BU 4th sem Additional English question paper

 IV semester B.A./B. Sc./B .Com/BBA/B. H. M./8. C. A./8. Sc. (FA D)

 Examination, September /October2021 

(CBCS) (F + R) {2019 - 2020 and Onwards) -


Time : 3 Hours                                                                                       Max. Marks:70 

Instructions : 

a) Answer all the questions.

 b) Write/Mention the question numbers correctly

I. A) Summarise any one of the passages given below, give a suitable title and underline the topic sentence. (10m)

It is a matter of great pleasure to go for a walk by the countryside, especially for those who live in noisy cities and hardly find time to visit such places.The countryside has its own magical charms. A walk here removes the boredom and monotony of the hectic life of cities. Countryside presents sights, scenes and sounds that are very soothing and delightful. One feel elated and happy by taking a walk through the countryside. Such a walk helps us discover nature in all her beauty. Lush green fields, dancing plains, theva.st landscape, with farmers ploughing their fields, women working at the wells, villagers singing-folk songs in the open fields, the tinkling of the bells tied to the necks of bulls, cows, buffaloes etc, are ihe sights and soiinds to enjoy. The dense groves of the trees and the sweet sound of the chirping sparrows rencier melodious music. Allthis is so enchanting that we envy the peace of the countryside. The cool, fresh air which we get in the countryside is not available in the cities and towns. Smoky and dusty atmosphere of the cities makes life difficult. The artificial life of the cities is nothing comparedto the serene, calnn, quiet and peaceful life of the countryside. The blooming flowers, the greefi trees and women carrying pitchers on their heads can only be seen by having a walk through the countryside. lt is rightly said, "God made the country and man-made the town." lt seems even God resides in the countryside because the purity and simplicity of the countryside is more congenial than the humdrum life of cities and towns. ln the countryside, we find nature in its various moods and thoughts. Nature is the teacher, healer, and mother of man. Thus, a walk in a countryside is pleasant because we breathe the pure and fresh air and see the objects of nature that are very pleasing and delightful and that elevate our spirits as well as refresh our minds.


Sports is such an activity that it can be taken up by anyone, at any age and any point in life.Adults,children, and elders - everyone alike can take part in sports. Many regard sports as a mere co-curricular or extra-curricular activity in schools. However, sports play an equally important role as does education in a person's life" To achieve overall and all-round development in life, one should be well-versed in both sports and culture. While training sharpens the mind, sports sharpen the body and fitness. Thus, both are essential. There are numerous advantages of involving oneself in sports. First and foremost, s known by all and very definitively, competitions increase the physical fitness of an individual. Additionally, sports also contribute to building stable-mental well-being of a person. Various researchers show that people who are in the daily practice of sports in any form record better mental as well as physical health. Moreover, sports also eliminate the risk of a person catching diseases or facing any bodily interruptions. Competitions increase immunity and increase people's stamina. A lot of people take up a lot of different kinds of sporting activities. There are many outdoor sports; these include cricket, badminton, football, hockey, volleyball etc. indoor sports such as various board games, table tennis, chess etc. are also popular. one can choose from a large variety. While outdoor sports contribute heavily to building the physical aspect of one's being, indoor games have a more psychological impact. However,? none of the activities can be categorised in a hard and fast way. Every sporting activity contributes io the well- being of a person, both physically and mentally.

B) Make notes for any one of the passages given below giving a suitable title using linear or diagram method. (10)

Mobile phones are the largest invention of technology and nowadays are being used all ovdr the world. The medium for communicating with people is a lot easier due to the huge use of mobile phones. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages to using a mobile phone. A student can also use a phone to immediately contact their parents in case of any student's emergency. Mobile phones are considered very useful and have proven their importance to call security forces or an ambulance in emergencies like fires, medical issues, or maybe an accident.A mobile phone is used to call or text someone and has multi-purposes like sending emails, taking pictures if someone doesn't have a camera or communicating with people online, and making new friends. Nowadays,everything is being done online, and by using a mobile phone, one.can effortlessly do almost everything with a single touch. Online banking, access to modern services and apps, improved networking capabilities, and online shopping are major tasks that can be performed using mobile phones. But on the other side, the disadvantages of mobile phones are also there. As mobile phones are a constant, real{ime communication and always available avenue, the incoming calls, texts, social-media related notifications, or emails can get into someone's phone within seconds. lt is convenient in some cases,but while in a meeting or attending a lecture, if the mobile phone starts to ring, it interrupts and disturbs everyone.As communication becomes easy due to mobile phones, the gripping feeling to text, make calls, or video calls while working, studying, or driving is a big distraction. Reports suggest that close to nine individuals die due to road accidents caused by phone distracted drivers every day. isolation is also one of the huge negative impacts of using mobile phones. Everyone is busy using mobile phones even if they meet face-to-face, which is also one of the major causes of harm between relationships in an individual's life.The health problems due to the massive use of mobile phones are increasing day by day. Playing mobile phone games and having late night chats on bright screen results in damage to the eyes" According to research, the network can cause skin cancers. lnsomnia, eye cancer, and even infertility is some of the health problems caused by mobile phones' huge use.


Science encompasses the methodical study of the physical and natural properties of out'surrounding through the medium of research and experiment. Technology is the application of science to achieve a realistic goal. The combination of science and technology enables us to live a comfortable life.Science and technology are the essences of our everyday life. They give a futuristic vision to our thoughts and actions. Science and technology contribute to promoting various aspects sf our lives. Without science and technology, we would still be living in the Stone Age. The existence of the modern era is the consequence of science and technology.Science and technology are two different terms, but they cannot survive without each other. Science is a systematic study of the functioning of the physical and natural environment that surrounds us. On the other hand,technology is the application of science to bring about innovative changes.The intervention of science and technology has revolutionized not only the way we think, but it has also remodelled our lives. whether we wake up at the sound of our morning alarm or go to bed after switching off the lights, it is influencing every aspect of our lives" The intention to lead a comfortable life is compelling us to walk on the path of progress, which is not possible without the help of science and technology. We must give credit to science and technology to make our lives comfortable and relax On the other hand, we cannot deny the harmful aspect of destruction and war because of science and technology. Thus, science and technology play a pivotal role in progress as well as war. However, when we weigh their pros and cons, we find that the benefits of science and technology are immeasurable. Not to mention, the contribution of science and technology in the world of medicine, which is helping to develop a healthy nation. The invention of medical equipment and research in the field is providing the cure for the deadliest diseases. Thus, we find a substantial decrease in the death rate.

ll. A) Answer any five of the following : (2x5=10)

1) When is the indifference always seen according to the poem 'A Character' ?

2) Name the factory the Unknown Citizen worked for.

3) What is the central theme of the poem "lnvictus" ?

4) Identify the tone of the poem "Telephone Conversation"^

5) Who is the poet referring to as'my friends' in the poem "White Paper?

6) Why did the other children laugh at the poet in the poem "Punishment in Kindergarten" ?

7J How much was Jack's weekly instalments ?

B) Answer any four questions of the following:(5x4=20)

1) What does the'poet William Wordsworth mean when he says, "at once run away with your heart" ?

2j Peace time has its victims just as wartime- Explain this with reference to the title of the poem "The Unknown Citizen".

3) What picture of the poet is conveyed in the poem "lnvictus" ?

a) Why is the landlady reluctant to rent out the accommodation to the prospective tenant? :

5) What does the poet seek? ls it peace of mind or material pleasure according to the poem 'White Paper?

6) Sketch the character of Aunt Jane.

C) Answer any two questions of the following in about two pages : (10 x 2=20)

1) The poem "Unknown Citizen" reads rather like prose .How does it reflect the treatment o{ the life of the Unknown Citizen ?

2) How is the racial discrimination presented in the "Telephone Conversation" ?

3) Comment on the poet's desire for freedom in the poem "White Paper".

4) Justify the title of the play "Never Never Nest".

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