Business Regulations Question Paper

 VI semester B.Com. Examination, , September/October 2021 

(CBCS - F + R - 2016 - 17 and Onwards) 


Paper - 6.1 : Business Regulations 

Time : 3 Hours                                                                      Max. Marks : 70

 Instruction : Answer should be completely written either in Kannada or in  English. 


Answer any five sub-questions. Each sub-question carries two marks. (5 x 2=10)

 a) What is an Agreement ? 

 b) What are cartel's ? 

c) Who is an unpaid seller ?

d) What is IPR ? ,

e) Who is consumer ?

f) Mention the types of pollution. 

g) What is coercion ?


Answer any three questions. Each question carries six marks.

2. Explain the different types of offer. 

3. Write the distinction between condition and warranty. 

4. Write the objectives of FEMA 1999.  

5. Explain the sources of business law. 

 6. Explain the rights of the buyer. 


Answer any three questions. Each question carries fourteen marks. (3 x 14=42) 

7. What is breach of contract ? 

What are the remedies for the breach of contract ? 

8. Explain the provisions for revocation of an offer. 

9. Discuss the essential elements of a valid contract. 

 10. State the objectives of Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Briefly explain the Consumer Redressal Agencies 

11. What is infringement of patent rights ? What are the remedies available to the patentee in case of infringement of patent rights.

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