Caged bird-Maya Angelou|I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings-Maya Angelou|English Poem Chapter 7 Caged Bird

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Caged bird-Maya Angelou

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About the author

Maya Angelou was an American poet, and civil rights activist. She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and was credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning over 50 years. She received dozens of awards and more than 50 honorary degrees. Angelou is best known for her series of seven autobiographies, which focus on her childhood and early adult experiences. The first, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1969), which brought her international recognition and acclaim, is about her life up to the age of 17.She was respected as a spokesperson for black people and women, and her works have been considered a defence of black culture. “Caged Bird” is a poem which considers the conditions of the ‘free bird’ and the ‘caged bird’. Actually this contrast between the birds enables her to express her own emotions about freedom and isolation. The reader can extend this feeling of being ‘caged in’ to the human condition as well.

The poet describes a bird with clipped wings. Its feet have been tied, and it has been placed in a cage that prevents it from flying away. Despite its fear, the caged bird continues to sing of freedom.Angelou describes the joy that a free bird takes in soaring through the sky. Angelou then describes a bird that has been caged, its feet tied and wings clipped. The caged bird rails against its imprisonment. In spite of its fear, it sings of freedom.

Short answer questions

1. How does the poet describe the flight of the free bird?

According to the poet a free bird leaps on the back of the wind and floats downstream till the current ends and dips his wing in the orange sun rays and dares to claim the sky.

2. Who is the speaker and what is the subject of the poem?

The speaker is Maya Angelou ,an American poet,and  she was respected as a spokesperson for black people and women, and her works have been considered a defence of black culture.

The subject of the  poem  is about the condition of a free bird and a caged bird.The poet describes about a caged bird with clipped wings. Its feet had been tied, and it had been placed in a cage that prevents it from flying away. Despite its fear, the caged bird continues to sing of freedom.

3. Who/what does the free bird symbolise?

a. The people who live in this world unconstrained by prejudice of any type

b. The shackled feet of the oppressed

c. The unheard cries of the suppressed

4. What does “bars of rage” refer to in the second stanza?

The  “bars of rage” refer to the bird’s held up frustration and anger at its situation of its helplessness.

5. The word “clipped” in the poem means

literally  the meaning is the wings are clipped and metaphorically  it means freedom is taken away

6. “And his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream”suggests that

a. the bird does not concede defeat and sit silent in the cage, instead it sings in support of freedom

b. the bird has no hope for freedom and shouts out loud

c. the bird is scared of its nightmares and it shouts at the top of its voice

The words  shadow and nightmare scream gives the inner meaning that the cries of the bird will not be heard and shows the powerless situation of the bird.But it it is not ready to accept the defeat and still hopes that it cries will be heard.

7. What is the tone of the poem?

In this poem "Caged Bird", the tone and attitude changes between, when the poet is talking about the free bird and and the caged bird.While describing the situation of a caged bird, who cannot enjoy the outside world with its wings clipped and feet tied, the poem creates a tone of depression and evokes sympathy of the readers.When the poet describes the free bird the tone and attitude become a lot more optimistic and joyful.Still in the poem we can see that the caged bird's spirit is resilient and it still desire to soar despite the bindings.The overall tone of  the poem is sorrowful but persevering. 

8. Mention two examples of imagery in the poem.

The two examples of imagery used in this poem are

i)"free bird" and "back of wind" are images for  sight and feelings

ii)"orange sun rays" is for sight

iii)"Throat to sing" is for feelings

9. The poetic devices used in the poem are

a. Alliteration

b. Personification

c. Imagery

d. All the above

Paragraph Answer Questions

1. What are the fears of the caged bird as described in the poem?

In the poem caged bird by Maya Angelou,the fears of the caged bird has meant several things.The poet here either means that the caged bird fears about the things that are still unknown but it still longs for it.The bird is said to sing with a fearful trill.The word trill means a rapid alteration of played notes.By those words the poet have meant that the melody of the birds song was quavering indicating a certain level of uncertainty within its song.The bird's fear of uncertainty can be whether  it will ever achieve freedom which the bird so desires.The fact that the bird is confined by its own bars of rage also suggests that even if the bird truly achieves freedom, it  may  never be able to be free of the resentment built up as a result of its oppression.The fear within the trill can represent the things unknown, the uncertainty that will accompany true freedom.

The blacks’ dream of liberty is very old. Despite their continued struggle, they have suffered defeat and frustrations repeatedly. Thus, the caged bird’s fear is about the uncertainty of achieving freedom in the future. Its fears reflect those of the blacks who no more wish to go through the pains of racism, discrimination and bestial treatment at the hands of the whites

2. Explain the figures of speech used in the poem.

Metaphor is a figure of speech which is an indirect  comparison between two different things are made.

In the poem caged bird, the title caged bird itself is a metaphor for the poet.The term represents the misery and distress and the inhuman treatment from the whites , the poet had to face as an African-American.

Personification is also a figure of speech in which ideas that are abstract are invested with the attributes of living beings.

In this poem we can the example of personification such as "his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream"

3. Why does the caged bird stand on the “grave of dreams”?

The caged bird has no freedom.It is locked up behind a cage with its feet tied and wings clipped.The birds movement is limited to a great extend and its condition is similar to a night mare.By the lines “grave of dreams”the poet is indicating the state of the bird who has given up on its dreams of freedom.The caged bird stands on the “grave of dreams” because the cage is like a graveyard to the dreams and hopes of the bird who wants to  leaps on the back of the wind and float downstream till the current ends and dip his wing in the orange sun rays .

4. Describe the free bird’s surroundings and the effects the surroundings have in the poem.

The free bird lives in a colourful bright and dreamy world.The surroundings of the free bird consists of the whole world including the boundless sky,rivers, streams and the entire earth itself.

If at one moment the free bird is up in the sky then at the very next moment it is floating effortlessly down the gentle current of a river.He enjoys the sun by dipping his wings  and glides as if he claims the whole sky.The endless sky is unrestricted for him to fly .

A “free bird thinks of another breeze” that he can enjoy the “sighing trees” and be free to find his own food. These lines shows that the bird revels in the pleasant breeze ad then it hears the sighing trees when the soft trade of the wind blows through them.And when it is hungry there is plenty of fat worms waiting for the free bird on a dawn bright lawn to be fed by it.

Thus the environment of the free bird consists of the whole world which includes the bountless sky,rivers streams and it is at its liberty to enjoy the bounties of nature.The free bird is at its liberty to enjoy as much as it wants with the bounties of  nature.It never needs to think of freedom as the bird is simply free.The free bird spends its time living and doing what it wants.Thus for the free bird freedom is natural.

Essay Questions

1. Explain in your words the message conveyed by the poem.

The poem caged bird talks about the bird who lives in a cage and one who lives in the free worldThe caged bird has no freedom.It is locked up behind a cage with its feet tied and wings clipped.The birds movement is limited to a great extend and its condition is similar to a night mare..The caged bird stands on the “grave of dreams” because the cage is like a graveyard to the dreams and hopes of the bird who wants to  leaps on the back of the wind and float downstream till the current ends and dip his wing in the orange sun rays .The bird is said to sing with a fearful trill.The bird's fear of uncertainty can be whether  it will ever achieve freedom which the bird so desires.

The poet distinguishes between a free bird and a caged bird and shows the importance of freedom to the people.The poet is writing metaphorically about the plight of African- Americans, as represented by the "caged bird" which sings of freedom, despite the fact that its dreams have been broken.The free bird lives in a colourful bright and dreamy world.The surroundings of the free bird consists of the whole world including the boundless sky,rivers, streams and the entire earth itself.I.He enjoys the sun by dipping his wings  and glides as if he claims the whole sky.The endless sky is unrestricted for him to fly .The  bird revels in the pleasant breeze .When it is hungry there is plenty of fat worms waiting for the free bird on a dawn bright lawn to be fed by it.

Thus the environment of the free bird consists of the whole world which includes the boundless sky,rivers ,streams and it is at its liberty to enjoy the bounties of nature.It never needs to think of freedom, as the bird is simply free.The free bird spends its time living and doing what it wants.Thus for the free bird freedom is natural,whereas a caged bird  has no freedom.The birds movement is limited to a great extend .The poet Maya Angelou wants to point out  that freedom is the most important necessity of any living being.  Oppression and imprisonment are the ills of the society which needs to be broken down . .The primary message of the poem seems to be that freedom is so obviously a natural state for a bird—or, metaphorically speaking, a person.

The bird which has been oppressed feels "rage" on a daily basis. He knows that his wings have been "clipped," and  he is unable to do the things that come naturally to him. However, he also knows that there are free birds in the world who have not been treated in this way and who have access to the "distant hill" which the caged bird still knows is there.The oppressed people represented by the caged bird feel tied down and trapped in the cages.The message of the poem then is largely related to the emotional and psychological effects of being oppressed 

In this poem Caged bird,, the poet Maya Angelou expresses the struggle of being black, a woman, and an author. Living in America then, she felt like a slave and her voice wasn't paid attention to.Her poem most importantly conveys the message that the desire to be free will always be expressed, despite circumstances that might quell the spirit.

2. Discuss how the theme of self-awareness is brought out in the poem.

In the poem Caged bird, the poet Maya Angelo has brought the theme of self awareness through the situations of free bird and caged bird.Both the free bird and the caged bird in the poem are self-aware, because they both entertain no illusions about who they are. The free bird is free and enjoys the benefits of that to the fullest. The caged bird knows that it is imprisoned and resents it. Thus both the birds clearly understand their situations.

The theme of self-awareness is shown in the poem when the poet highlights how the caged  bird has a rage within itself. This rage is because it senses it is missing out on a freedom that other birds and living creatures know. This bird “.stalks down his narrow cage.”because the bird is prowling for release from his restricted way of life.This bird is self aware that it is living in an unnatural environment. To this caged bird the bars of the cage are “bars of rage.” In addition, self-awareness is conveyed by the fact that this bird makes a bold effort to sing. Because its wings and feet are restricted as it is clipped and tied, its only way to let anyone know of its desire to be free is to sing.The bird sings to let anyone who will listen that it is straining for freedom. Self-awareness is shown by the fact that the bird longs for something that is unknown and desires this unknown because it feels that the unknown is better than being caged , where it cannot spread its wings and soar. This feeling of being ‘caged in’ can be extended to the human condition as well.

The free bird doesn't question its place in life at all, since it  has everything it wants. It soars and takes everything it sees. The environment of the free bird consists of the whole world which includes the boundless sky,rivers ,streams and it is at its liberty to enjoy the bounties of nature.It never needs to think of freedom, as the bird is simply free.The free bird spends its time living and doing what it wants.Thus for the free bird freedom is natural,whereas a caged bird  has no freedom.

The free bird doesn't think about the caged bird at all. With this, the poet is highlighting  the fact that people who are born into freedom don't often think about those who are not born without freedom.Many people feel trapped in their respective life situations.  Every day, many people are crying out, through their words and actions, for some kind of release from their burdensome stations in life, where they feel caged and unable to realise their dreams. They are self-aware, as this bird is, that there is a better way of life that must be fought for, even though this better way of living can be elusive.the metaphor of a caged bird holds so much meaning for Angelou. 

3. Why do you think the metaphor of a caged bird holds so much meaning for Angelou? Do you think the metaphor applies to her life? Elaborate.

In Maya Angelou’s poem “Caged Bird” the poet  provides a comparison of a free bird’s life with that of a caged bird. The metaphor of a caged bird holds so much meaning for Angelou.This caged bird is a metaphor for the African American community’s past and on-going experience of race-based oppression in America.The poet Maya Angelou expresses the struggle of being black, a woman, and an author. Living in America then, she felt like a slave and her voice wasn't paid attention to.Her poem most importantly conveys the message that the desire to be free will always be expressed, despite circumstances that might quell the spirit.

The free bird symbolises people who live in this world, not burdened by any kind of  prejudice. The free bird has the opportunity to move through life enjoying in its abundance. The free bird doesn't question its place in life at all, since it is not denied of anything. It flies high and takes everything it sees. The environment of the free bird consists of the whole world and it is at its liberty to enjoy the bounties of nature.It never needs to think of freedom, as the bird is simply free.The free bird spends its time living and doing what it wants.The people who are afforded this freedom, are able to make their own decisions and choices. Just like the free bird who is able to experience life as an enjoyable adventure,for people who are free and do not face oppression, sky is the limit. 

The “caged bird” stands for none other than the oppressed blacks. For centuries,lacking of liberty and basic human rights, the blacks have led a  painful life full of sufferings.  Its song of freedom demonstrates the rage and optimism of the blacks that toughen them to remain in existence. the blacks for ages was seeing the dream of liberty. The poet’s ancestors have spent their whole lives hoping to see the light of freedom. The blacks’ dream of liberty is very old. Despite their continued struggle, they have suffered defeat and frustrations repeatedly.Thus, the caged bird’s fear is about the uncertainty of achieving freedom in the future. The  fears of the caged bird  reflect  the fear of the  blacks who no more wish to go through the pains of racism and discrimination of the whites. The word “nightmare” is indicating unspeakable suffering  of the blacks’  and “scream” reflects their pain.

The author implies that even though the caged bird may have never experienced true freedom, deep down that bird still knows that it was created to be free. To the caged bird, even though the freedom is “fearful” because it is “unknown”, yet the bird  sings with  “a fearful trill” because it still longs for freedom.  This is similar to the African American struggle in poet’s time. She feels that black Americans wrote and sang and  cried out for the freedom they deserved, but they were only heard as a distant voice. But it did  not stop them from shouting out for equality and  freedom  because they knew they were made for freedom and as human beings had every right  to enjoy the freedom they were created to enjoy.

Thus the metaphor of a caged bird holds so much meaning for Angelou and applies  applies to her life.

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