Bangalore University Environmental Studies MCQ Part 3| Environmental Studies and for competitive exams


NOV/DEC. 2018' (Semester Scheme) (Fresh)(CBCS)

(2018-19 and Onwards)


click here for part 1 solved mcq , part 2 solved mcq

1.U,N Conference on Human and Environment in Stockholm was held in the ye ar

a) 1947 b) 1972 e)1969 d) 1983 - 2. Abiotic environment includes a) Plant, animals and microbes b) Light, temperature and water c) Human being, insects and Birds d) Algae, Fungi and Bacteria 3. All the living organisms of the earth constitute a) Biosphere b) Biome c) Community d) Biology 4. Expand BNHS. a) Bombay Natural History Society b) Bombay National History Society c) Bombay National Horticultural Society d) Bombay National Histological Society 5. The chief goal of environmental education is a) To improve the quality of environment b) To create an awareness among people on environmental protection c) To develop the capabilities of decision making related to environmental issues d) To fight against the corruption 6. When was Bhopal gas tragedy occurred ? a) 3rd December 1984 c) 5th December 1984 b) 6th December 1984 d) 9th June 1985 7. Which one of the following is not a layer in atmosphere ? a) Mesosphere b) Stratosphere c) Hydrosphere d) Troposphere 8. Air pollution leads to a) Gastro intestinal disease b) Respiratory diseases c) Communicable disease d) Sexually transmitted diseases

9. Who is Dr. Salim Ali ? a) A physicist b) A scientist c) An ornithologist d) A herpetologist 10. Water is a a) Renewable resource b) Non-renewable resource c) Man made resource d) Artificial resource 11. Flood is a) lncrease of water in water bodies b) lncrease of silt in river c) lncrease of silt in ponds d) Encroachment of land by water 12. Expand D. D. T. a) Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloro ethane b) Dichloro Diethane Trichloro methane c) Dichloro Disulphide Trichloro ethane d) Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloro methane

13. Bio diesel is derived from a Petroleum b) Solar gas c) Diesel "d) Plants

14. Geothermal energy is stored in a) On the earth b) Above the earth c) Within the ocean d) Within the earth 15.______________is used in nuclear power station. a) Cadmium c) iron b) Uranium d) Carbon 16. Salinization is a) Accumulation of salts in water b) Accumulation of salts in food c) Accumulation of salts in body of animals d) Accumulation of salts in Rocks 17. Expand G. l. S. a) Geological Information System b) Geological Information Source c) Geographical Information Source d) Geographical Information System 18. Weathering is a Process of a) Soil formation b) Rock formation c) Mineral formation d) Crystal formation '19.Blue baby syndrome is caused by which pollution ? a)CO b) Flourine c) Nitrate d)Mercury 20. Drought means a) Scarcity of land b) Scarcity of water c) Scarcity of food d) None of the above 21. LPG is a) Liquefied petroleum gas b) Liquefied pump gas c) Liquefied petrol gas d), Liquefied pyrol gas

22. Lotic water bodies mean a) Flowing water bodies c) Surface water bodies b) Stilt water bodies d) Subsurface water bodies 23. The term "Eco-system" was first coined by a) E. P. Odurn b) S.A. Forbes c) Karl Mobius d) A.G. TansleY 24. The two major types of natural Eco-systems are a) Terrestrial and artificial b) Terrestrial and aquatic c) Terrestrial and urban d) Terrestrial and rural 25. One of the following is not an example for grazing food chain' a) Green plants -+ grass hopper -+ lizard + hawk b) Zooplankton -+ small fishes -+ large fishes --+ whale c) Seeds -+ rodents -+ snakes -+ hawk d) Grass -+ deer -+ tiger 26- Autotrophs are capable of a) Decomposing food b) Synthesizing their own food c)Collecting the food d)Eating the food 27. The pattern of eating and being eaten is known as a) Food web b) Energy flow c) Food chain d) Ecological pyramid 28. Decomposers are a) Heterotrophic b) Chemotrophic c ) Photosynthetic d) Autotrophic.

29. Ecological succession occurring on rocks is called a) Hydrosere b) Psamosere c) Lithosere d) Halosere 30. The pyramid number in a forest ecosystem is a) inverted b) Upright c) Linear d) Rhomboidal 31. Biodiversity hotspots are a) Have more endemic species b) Have more number of Population c) The organisms at hottest places of world d) Only present in the sea 32. Shola is a) The vegetation of valley b) Coniferous forest c) Plants grow near sea coast d) Endangered species 33. Expansion of W. W. F. is a) World Wide Forests b) World Wide Fun c) World Wide Fund for Nature d) World Wrestling Fun 34. Example for ln-situ conservation a) Botanical gardens b) Zoo c) Biosphere d) All the above 35. Khaziranga National park is

a) Ramsar site b) Arid zone d) Desert c) Dry land

36. The biosphere reserve of India is a) Chilka lake b) Bandipur c) Great Nicobar d) Banneraghatta

37. Indian Bio geographical zones are in number. a) 10 c) 25 b)2 d) 15 38. Organic waste is a waste. a) Non-combustible b) Biodegradable c) Non-biodegradable d) Radioactive 39. The word "Tsu" in Tsunami stands for a) Wave b) Harbour c) Sea

40. Incineration is a

a) Combustion process b) Oxidation process c) Combustion and oxidation

d) None of the above 41. TVs, DVDs, PCs, floppies etc. generate a) Combustible waste c) Organic waste  E-waste  

42.Preparedness, response, recovery prevention are the measures for

a) Disaster management b) Pollution control c) Fund management  d) Weather management

43.The most important indoor air pollutant a) SO2 b) CO2 c) NO2 d)H2O

44. TajMahal at Agra may be damaged by a) Acid Rain b) Natural Rain c) Hydrogen d) Oxygen

45. Unit of noise a) Decibel b) Watts c) Ohms d) Calories

46. Chlorofluorocarbons are used in a) Automobiles b) Refrigerators as coolants c) Paints d) Nuclear reactors as coolants

47. Smog is a combination of a) Water vapour and dust b) Gases and dust c) Gases with water vapour and dust  d) Water vapour and oil droplets

48. PAN, O, etc. are considered to be a) Primary pollutant b) Secondary pollutant c) Degradable pollutant d) insignificant pollutant

49. London smog occurred in the year a) 1957 b) 1952 c) 1958 d) 1950

50' Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act enacted in the year a) 1981 b) 1974 c) 1970 d) 1980

51. Rain water is turned acidic when its pH falls below a) 5.6 b) 6.6 c) 7.6 d) 8.6

52. Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen are the maior source of a) Green house gases b) Base forming gases c) Acid rain d) Neutral gases

53. Waste land reclamation refers to a) Converting fertile land to waste land b) Growing Plants c) Cutting trees d) Gonverting waste land to fertile land

54. The test used to detect the presence of HIV. a) ELSA b) LESA c) ELISA  d) LEISA  

55. Bhagyalaxmi scheme is aiming at a) Encouraging small savings b) Empowering women c) Promoting the birth of girl child d) Promoting the birth of twins

56. GPS stands for a) Geographic public System b) Geological petro System c) Genetic Phyto System d) Global Positioning System

57. Official Date of Earth day is on a) April 22 b) March 21 d)May 22

58. The highest rainfall noticed in Karnataka a) Somavarpet b) Kudremukha d) Udupi c) Agumbe

59. International Women's Day is observed on a) May 8 b) March 8th d) November 8 c) December B

60. Which Indian state has highest population density ? a) Kerala b)Delhi c) Bihar d)Karnataka

61. Human Population means a) Group of species c) Group of People of a Nation Group of communities Group ol men 62. Bery Bery is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin. a)A b) B c)D d)C

63. Biomedical wastes are generated from a) Hospitals b) Chemical industries d) Atomic Power Plants c) Dyeing units

64. Vermiculture involves the use of ________ for farming a) Microorganisms b) Earthworms d) Pesticides c) Fertilisers

65.Acid rain is caused by increase in the atmosphere concentration of a) OS and CO b) SO2 and NO c) SO2 and CO d) CO2 and CO

66. Alpine vegetation contains a)Trees b) Shrubs c) Herbs d) Bamboo

67. Dowry Prohibition Act was enforced in a) 1999 b) 2005 e)2009 d)1961

68. Expand NCW' a) National Children Commission b) National Commission for Women c) National Committee for Women d) Natural Commission for Women ; 69. The watershed Management programme is started in lndia the year. a) 1991 b) 1993 c) 1996 d)1999 70.The Broader portion of the pyramid is called b) Triangle a) Square c) Base d) Apex

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