E-Business and Accounting 4th sem QP

 lV Semester B.Com. Examination, May/June 2018

 (CBCS) (Fresh and Repeaters) (2015-16 and Onwards


Paper - 4.5 : E-Business and Accounting 

Time : 3 Hours

 lnstruction : Answer should be completely either in Kannada or in English. 


1. Answer any 5 sub questions. Each correct answer carries 2 marks : '(SxZ=10) 

a) Give the meaning of E-Business. 

d) What do mean by Website ? 

e) Define Tally vault.

 f) Define contra voucher in tally.

 g) What is web auction ?

 SECTION _ B Answer any 3 questions. Each correct answer carries 6 marks : (3x6=18) 

2. Write the differences between traditional commerce and E-commerce. 

3. Briefly explain varlous types of web hosting services. 

4. What are the features of tally ?

 5. What is a voucher ? Explain any four types of vouchers in tally. 

6. Explain F11 accounting features in tally. 

click here for E-Business and Accounting 2020 question paper


 Answer any 3 questions. Each correct answer carries 14 marks : ( 3x14=421 

7. Explain the steps involved in creation of a company in tatty. 

8: Explain different E-commerce business moders. 

9. Explain the different groups maintained in tally. 

10. Explain the different output reports in tally. 

11' The following transactions relate to swaroop Traders during the month of January 2017:

  Jan. 1 Business started with cash Rs.1,00,000 

Jan.2 Opened bank account with SBI Rs.5,000 

Jan. 5 purchased goods for cash Rs.10,000 

ian. 8 Sold goods to Suma Rs.20,000 

Jan. 10 Goods returned from Suma Rs.2,0000

Jan' 15 cash received from suma Rs.17,500 in full[ settlement of her account 

Jan. 20 paid for stationary Rs.1 ,000 

Jan. 23 paid rent by cheque Rs.4,000 

Jan. 25 Drew for personal use Rs.3,000 

Jan' 28 Purchased furniture on credit from Siddeshwar steels, Hubli Rs.10,000

 Jan. 30 Salary outstanding Rs.60,000 

Pass necessary voucher entries for the above transactions.

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