Money English chapter 1 Essay questions| bcom english notes| English notes


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Money chapter 1 Essay Questions

Explain the theme of money versus relationship as evident in the story

In the story "money "written by Muppala Ranganayakamma, the author is bringing out the themes of money and relationship and the dowry systems prevailing in the society.The dowry system has become a practice or almost like a tradition in the society.The story begins with the attitude of the educated son-in-law towards asking dowry.He thinks that there is no wrong in asking for a large dowry when there are people who are ready to give it.He is saying that, it is no surprise that one can demand as much as he want,when people are ready to give it.

In this story, the father-in-law has agreed to give the son-in-law a substantial dowry.He is mentioned as dowry donor in the story and as he was so rich,  parting with one crore was not a big deal for him.But what surprises the author here is that, just like the boy, the girl is also educated. The educated boy has agreed to live with her, only if he is given the demanded dowry.The surprising thing is that well educated man is asking for dowry and the well educated woman has agreed to give dowry.The author here is trying to bring out the truth that education has no value apart from the mere weight of books.

As we move on to the story, we can see that after the father-in-law offering him one crore as dowry,the son-in-law is still not satisfied as he is confused whether to take the share of  property or dowry. Even his elders and intelligent ones are supporting him and advising him to take dowry as that will be a safe option. Finally he is agreeing with the deal of one crore and ten rupees and the money as coins in gunny bags.He also asks for the key of the shed were the money was kept.He wanted to count them immediately as he wanted to make sure that full amount was there.

Immediately after the wedding, the son-in-law is rushing to the shed and starting counting. From that moment,he only lived in the world of coins and the real world disappeared from his sight. Sunrises, moon rises, full moons , new moons,seasons ,years and all of nature vanished before him in the lustre of coins .The wheel of time moved on and he was not aware of it. As he counted the last sack of coins, twenty-four years passed by.

His wife  and her daughter was standing there and watching him in wonder.She had already married another noble man who was not greedy for money.He didn't even cared for his wife and for two years whenever she came to the shed to speak with him he would always be engrossed in counting.

His wife soon realises that she had  made a mistake by marrying who had no value for relationship and fortunately when a noble man comes to her life, she is marrying him.On the same day of marriage she comes to inform her first husband about her marriage but he starts shouting at her because he didn't want to count from the beginning . After two years she gave birth to a baby girl and she had grown up and is a graduate now.

When the man finished counting the last sack of coins, twenty four years was over and even then after seeing his wife after twenty four years , all he is asking her is where is his father in law as there was a shortage of forty paise which made him angry.He wanted to make his father in law apologise to him and when his wife says that her father died five years back all he was bothered about was who is going to pay his balance amount.

The wife is reminding him that he has lost his precious twenty-four years of his life on account of money.She is saying to him that if her father has not given him dowry he would have led a normal life.Hearing all this also, the what surprises the author, was the answer from the man.Instead of realising his mistake he is worried about his forty paise. His father in law had promised him that, he will pay double , if there is a mistake, which makes it eighty paise. He is only worried about, now who will be repaying his balance eighty paise.

Throughout the story we can see that the man even after having a good education is not educated in his thinking and culture.That was the reason author has remarked that education has no value apart from the mere weight of books.The greedy people are obsessed with calculation of property and all they want is only money.Relationships have no value in their life.If one wastes twenty four years as in this story, another wastes twenty-four hours.If one counts ten paise coins another counts ten rupees or hundred rupee note.That is the only difference.In the mania for money greedy people forget about love and happiness.They are not realising the value of love ,family and relationships in their life.They live in the world of money and never realises  that money cannot buy love and happiness. They can never heal ruptured relationships nor build meaning to life.The author is thus beautifully bringing out the theme of money and relationship in the story.

bcom notes| Bangalore University |English Notes 

2.The short story money high lights the social evil dowry system that degenerates the moral values.Discuss

The short story money highlights the social evil dowry system that degenerates the moral values.In this story the author has highlighted the fact that even after getting education men are asking dowry and women are ready to give dowry.When parents have property, if they would have divided it equally among sons and daughters, the dowry issue would have, not come up. The society has adopted the system of giving share of property in the form of dowry, to their daughters.This practice has now become a custom.So parents who do not have property is also forced to follow the same custom.Dowry has almost become like a tradition.

In the story money,  the father-in-law has agreed to give the son-in-law a substantial dowry.He is mentioned as dowry donor in the story and as he was so rich, parting with one crore was not a big deal for him.But what surprises the author here is that just like the boy,the girl is also educated.The educated boy has agreed to live with her, only if he is given the demanded dowry.The surprising thing is that well educated man is asking for dowry and the well educated woman has agreed to give dowry.The author here is trying to bring out the truth that education has no value apart from the mere weight of books

Immediately after the wedding ,the bridegroom had started counting the money.From that moment,he only lived in the world of coins and the real world disappeared from his sight. When the man finished counting the last sack of coins, twenty four years was over and then after seeing his wife after twenty four years , all he is asking her is, where is his father-in-law as there was a shortage of forty paise in the total amount, which made him angry.When his wife is reminding him that he has lost his precious twenty-four years of his life on account of money, he is least bothered. Instead of realising his mistake, he is worried about his forty paise  and is worrying about who will be repaying him his money.Even the information that his wife got  married to another person after two years of their marriage ,is not bothering him.This shows that when people are obsessed with money they spend their life after money and forgets to find the real values of life.They never realises that money cannot bring them love and happiness.They never understands the meaning of life and ruin other peoples life who are their family.

The society has  shaped  the mindset of people in such a way that neither people are not ashamed of asking dowry nor in giving dowry.It is considered as a status symbol in today's society.The present situation in the society is ,the more a boy is educated and having good job, the more he can demand as dowry.The girl who is equally educated and having a good job has to still offer dowry for getting married.Today, marriages are being arranged on the basis of property only.If dowry is abolished dowry transactions will turn to property transactions The girl who holds property will get married.No property,no marriage,this is the attitude of the society.Thus the dowry problem is in reality a property problem.

        There is nothing more one can expect from the lives of greedy people who thinks of marriage as a way to get dowry or property. Tradition of dowry has become a burden for the girl's family who are poor.The dowry system has caused psychological and financial hardship to people who have more daughters and no wealthMost of the decaying moral characters of society is directly or indirectly related to dowry.The dowry system gives rise to jealousy and competitiveness  in the society.It is the actual cause of misunderstandings occurring in the relations.

In today's society, importance of moral values like love, honesty compassion etc is sliding down.Marriage has  become plain buying and selling of grooms.The greed for money and getting the social status for one's family has given birth to the social evils.The idea of status and dowry has become closely related. The idea was shared by all communities with equal vigour .Good education and lucrative job has improved the social and economic status of a youth, which had made him immensely attractive for the position of son-in-law.This developed the marriage market, as both the giver as well as well as taker exist and continues to exist, because of the approval from society.Thus the short story money high lights the social evil dowry system that degenerates the moral values.

bcom notes| Bangalore University |English Notes 

3.How does the story bring out the idea that excessive obsession with anything is unhealthy

In the short story money written by Muppala Ranganayakamma,the author clearly brings out the idea that, excessive obsession with anything is unhealthy, with the example of son-in-law in the story, who wasted one third of his life on account of money.

In the story money, the father-in-law has agreed to give the son-in-law a substantial dowry. He is mentioned as dowry donor in the story and as he was so rich, parting with one crore was not a big deal for him.The surprising thing was that well educated man was asking for dowry and the well educated woman had agreed to give dowry.The author here is trying to bring out the truth that education has no value apart from the mere weight of books.

Immediately after the wedding ,the only thing the son-in-law in the story did was, counting the money.From that moment,he only lived in the world of coins and the real world disappeared from his sight. When the man finished counting the last sack of coins, twenty four years was over and even then after seeing his wife after a long gap of twenty four years  all he is asking her, is about his father in law, as there was a shortage of forty paise in the total dowry amount, which made him angry.

Throughout the story we can see that the man, even after having a good education, is not educated in his thinking and culture.When people are obsessed with money they spend their life after money and forgets to find the real values of life.They never realises that money cannot bring them love and happiness.They never understands the meaning of life and ruin other peoples life who are their family.

The greedy people are obsessed with calculation of property and all they want is only money. Relationships or family have no value in their life.They are under the obsession of greed. Greedy people are only bothered about money.If one wastes twenty four years, as in this story, another wastes twenty-four hours.If one counts ten paise coins, another counts ten rupees or hundred rupee notes.That is the only difference obsession with greed makes. In the mania for money they forget about love and happiness.They are not realising the value of love ,family and relationships in their life.They live in the world of money and never realises that money cannot buy love and happiness. They never understands that money can never heal ruptured relationships nor build meaning to life.

Society has also conditioned peoples mind  to believe that money is everything and can bring success and happiness to life.But the fact is, even though money is essential to live a comfortable life, many people get obsessed with the luxuries money can provide and go after it, thus wasting the most beautiful,precious and valuable aspects of life like love , happiness and family relations.

The son-in-law in the story was obsessed with money and wasted all his life just for the sake of money.His wife got married to another person and he did not had a beautiful happy family life.Still he is worried for money only, which shows how much he is obsessed with it.Sunrises, moon rises, full moons , new moons,seasons ,years and all of nature vanished before him in the lustre of coins .The wheel of time moved on and he was not aware of it.If he was not obsessed with money, he could have led a normal happy family life like normal people.Thus the story brings out the idea that excessive obsession with anything is unhealthy.


bcom notes| Bangalore University |English Notes 

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