Alone English Chapter 3| bcom general english notes||Bcom/BBA/B.SC/BCA english notes

 English Literature


Sheila Nayampalli Barua

About the author

On completing her MA in English from Madras University,Sheila worked for two years as a copywriter with J Walter Thompson.After her marriage to an Assamese tea planter, she lived in the tea gardens of Assam. She is now settled in Guwahati. She taught English at a local college for twelve years 1991, when she retired.

bcom notes| Bangalore University |

Short Answer Questions

1.After cooking in the morning Anasuya would wait for the familiar sounds to begin

2. Anasuya hired a part time maid mainly because she looked forward to the interaction

3. Mention one or two routine outings Anasuya enjoyed before her cataract problem

The cherished outings to the bank every alternate day, where Anasuya exchanged few words with the kind girl behind the savings counter, and the couple of mittais shared together once in a while, were the things she enjoyed before her cataract problem.

4.She refrained from giving suggestions about cough remedies to Bose family because Mrs Bose was not very amenable to the suggestions and perhaps feel criticised when she was given suggestions.

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5.Why did anasuya enjoy the rain?

Anasuya liked the sharp shiny shower of the first rain as monsoon was beginning.She enjoyed standing at the window and enjoying the moist earth-smoked smell that drenched the air.It cleansed the city of its hot dust and green emerged refreshed.It was her annual milestone, the feverish anticipation of monsoon and then its noisy arrival. It was something to look forward to every year.

6.What thought came across her mind when Anasuya heard the cleaners mop against the floors?

The thought that came to Anasuya's mind,  when she heard the cleaners mop against the floors was, one day she would just crumble to dust  and no one would know or care.She would be swept away like dirt and disappear forever,unremembered and unwept.

7.In what way did she revolt against the burglars?

When the taller one of the burglars grabbed her keys and tucked in at her waist and went towards her cupboard ,she was filled with blood-red rage as she didn't want the burglars to take her mothers jewels and her hard earned money.She flung herself ferociously at them. She bit,scratched,hit and shrieked the burglars.She screamed last with revolt and rage so as to reach her neighbours.

bcom notes| Bangalore University |English Notes 

Paragraph  Answer Questions

1. Anasuya was very accurate in knowing what the neighbours in her apartment were up to. Discuss

Anasuya was very accurate in knowing what the neighbours in her apartment were up to. She knew exactly what time her neighbours children will say goodbye and catch school bus which will be usually at 8 am.She knew that by 8.30 am her neighbour in opposite flat  will do his pooja before leaving to his office.She knew very well that by 9.30 am, her neighbour on her left ,Nandita,would be on her way to office .She knew the heated arguments  in Nandita's house because of the thin walls , as their younger daughter moon moon was having a friend ,an unsuitable lover whom she wanted to marry.And she could hear Nandita's footsteps passing her door and opening and closing of the lift gates.As each of them had a characteristic way of opening the lift,she could recognise all of them.She knew how the absent minded Sarala used to close the gate twice and how Mrs.Bose her neighbour went through a hesitant painstaking closing, while her children used a loud jarring note and Mr.Bose had a steady deliberate finality.Even the smell of fish frying in the  apartment  of the Bose family  was familiar to her as she knew they will buy fish in their weekly quota.

2.Describe the various ways in which the neighbours closed the gates of lift.Was it characteristic of their nature

The children of next door usually closed it with an excited clash whereas Mr.Hedge in the opposite flat used to close it impatiently as he will be hurrying to office. Nandita had a meticulous careful way of opening and closing the gates, whereas the  absent minded housewife Sarala ,always needed to close the gate twice. When Mrs.Bose her neighbour went through a hesitant painstaking closing while her children used a loud jarring note and Mr.Bose had a steady deliberate finality.Thus each of them had a characteristic way of opening  and closing the lift.

3.Why did marriage became a faraway dream to her?

When Anasuya was studying in college, she had fallen in love with Santanu. On the brink of their marriage and of a life together her father fell ill with a kidney problem. Anasuya had to work hard to bring in the extra income for her fathers medical bills and Santanus brief visits had dwindled as she was always tired and busy and they slowly drifted apart.After her fathers death, she had to nurse her mother who was already old and frail.As santanu had long disappeared from her life, marriage had become an impossible illusion.When her ailing mother died, Anasuya was middle aged and life had sacked her dry of hope and dreams,replacing them with the weight of of a resigned inured acceptance and marriage was a faraway dream to her.

4.Why did Anasuya wait for monsoon?

It was her annual milestone, the feverish anticipation of monsoon and then its noisy arrival.It was something to look forward to every year. Anasuya liked the sharp shiny shower of the first rain, as monsoon was beginning.She enjoyed standing at the window and breathing in, the moist earth-smoked smell that drenched the air.It cleansed the city of its hot dust and green emerged refreshed.

5.Did the burglars break into her house with the intention of killing her?

No,the burglars didn't had the intention of killing her. Burglars break into her house with the intention of stealing money and jewellery from her house.The taller one shook her roughly and pulled the gold chain violently from her neck, breaking the clasp and leaving a long bleeding scratch behind and she was paralysed with terror.Then the taller one grabbed her keys and tucked in at her waist and went towards her cupboard. She was filled with blood-red rage, as she didn't want the burglars to take her mothers jewels and her hard earned money.She flung herself ferociously at them  biting, scratching, hitting and shrieking. So they hit her again and again thus killing her.

bcom notes| Bangalore University |English Notes 

Essay answer questions

1."People's visits matter when a person is alive"Comment with regard to Anasuya's funeral.

In the story "Alone" written by Sheila Nayampalli Barua, the author highlights the theme of loneliness and isolation of lonely people and how people's visit matter when a person is alive, from the story of  character Anasuya. The story brings out the truth, of behaviour of the society, towards others who are lonely.Author brings out the fact that there are so many little things which can make a difference in other people's life.Everyone desire for  some validation . Every single person  shares this common desire. They want to know, they matter.All that lonely people wish is some acknowledgement.When you acknowledge someone, you recognise their value and importance. When you just greet someone lonely, with a simple greeting or a smile as you pass them, it can mean so much to them.The ultimate present you can give others is your presence. Making others the centre of your attention and experience, even if only for a few minutes, can work wonders . We have the power to help or  lift someone up by small little ways.Being compassionate and loving to others who are alive around us is very important.As we can see in this story, when Anasuya desired for the company of other people, she was all alone.

In this story the character Anasuya who was old and alone had no one to talk  or care about and had lived a lonely isolated life in her flat.Because of her cataract, even the smallest pleasures of her life, like going out to bank and sharing a couple of mittais was also not possible for her.But what happens at the end of the story is ,  when she dies, her flat was full of people.All her neighbours who do not care or bothered to have a little chat with her when she was alive, were all present in her flat and they all wanted to help. Even her impatient neighbour on her right is now concerned. Everyone was there to help and commiserate.All those in the apartment block,even someone who had never seen Anasuya not even once were all present in her flat when she died .

Anasuya had lived a lonely life in her apartment after the death of her parents.She was unmarried and was living alone.When she was studying in college she had fallen in love with Santanu. On the brink of their marriage and of a life together, her father fell ill with a kidney problem. Anasuya had to work hard to bring in the extra income for her fathers medical bills and Santanu's brief visits had dwindled as she was always tired and busy and they slowly drifted apart.After her fathers death,she had to nurse her mother who was already old and frail.As santanu had long disappeared from her life,marriage had become an impossible illusion.When her ailing mother died, Anasuya was middle aged and life had sucked her dry of hope and dreams,replacing them with the weight of  a resigned inured acceptance .and marriage was a faraway dream to her.

 Even though she could hardly afford the salary of her part-time maid Ramabai  she hired her mainly because she looked forward to the interaction.Every evening she will look forward to the cheerful chatter of ramabai,who did all her heavy housework and now did her shopping as well.

Before she had cataract problem she used to had outings to the bank every alternate day where she exchanged few words with the kind girl behind the savings counter, and the couple of mittais shared together once in a while.But after her cataract problem started she found it difficult to walk down the street on her own.So even those cherished small outings also became pleasures of the past for her.

As she was so lonely she used to observe her neighbours .She was very accurate in knowing what the neighbours in her apartment were up to and opening and closing of the lift gates by each one of them were all familiar for her.As each of them had a characteristic way of opening the lift,Anasuya could recognise all of them.She sometimes wonders how she sounded to others and then sadly thinks that why anybody would bother to listen.

In the vacuum of her life the days passed silently and she used to find pleasures in the happy coming home of others as she had no one of her own to come.She used to be so lonely that once in a while,she would open her front door,to coincide with the striking of the lift gates so that she could exchange a greeting with Nandita or Sarala  who were her neighbours.No one bothered about her or had any time to spent with her, as in the busy Bombay city life,no one had time for anything.

Sometimes when sleep eludes her and empty hours stretch ahead for her like a road without milestones  she used to wonder whether her life would have been any different with Santanu
When she hears the swish of the mop against the floor, her only  thoughts were , one day she would just crumble to dust  and no one would know or care.She would be swept away like dirt and disappear forever,unremembered and unwept.

 But what happens towards the end of story is ,  when she dies, her flat was full of people.All her neighbours who do not care or bothered to have a little chat with her ,when she was alive, are all present in her flat and they all wanted to help.Even her impatient neighbour on her right is now concerned.Everyone was there to help and commiserate.All those in the apartment block some who had never seen Anasuya even once were all there .

Anasuya's body was laid  in her flat, dressed in her best sari and covered with garlands and her small flat is full of people and sounds of bhajans. The author is concluding the story with the lines that Anasuya would have been happy, as finally she was not alone.The story is pointing towards the question whether neighbours have responsibilities towards their lonely neighbours, or when we come across old people who are living alone, have anyone  cared to interact with them or felt sorry for the old and frail. The author is pointing out the truth that mattering  is a universal human need. People want and need to be inspired. In this story the old woman had no one to show a little care for her. It could have been anything, be a smile, sharing some snacks, or, a call to say, hi – how you are doing. But people never realise that something so small  and insignificant to others, are the things that makes a big difference in someones life. The story also points out the responsibilities everyone has .The story is pointing towards the question whether neighbours have responsibilities towards their lonely neighbours, or when we come across old people who are living alone, have anyone  cared to interact with them or felt sorry for the old and frail. The story highlights the truth that being compassionate and loving to people when they are alive is finally what matters.

2. “A road without milestones” is a metaphor for Anasuya’s life. Elaborate.

“A road without milestones” is a metaphor for Anasuya’s life. Anasuya had lived a lonely life in her apartment after the death of her parents.She was unmarried and was living alone.When she was studying in college she had fallen in love with Santanu. On the brink of their marriage and of a life together her father fell ill with a kidney problem. Anasuya had to work hard to bring in the extra income for her fathers medical bills and Santanus brief visits had dwindled as she was always tired and busy and they slowly drifted apart.

After her fathers death,she had to nurse her mother who was already old and frail.As santanu had long disappeared from her life,marriage had become an impossible illusion.When her ailing mother died. Anasuya was middle aged and life had sacked her dry of hope and dreams,replacing them with the weight of  a resigned inured acceptance .and marriage was a faraway dream to her.

As she was so lonely she used to observe her neighbours .She was very accurate in knowing what the neighbours in her apartment were up to. She knew exactly what time her neighbours children will say goodbye and catch school bus .She knew what time her neighbour in opposite flat  will do his pooja before leaving to his office..As each of them had a characteristic way of opening the lift,Anasuya could recognise all of them.She sometimes wonders how she sounded to others and then sadly thinks that why anybody would bother to listen.

Before she had cataract problem she used to had outings to the bank every alternate day where she exchanged few words with the kind girl behind the savings counter, and the couple of mittais shared together once in a while.But after her cataract problem started she found it difficult to walk down the street on her own.So even those cherished small outings also became pleasures of the past for her.

The little things which brought happiness to her life were the the sharp, shiny shower of the first rain, during the beginnings of the monsoon. She would stand at the window and breathe in the moist, earth-soaked smell that drenched the air. Even when her clothes would take two days to dry and her little flat would smell damp and dank, she enjoyed the rain.  It was her annual milestone, the feverish anticipation of the monsoon and then its noisy arrival. It was something to look forward to every year.

 When sometimes sleep eludes her and the empty hours stretched ahead like a road without milestones,so many thoughts will come to her mind like, would her life have been any different with Santanu. The‘might have beens’ were especially heart-rending at night.

In the vacuum of her life the days passed silently and she used to find pleasures in the happy coming home of others as she had no one of her own to come.She used to be so lonely that once in a while,she would open her front door,to coincide with the striking of the lift gates so that she could exchange a greeting with Nandita or Sarala  who were her neighbours.No one bothered about her or had any time to spent with her as in the busy Bombay city life,no one had time for anything.

When she hears the swish of the mop against the floor, her thought is that, she would just crumble to dust and no one would know or care.She would be swept away like dirt and disappear forever,unremembered and unwept. All these showed how lonely she was as she had no one of her own . She had no one to see, hear , care or matter  about her.Like a road without milestones she did not had any  purpose or meaning for life.Thus  a road without milestones is  a metaphor for Anasuya's life.

3. Describe the itinerary of one day in Anasuya’s life.

The itinerary of one day in Anasuya’s life begins like this.

7:30 am
Anasuya would start her cooking  by 7:30 am. She then carefully puts the rice, dal and red pumpkin bharta into the hot case. She cooks early, to avoid the heat that turns her kitchen into an oven.  and  will wait  for the familiar sounds to begin.

By 8:00 am.
Anasuya knows that it is now time for the children next door to say their hurricane goodbyes and catch the school bus. And she could hear the  the last minute tumult of forgetting water bottles and library book,  which could be heard through the thin walls of her flat.

By 8:30 am.
She could smell the agarbatti Mr. Hedge in the opposite flat used for his pooja. It would be another half an hour before he left for his office  and then, the quick impatient clash of the lift gates could be heard.

By 9:30 am.
Anasuya knows that her neighbour Nandita, on her left, will be on  her way to office. The walls were so thin that Anasuya could hear the heated arguments over the unsuitable lover,Nandita's sister has.Then she could hear Nandita's quiet footsteps passing her door.Each of them had a characteristic way of opening the lift, and Anasuya could recognise all of them. The absentminded housewife Sarala, down the corridor to her right, always needed to close the gate twice and Mrs.Bose, her neighbour went through a hesitant, painstaking closing, while her children used a loud jarring note and Mr.Bose had a steady, deliberate finality.

She will then do her endless housework and  will then wait for the  part time maid who will come at 5 pm. She looked forward to the cheerful chatter of Ramabai, who did all her heavy housework and now did her shopping as well.

Before cataract Anasuya used to go to the bank every alternate day; the few words
exchanged with the kind girl behind the savings counter;the couple of mittais shared together, all these had become pleasures of the past for her now .

As it was beginning of the monsoon She would stand at the window and breathe in the moist, earth-soaked smell that drenched the air. It was her annual milestone, the feverish anticipation of the monsoon and then its noisy arrival. It was something to look forward to every year.

3:30 pm.
By 3.30 pm Anasuya knows it is time for the children to come home. She could hear the  excited collision of the gates, the vigorous ringing of the doorbells and then the doors, banging shut.

4:30 pm.
She will wait for the the happy clamour of youth and their full-throated enjoyment of the moment, wafted towards her. The repeated summons for homework would stop all play in an hour.

5:00 pm.
By 5 pm Ramabai would  blew in with her usual chatter, her umbrella, dripping rain. She will be describing  to Anasuya, whom she calls 'aayi', about the dirt on streets and the fresh and tender bhindi she had brought for her.Then she will rush through her work and leave Anasuya's house, with some money, to buy potatoes and a couple of tender green mangoes for the next day.

7:00 pm.
Anasuya knows its time for Nandita to come home and then she could hear  the careful closing of the lift gates.

7:30 pm.

By 7.30 pm Anasuya’s testy neighbour returns with the same bad mood and she could hear a curse accompanying the angry clash of the gates.It will be silent again in her little flat.

This was somewhat her daily routine and apart from this, she goes to post office every Monday and post her letter to America.

bcom notes| Bangalore University |English Notes 

American Literature


  1. Bba 2nd semester hindi kavyanjali solution of bangalore north university please its all doha difficult to understand


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