Non-Violence Aldous Huxley

 Non-Violence Aldous Huxley


In his essay "Non-Violence by Aldous Huxley the author makes it very clear that a peaceful future depends on what private individuals you, me ,us- do on our own or ,better, still in groups.He believes that the obly effective method for carrying out large scale social reforms is non-violent methods.Violence produces the results of violence.The attempt to improve reforms by violent methods are doomed to failure.Huxley favours a society fundamentally different from the one that existed in 1946. But how should change occur, given that the overwhelming powers of violence and mass persuasion are held by what he calls the "ruling oligarchy"? Huxley believes that nonviolence is the only way forward.Huxley argues for nonviolence as the only hopeful possibility given the power that science and technology, via modern weapons, has placed in the hands of oppressors. Huxley's support for nonviolence can be interpreted as an independent principle of action to supplement his analysis based on the corruptions of power. But support for nonviolence is a logical consequence of an overall analysis based on the idea that power is corrupting. Nonviolent action, as a method of struggle, allows widespread participation, gives any individual only limited power over others, and is most compatible with decentralised activity.

Short answer questions

What do pacifists believe and what it is based on

Pacifists believe that the most effective the most equitable and the most economical way of meeting violence is to use non violence and their belief is based upon individual experience and a study of history past and contemporary

2.Physical struggle arouses hatred, fear,rage and resentment

3.what is non violence

Non violence means making the enormous effort required to overcome evil with good.

What did seth loflin  pray for and how did the soldiers react later

After being cruelly tortured seth loflin was offered a gun.but he refused to take it and so he was court martialled and condemned to be shot out of hand.


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