Bangalore University Environmental Studies MCQ Part 2| EVS AECC solvedQuestion paper|AECC EVS


Previous Year  mcq solved Question Paper
Environmental Studies

Sustainable development refers to :

(a) Development without destruction. (b) Development without environmental consciousness.

c) Development by over use of resources. (d) Development by agriculture only. 

Environmental Science is :

(a) Inter-disciplinary (c) Trans-disciplinary 

(b) Multi-disciplinary (d) All the above 

The study of relationship between organism and environment is termed as :

(a) Ethology (b) Ecosystem (c) Ecology (d) Ecotone 

The term Ecosystem was first coined by :

(a) A.G. Tansley ( b) E.P. Odum (c) Robert Brown (d) Pasteur 

An example for non-natural ecosystem is :

(a) Pond (b) Meadow (c) Desert (d) Aquarium 

Wind, light, temperature are example for :

(a) Biotic factors (b) Abiotic factors (c) Chemical factors  (d) Physical factors 

The main energy source for the environment is :

(a) Solar energy (b) Chemical energy (c) Bio electric energy (d) Electronic energy 

8.  Phytoplankton-Zooplankton-Small fish-Large fish represents a :

(a) Terrestrial food chain (b) Aquatic food chain (c) Detritus food chain (d) Parasitic food chain 

Ecological Succession is :

(a) Removal of species (b) Addition of individuals

(c) Sequential replacement of communities (d) Sequential arrangement of species 

A Network of food-chain gives us a :

(a) Food pyramid (b) Food web (c) Food cycle (d) Food control 

Which of the following is an example for non-renewable resources ?

(a) Biomass (b) Coal (c) Wind energy (d) Solar energy 

Nagarjuna Sagar dam was build across

(a) Godavari (b) Pumpa (c) Cauvery _ river. (d) Krishna 

13, CNG Expansion of CNG :

(a) Combined Nitrogen Gas (c) Carbon Nitrogen Gas 

(b) Compressed Natural Gas (d) Compressed Neon Gas 

The Scientific study of Soil is called :

(a) Morphology  (b) Petrology (c) Sedimentology (d) Pedology 

'Dodo' is an example for 

Species. (a) Endangered (b) Extinct (c) Endemic (d) Exotic 

Endangered Species are listed in :

(a) Red data book (b) Blue data book (c) Green data book (d) Black data book 

Example for Ex-Situ conservation :

(a) National park (b) Wildlife sanctuary (c) Seed bank (d) All the above

Biodiversity hot spot is :

(a) Eastern Himalaya (b) Thar desert (C) Deccan Plateau 

(d) Malenadu 


Environmental Protection Act was introduced in the year :

(a) 1986  (b) 1988 (c) 1972 

Normally acid rain contains :

(a) Sulphuric and Nitric acid (b) Hydrochloric and Oxallic acid

c) Acetic and Hydrochloric acid (d) Acetic and Oxallic acid 

Which of the following gas is not an air pollutant ?

(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Sulphur dioxide (c) Carbon monoxide (d) Hydrocarbons 

Every year June 5th is celebrated as:

(a) World Population day (b) World Environmental day (c) World Ozone day (d) World Hygiene day 

Green house effect is caused by :

(a) Increase in carbon dioxide (b) Increase in oxygen

(c) Decrease in oxygen 

(d) Decrease in carbon dioxide 

Ozone layer thickness is measured by the unit : (a) Millimeter 

(b) Micrometer (c) Decibels 

(d) Dobson unit 

Acid rain is due to : (a) Water pollution (c) Air pollution 

(b) Land pollution (d) Ocean pollution 

Kyoto protocol is focused on : (a) Wetland conservation (c) Lake conservation 

(b) Shola conservation (d) Climate change 

The effect of Global Warming is : (a) Increase in Temperature (c) Increase in Light 

(b) Decrease in Temperature (d)  Increase in Rain 

The short term properties of the atmosphere at a given time and place is referred as

: (a) Climate (b) Air pollution (c) Weather (d) Season 

The Indian Ecomark logo is :

(a) Brass pot (b) Earthen pot (c) Steel pot (d) Copper pot

2 The world AIDS day is observed on :

(a) 1st July (b) 5th June (c) 1st Decembed) 2nd October 

Logo of WWF is :

(a) Giant panda (c) Red panda (b) Polar Bear (d) Brown Bear 

Sampoorna Swachha Bharatha Andolana’ funds are basically meant for :

(a) Infrastructure development (b) Rural health care

(c) Rural household toilet facility (d) Child and maternity care 

Plant Species which serve as best biofuel is :

(a) Teak (b) Sandal (c) Rosewood (d) Jatropa 

Seismograph is used to measure :

(a) Intensity of Earthquake (b) Humidity (c) Salinity (d) Turbidity 

Composting is a type of :

(a) Solid waste management (c) Incineration 

Liquid waste management (d) e-waste management 

Ozone Layer is present in the region :

(a) Troposphere (b) Stratosphere (c) Mesosphere (d) Ionosphere 

Earth's surface emits :

(a) UV rays (b) X-rays (c) Long wave radiation (d) Short wave radiation 

The place where river meets sea is called :

(a) Estuaries (b) Oceans (d) Wetlands (c) Lake 

Thickness of plastic cover permissible to use :

(a) 40 micron (b) 20 micron (c) 100 micron (d) 10 micron 

Tropical rain forests are also known as :

(a) Deciduous (b) Evergreen (c) Temperate (d) Tundra 

Biodiversity bill was passed in the year : (a) 1972 

(b) 1992 (c) 2002 

(d) 2012 

The National Animal of India :

(a) Lion (b) Tiger (C) Elephant (d) Peacock 

Population pyramid indicates :

(a) Growth rate (c) Mortality 

(b) Natality (d) Age and Sex distribution 

Most abundant gas in the atmosphere is :

(a) Oxygen (b) Nitrogen (c) Hydrogen (d) Carbon 

The pollution indicator plant in aquatic ecosystem :

(a) Algae (b) Hydrilla (c) Eichhornia (d) Typa 

46, Tsunami happens due to :

(a) Water pollution (b) Global warming (c) Underwater earthquake (d) Volcanic eruption 

The scientific study of human population is known as :

(a) Demography  ( b) Dermatography (c) Dendrology (d) Ecology 

The Father of Indian green revolution is : (a) A.S. Kahlon 

(b) M.S. Swaminathan (c) K.S. Rao 

(d) Norman Borlaug 

49,Which of the following is a biopollutant ?

(a) Pollen and Spores (b) Dust (c) Carbon dioxide (d) Smoke 

The most eco-friendly agricultural practice include the use of :

(a) Organic fertilizer and Bio-pesticide. (b) Inorganic fertilizer and Bio-pesticide.

(c) Chemical fertilizer and Bio-pesticide. (d) Bio-pesticide and Herbicides. 

Family planning programme was started in India in the year :

(a) 1947 (b) 1952 (c) 2003 (d) 1970 

The Project Tiger area in Karnataka is :

(a) Bandipura  (b) Bannerghatta (c) Dubare (d) Nandi Durga 

Value education addresses the issues related to : (a) Attitude 

(b) Values (c) Emotions and character (d) All the above 

International Women's Day is observed on :

(a) 8th May (b) 8th March . (C) 8th December (d) gth November 

Biochemical oxygen demand is mainly due to :

(a) Industrial pollution (b) Air pollution (c) Noise pollution (d) Domestic waste 

The major objective of family welfare programme in India is :

(a) Disease control (b) Population growth rate control

(c) Employment generation (d) Control mortality 

The exotic ornamental species brought from Mexico is :

(a) Eucalypts (b) Lantana (c) Silver oak (d) Parthaneium 

10 Human Rights Day is celebrated on :

(a) 22nd May (b) 5th June (c) 16th September (d) 10th December 

The maximum limit of noise universally been accepted world wide for human :

(a) 30-40 dbs (b) 75-85 dbs (c) 95-110 dbs (d) 15-20 dbs | 

The diseases caused by lead in humans : (a) Astama 

(b) Pneumonia (c) Loss of memory 

(d) Bronchitis 

Water logging adversely affects : (a) Air pollution 

(b) Productivity (c) Animal population 

(d) None of these 

Nagarhole is an example for : (a) National Park (c) Hill Station 

(b) Bird Sanctuary (d) None of the above 

Minamata disease is caused by : (a) Cadmium (b) Lead 


(c) Mercury 

(d) Nickel 

The organization responsible for publishing RED DATA book is : (a) IUCN (b) WWF 

(c) GAAT 

(d) CITES 

( The hereditary effect of radiation :

(a) Nausea (b) Deformity (c) Insomnia (d) Dementia 

Which of the following are included in the Human Rights Act ?

(a) Civil Rights only (b) Political and Social Rights (c) Economic Rights (d) Both (a) and (b) 

Silent Valley is located in the state of : (a) Andhra Pradesh 

(b) Kerala (c) Assam 

(d) Nagaland 

68.  Montreal Protocol is to protect :

(a) Water bodies (b) Ozone layer (c) Soil (d) Air 

Silicosis disease is mainly caused by :

(a) Quartz grinding (b) Coal mining (c) Petroleum refineries (d) Asbestos mining 

The Constituent of Diamond is :

(a) Calcium Carbonate (c) Carbon (b) Silica (d) Chlorine 

52. Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen are the major source of a) Green house gases b) Base forming gases c) Acid rain d) Neutral gases 53. Waste land reclamation refers to a) Converting fertile land to waste land b) Growing Plants c) Cutting trees d) Gonverting waste land to fertile land Go to Home


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