b) Atmosphere    (c) Rivers   d.Trees

6.Savannah, Shivalik hills are example of 

(a) Forest ecosystem   (b) Grassland ecosystem    (c) Desert ecosystem     (d) Pond ecosystem

7.Which state irrigates largest percentage of land 

(a) Karnataka       (b)Maharashtra       (c) Haryana          (d) Punjab

8.Extraction of mineral and metal from the earth is :

(a) Agriculture      b. mining       (c) Transportation       ( d)Sustainable development

9.Which of the following is an artificial eco system

(a),Forest  (b).River        (c).wetland       (d)aquarium

10.Estuarv means 

(a) Rich in nutrients  b) Confluence of river ancl sea   (c.) Water treatment   (d) End of the river

11.BOD stands for : 

a) Biochemical Oxygen Demand  b. Biochemical Occupied date 

c) Biochemical Occupied Demand  d. None of these 

12.The Chipko movement was started in the

(a) Himalayan region   (b) Western Ghats    (c) Indogangetic plain    (d) Eastern Ghats

13.The ultraviolet radiations in the stratosphere are absorbed by 

(a) Oxygen      (b) Sulphur dioxide    (c) Ozone      (d )Argon

14.The process of recycling decomposed organic materials into a rich soil

(a) Composting     (b) Land filling .'(c) Degradation  (d) Pyrolysis

15.Plants, Algae and Photosynthetic bacterial are all examples of :

 (a) Decomposers  (b) Consumers (c) producers(d) Carnivorous

16.The pH scale ranges from 

(a) 0-7 (b) 0-14   (c) 7-14   (d) 5-15 

17. Temperature is measured  in 

(a) Degree Celsius    (b) Percentage    (c) Degree Fahrenheit      (d) Both (a) and c

18.The Periyar National park and wild life sanctuary

(a) Tamii Nadu   b.Andhra pradesh   c. Karnataka   d.kerala

19.Bhopal gas tragedy occurred in the year    

(a) 1983  ( b).1995   ( c).1994     ( d.)1984

20.A series of organism through which energy is transferred in the form of food is called

(a) Food Chain       (b)Food pyramid     (c) Food web      (d)none of these

21.Silent Valley movement observed in : 

(a) Karnataka   (b) Kerala     c. Rajasthan    d.Gujarat

22.Important elements that can affect climate includes 

a) Drought    (b) Temperature     (c) Rainfall      (d)both b and c

23.There are ----------- levels of biodiversity

  a.4      b.2       c.5      d.3 

24.Which of the following is not in Rajasthan ? 

a) Bharatpur bird Sanctuary       (b) Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary     (c) Ranthambore National I'ark and Wildlife Sanctuary    (d) Govind Wildlife Sanctuary

25.Which of the following is the natural source of pollution

(u) Storms     (b) Precipitation     (c) Acid Rain       (d) Volcanic eruptions

26.Average weather conditions in given place over longer period of time are called 

(a) Season     (b) Weather      (c) Atmosphere      (d) Climate 

27.Which of these is a pollution parameter 

(a) High Hardness    (b) High COD           (c) High BOD      (d) All of these

28. Temperature is measured in : 

(a) Degree Celsius   (b) percentage   (c) Degree Fahrenheit    (d) Both (a) and (c) 

29.Which of these is a secondary pollutant

a.CO           b.PAN       c.oxygen         d.   CO2

30.Good example of renewable energy is 

(a) Oil   (b) hydro power    (c) Coal     (d) None of these 

31.Demography is the study of 

(a) Plants and animals  (b) Population   (C)Economic growth  (d) Literacy rate

32.A Chemical industry  is not a cause of : 

(a) Air Pollution  (b)water pollution  (c) Noise Pollution   (d) Nuclear pollution,

33.The clean environmental fuel is

 (a) CNG        (b) Petrol      (c) Coal     (d) Diesel

34. Swachh Bharat campaign was launched on : 

(a) 2 October 2014      (b) 14 October 2010     (c) 2 October 2015   ( d) 14 November 2015

35.Ozone is present in

 (a) Mesosphere    (b) Stratosphere       (c) 'Ihermosphere      (d)Troposphere

36.The Chilikha salt  water lake is situated in the state of :

(a) Odisha  (b) Bihar    (c) Karnataka     (d)uttaranchal

37. Biogas is a mixture of : 

(a) CH4 and CO2    (b) SOx and NOx       (c) CF4 arrd NH4          (.1) CO2 and H2O

38.Noise pollution limit in industrial area is 

(a)65 db          (b)95 db         (c)80 db        (d)100 db

The  exact answer is 75 db during day time and 70 db during night.As the nearest option is 65 db that is selected as answer.

39.The primary source of energy on earth

(a) Solar energy        (b) Tidal energy      (c) wind energy        (d)bio energy

40.CDs , CPU's and monitors are examples of 

(a)Plastic waste       (b)  liquid waste       (c) e- waste      (d) silicon waste

42.Which fertilisers are expensive and bad to environment

(a) Organic matters   (b) Chemical fertilisers    (c) Harmful pesticides '  (d) Natural fertilisers

43. EIA stands for 

(a)Environment illegal Assessment     (b)Environmental impact Assessment 

(c) Ecological Illegal Assessment    (d) None of these

44.Clean water act was amended in the year 

(a) 1982     (b) 1962      (c) 1992          (d) 1972

45.Which of these is a abiotic component 

(a) Fungi   (b) Algae'   (c) Bacteria     ( d) Soil   

46.CFC stands for : 

(u) ChloroFlurocarbon     (b) Color finding Centre    (c) Chloro Fibre Compound 

(d) Chloro Fluro Carbon dioxide

47.Grazing food chain always starts with : 

(a) Producers    b) Primary Consumers      c.Secondary Consumers      d. Decornposers 

48.Acid Rain is caused due to oxides of 

(a) Oxygen and Hydrogen  (b) Nitrogen and Sulphur,

(c) Hydrogen and Carbon , (d) Carbon and Oxygen

49.A network of interconnected foo<l chains is called

(a) Food web.     (b) Chain web        (.) Web cycle       (d) Ecosystem

50.Endangered species of plants and animals are listed in ;

(a) Green book     (b) Red data book     (c) Endangered book     (d) Blue book

51.The term Ecosystem was coinecl by

 (a) Arthur Tansley         (b) Aristotle  (c) Jagadish Chandra Bose   (d) John Mendal

52.The nodal agency for early warning of cyclones and floods is 

(a) Indian meteorological department       (b) National Cyclone risk management 

(c) National Disaster Management             (d) National disaster response force 

  53. 3R in solid waste management stands for

(a) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,'   (b) Reconcile, Recover, Rescale 

(c) Recall, Recollect, Refuse    (d) Reduce, Recover, Refresh

54.Tendency of pollutants to become concentrated in successive tropic levels is known as

(a) Biopiracy      (b) Bioremediation      (c) Biorythm         (d) Biomagnification

55.species that are found  only in a particular region are known as 

(a) Endangered species    (b) Endemic species   (c) Extinct species     (d) Vulnerable species

56.Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas 

(a) Sulphur dioxide    (b) Carbon Dioxide     (c) Ozone     (d) Water Vapour

57.World Environment is celebrated on ; 

(a) 5th May    (b) 5th July    (c) 5th June     (d) 18thJuly

58.Energy obtained from the earth's hot interior is called 

(a) Geothermal Energy       (b) Biomass energy     (c) Water energy      (d) Tidal energy

59.The protocol that reduces Greenhouse Gas emissions is

 (a) Vienna Protocol   (b) Kyoto protocol    (c) Montreal protocol       (d) cartagena protocol

60.Social, economical and ecological equity is the necessary condition for achieving

 (a) social development      (b) sustainable development      

(c) Economical development   (d) Ecological development

61.Sparrow  day is observed on 

a) 20th March      (b) 20th June       (c) 20th April     (d) 20th July 

62.Eutrophication means 

(a) water purification     (b) waste water treatment     (c) Neutralisation of water 

(d) Enrichment of nutrients in water bodies 

63.Ozone day is observed on : 

(a) January 03       (b) November 10      (c) March 26       (d) September 16

64.Ozone depletion in the stratosphere will cause 

a) Forest fires   (b) Global warming    (c) Increased incidence of skin cancer   (d) None of these

65.Food chain starts with a 

(a) producer     ( b) Decomposer     (c) Consumers     (d) Animals Environmental Studies mcq Part 1| Environmental Studies question paper for bcom


(CBCS) (Repeaters) (New) (2018-19 and Onwards)) 


For environmental studies part 2 mcq click here

1. The shorter food chain ensures

 a) Less energy     b) Greater energy     c) No energy    d) None of the above 

2. The study of interrelationship between the living organisms and environment is known as 

  a) Ecosystems    b) Ecology    c) Physiology  d) Geology

3. Tropical rain forests are also called 

a) Deciduous forests    b) Evergreen forests    c) Temperate forests     d) Tundra forests

4. Dams are built to hold back water in order

  a) Prevent floods     b) Irrigation     c) Hydroelectricity      d) All of the above

5. The interlinking of food chains in an ecosystem 

a) Food court    b) Food web    c) Food chains     d) Food exchange

6. Acid rain is caused by

 a) Methane     b) Oxygen     c) Oxides of sulphur      d) None of these

7. The Karnataka State Bio-diversity Bill is passed in the year

               b) 2006      c) 2003     d) 2002

8. The resource which are limited

a) Fossil fuels    b) Minerals     c) Exhaustible     d) All of the above

9. An example for terrestrial ecosystem is

a) Pond ecosystem  b) Estuary ecosystem  c) Grassland ecosystem  d) Lake ecosystem

10. Delayed somatic effect of radiation causes

a) Leukemia      b) Mutation      c)Giddiness      d) Insomnia

11. Species which are in the verge of extension are called

      a) Endemic   b) Endangered    c) Exotic       d) Native

12. The energy obtained from microbial  decomposition

a) Biogas        b) CNG       c) Natural gas    d) All of the above

13. The primary consumers are also called

a) Herbivores    b) Carnivores       c) Omnivores        d) Detrivores

14. Excessive organic load in the rivers causes

a) Increase the oxygen demand  b) Increases the oxygen level

c) Increases the purity of water  d) All of the above

15. Flurosis affects on

a) Bone    b) Teeth      c) Brain     d) Both a and b

16. Abiotic component of an ecosystem is

a) Bacteria      b) Plants       c) Light      d) All of the above

17. Which of the following is not a green house gas?

a) Sulfure dioxide       b) Carbon dioxide       c) Ozone      d) Water vapour

18. The movement of sea water towards inland is called

a) Estuary      b) Eco tone      c) Salt water intrusion           d) Wetland

19. Conservation of species away from their Natural habits is called

a) In-situ conservation    b) Ex-situ conservation    c) Species conservation    d) All of the above

20. The Wildlife (Protection) Act was passed in the year

a) 1972    b) 1982      c)1952       d) 1995

21. The number of recognised Bio-diversity hotspots in India

a) 39     b) 25       c)3      d) 14

There are 4 recognised bio diversity hotspots in India.They are The Himalayas,The Indo Burma region,The Sundaland,The Western Ghats. As  option 4 is not given in the question ,the nearest option 3 is taken.

22. Population pyramids indicates

a) Growth rate    b) Age structure    c) Birth rate     d) Death rate

23. Ansi National Park is located in

a) Madhya Pradesh     b) Assam      c) Karnataka      d) Goa

It is Anshi National Park and is located in Uttara Karnataka.In the question the spelling is typed wrongly.

24. Chipko movement was started in

a) Tamil Nadu      b) Karnataka      c) Uttaranchal       d) Kerala

25. World Water Day is celebrated on

a) April 22nd     b) March 22nd       c) September 16th      d) June 5th

26. The percentage of atmospheric nitrogen is

a) 20.98%    b) 57.01%      c) 78.08%      d) 32.91%

27. CEE refers to

a) Centre for Science and Environment      b) Centre for Ecology and Environment

c) Centre for Environmental Education      d) Centre for Electronic Education

28. The Eco-mark of environment is

a) Green plant      b) Earthen pot       c) Paper       d) Tiger

29. International Conference on sustainable development was held at

a) Stockholm        b) Johannesburg     c) Rio-de-Janerio       d) Belgrade

30. The thickness of ozone layer is measured in  units.

a) Centimetre      b) Decibels        c) Dobson       d) Millimetre

31. Three-mile Island disaster is related to

a) Nuclear Disaster      b) Chemical Pollution      c) Atomic Disaster     d) Flight Disaster

32. Salt water ecosystem is not related to

a) River    b) Coral reef      o) Estuary        d) Ocean

33. Running water habitat is known as

a) Lotic      b) Lentic      c) Biome       d) Littoral

34. The term Immigration' in population study is known as

a) Joining of population     b) Out of population     c) Birth rate      d) Death rate

35. Hot-spots are the areas which have

a) High Species Diversity  b) High Endemism  c) Threatened Species  d) All of the above

To qualify as a hot spot a region must satisfy two  strict criteria

  • Endemism: It must maintain at least  1500 species of vascular plants as endemics
  • Loss of Habitat:It has have to lost 70% of its original habitat.

36. Bio gas is a mixture of

a) Methane and carbon dioxide          b) Oxygen and hydrogen

c) Methane and oxygen           d) Hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide

37. The process of use of plants for the removal of toxic chemical from the Environment is known as

a) Bio magnification     b) Bioremediation        c) Bioaccumilation          d) Bio degradation

38. The concept of ecological succession was introduced by

 a) E. O. Willson           b) Clements     c) E. P. Odum       d) Hannas Relter 

The term ecological succession was given by Ragnar Hult .The term ecosystem development to ecological succession was given by Odum. Since in the options only Odum is given , so odum  is marked as answer

39. Red-data Book is published by

a) WWF       b) IUCN         c) FAO        d) WHO

IUCN-International Union for conservation of nature and natural resources

40. Montreal protocol is related to

a) To mitigate acid rain        b) Climate change issues 

 c) Global warming         d) To phase out ozone depleting substances

41. Biotic interaction in which both organisms gets benefited with each other is called

a) Parasitism    b) Mutualism      c) Predation        d) Negative Interaction

42. Deficiency of Vitamin-K causes

a) Beri-beri     b) Diptheria       c) Bleeding of gums       d) Sterility

43. The source of E-coli organism contamination

a) Sodium    b) Human Excreta    c) Both a and b       d) None of the above

44. Which of the following are called sinks of atmospheric CO2

a) River and lakes     b) Land masses      c) Forest and oceans     d) Volcanoes

45. The 'Minamata' episode occurred in

a) Japan     b) Mississippi      c) Italy       d) France

46. Human Rights Day is celebrated on

a) May 22nd           b) June 5th    c) December 10th         d September 16th

47. The method used for tiger census

a) Finger print         b) Pug mark        c) Remote sensing     d) None of the above

48. The lakes that have high nutrients and less quality of water are called

a) Aligotrophic lakes    b) Eutrophic lakes      c) Distrophic lakes      d) Mesotrophic lakes

49. Basal convention is related to

a) Hazardous Waste Management and Disposal      b) Climate Change  

c) Ozone Depletion    d) None of the above

50.Bhopal gas tragedy was happened in the year

a) 1986       b) 1984        c) 1972       d) 1983

51. Sewage sickness is a form of

a) Water pollution       b) Air pollution        c) Light pollution        d) Land pollution

Sewage sickness is a term used for the condition of land where sewage is applied continuously for a long period

52. Biotic component of an environment includes

  a) Producers  b) Consumers  (c)Decomposers    d) All of the above

53. Dry weight of an organism is known as

 a) Mass     b) Biomass   c) Energy      d) Fat mass

54, Organisms position in food chain is known as

a) Organism mass     b) Trophic level       c) Producer       d) Consumer

56. The following chemical which is highly lethal to ozone

 a) Oxygen      b) Chlorine         c) Hydrogen       d) Ozone oxide

56. The Stockholm Conference of United Nations was held in the year

a) 1968      b) 1986      c) 1972        d) 1974

57. Red-panda is the logo for the below organisation

a) WWF        b) IUCN        c) FAO      d) WHO

58. The gas mainly responsible for greenhouse effect ?

a) Ozone         b) Oxygen       c) Carbon dioxide       d) Carbon monoxide

59. Largest ecosystems of the world are

a) Grasslands     b) Great lakes       c) Forests      d) Oceans

60. The energy which is harnessed from heat of the earth is known as

a) Biogas Energy       b) Geothermal Energy   c) Wave Energy       d) Nuclear Energy

61. Dioxins are cancer causing agents which releases from the burning of

a) Papers    b) Plastics      c) Oils       d) Fuel Wood

62. The pH of normal rain water is

a) 5.6     b) 7.5      c) 7       d) 8.2

The pH of normal rain water is between 5 and 5.5

63. Bishnois' is a Hindu religion sect is found in the State of

a) Karnataka     b) Rajasthan      c) Madhya Pradesh      d) Assam

The Bishnois a vaishnavite sect living in western Rajasthan  for centuries have been conserving the flora and fauna to protect the environment

64. In which year, Silent Valley was declared as National Park 7?

a) 1973       b) 1984         c) 1985        d) 1972

65. The gaseous chemical which cause coma condition in human

a) Oxygen  b) Carbon dioxide     c) Carbon monoxide       d) Hydrogen

66. The Earth's average temperature is

a) 25°C      b) 15°C      c) 18°C       d) 12°C

67. Pulse Polio programme was launched in the year

a) 1991         b) 1992         c) 1995         d) 2001

68. Ranganathittu in Karnataka is known for

a Lions   b)Tigers       c)Elephants        d)Birds

70. The percentage of fresh water available on the earth surface

a) 3%       b) 10%        c) 20%        d) 30%

Additional questions from environment  studies( from old syllabus)from (CBCS) (Repeaters) (2014-15 and Onwards) ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC HEALTH

Only Environmental Studies questions selected from the paper

 1. Methane found in landfills is a gas as a result of

 a) aerobic digestion of solid waste        b) anaerobic digestion of solid waste 

 c) pyrolysis of solid waste       d) Fermentation of solid waste 

2. One oi the best solutions to get rid of non-biodegradable wastes is 

a) Buming    b) Dumping       c) Burying     d) Recycling 

3. What is the life-time of methane?

a) 13 years   b) 14 years       c) 15 years      d) 12 years 

4. The conversion of organic waste to compost by earth worms is 

a) Semi composting     b) Casting     d) Vermi-composting      c) Humitying

5.. Presence of ozone in this layer is considered as pollutant 

a) Troposphere      b) Stratosphere       c) Mesosphere      d) Exosphere

6.. Tho agency that has laid down the standards for the control of pollution of air, water and noise is 

a) Central Pollution Control Tribunal    b) Central Pollution Control Agency

 c) Ministry of Homo Affairs      d) Central Pollution Control Board 

7.. Air pollution is not caused by 

a) Rapid urbanisation    b) Vehicular traffic    c) Dense population    d) Ground water contamination 

8.. The fertility of soils is due to 

a) Minerals and organic matter     b) O, concentration   c)COlevels    d) Heavy metal content 

9. An environmental audit helps in achieving the

 a) Resource usage optimisation    b) Minimisation of waste generation 

c) Public awareness    d) All of these 

10. Bio indicator of air pollution is 

a) Algae       b) Lichens        c) Pinus        d) Fern  

11. All the following are consequences of air pollution except 

a) Acid precipitation     b) Depletion of ozone layer   c) Global warming    d) Eutrophication 

 12. Which of the following organisms would be expected to have the highest concentration of mercury pollution in its tissues ? 

a) Primary producers such as algae, phytoplankton s    b) Primary consumers such as zooplanktons 

c) Secondary consumers such as sardines and herring  d) Tertiary consumers such as tuna and sharks

13. The depletion of which of the following can contribute to stronger UV rays reaching earth ? 

a) Oxygen      b) Carbon dioxide        c) Both a) and b)      d) Ozone layer 

14. Ozone layer is present in 

a) Troposphere     b) Mesosphere     c) Stratosphere     d) Atmosphere

 15. Which of the following greenhouse gases is entirely anthropogenic in origin ?

 a) CFC       b) CO2    c) Water vapour    d) Methane 


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