BU Syllabus B.Com Regular IV sem

Syllabus for B.COM(Regular) IV sem


Unit 1: HOLDING COMPANY ACCOUNTS 12 Hrs Introduction – Meaning of Holding Company – Subsidiary Company – Steps – Pre Acquisition Profits – Post Acquisition Profits – Minority Interest – Cost of Control or Capital Reserve – Unrealized Profit – Mutual Indebtedness – Preparation of Consolidated Balance Sheet (As per AS21) under vertical format. 

Unit 2: MERGERS AND ACQUISITION OF COMPANIES 18 Hrs Meaning of Amalgamation and Acquisition – Types of Amalgamation – Amalgamation in the nature of Merger – Amalgamation in the nature of Purchase - Methods of Purchase Consideration – Calculation of Purchase Consideration (Ind AS 103) , Net asset Method - Net Payment Method, Accounting for Amalgamation (Problems on both the methods) - Entries and Ledger Accounts in the Books of Transferor Company and Transferee Company – Preparation of new Balance sheet. (Vertical Format) (Excluding External Reconstruction) 

Unit 3: INTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION 10 Hrs Meaning – Objective – Procedure – Form of Reduction –Passing of Journal Entries – Preparation of Reconstruction accounts – Preparation of Balance Sheet after Reconstruction. (Vertical Format) Problems 

Unit 4: LIQUIDATION OF COMPANIES 10Hrs Meaning–Types of Liquidation – Order of Payment - Calculation of Liquidator’s Remuneration – Preparation of Liquidators Final Statement of Account 

Unit 5: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ACCOUNTING & ACCOUNTING STANDARDS (Theory Only) 6 Hrs Meaning , definitions, characteristics, functions and importance of Human Resource Accounting, Environmental Accounting, Sustainability accounting, Forensic accounting, public expenditure accounting and Social Responsibility Accounting. 


 1. List out any 5 holding and subsidiary companies 

2. Develop a detailed E-content based mergers and acquisitions accounting procedure.

3. List out legal provisions in respect of internal reconstruction 

4. Take a company which is following human resource accounting and note down how their human resources are valued and shown in balance sheet.

5. Develop E-content for accounting frauds of the leading companies as investigated by forensic science laboratory under forensic accounting dispensation . 


 1. Arulanandam & Raman ; Corporate Accounting-II, HPH 

2. 5. S.N. Maheswari , Financial Accounting, Vikas 

3. RL Gupta, Advanced Accountancy, Sultan Chand 

4. Jain and Narang, Corporate Accounting.- KP 

5. Tulsian, Advanced Accounting S Chand publishing 

6. Shukla and Grewal – Advanced Accountancy , Sultan Chand 

7. Srinivas Putty, Advanced Corporate Accounting, HPH. 

8. Anil Kumar et. Al., – Advanced Corporate Accounting, HPH

 9. R G Saha et., al., Advance corporate accounting VBH 3


Unit 1: JOB AND BATCH COSTING 10 Hrs Job costing: Meaning, prerequisites, job costing procedures, Features, objectives, applications, advantages and disadvantages of Job costing. Batch costing: Meaning, advantages, disadvantages, determination of economic batch quantity, Comparison between Job and Batch Costing – problems

Unit 2: PROCESS COSTING 14 Hrs Introduction, meaning and definition, Features of Process Costing, applications, comparison between Job costing and Process Costing, advantages and disadvantages, treatment of normal loss, abnormal loss and abnormal gain, rejects and rectification - Joint and by-products costing – problems under reverse cost method. 

Unit 3: CONTRACT COSTING 14 Hrs Meaning, features of contract costing, Applications of contract costing, similarities and dissimilarities between job and contract costing, procedure of contract costing, profit on incomplete contracts, Problems. 

Unit 4: OPERATING COSTING 12 Hrs Introduction, Meaning and application of Operating Costing, - Power house costing or boiler house costing, canteen or hotel costing, hospital costing (Theory only) and Transport Costing – Problems on Transport costing. 

UNIT 5: OUTPUT COSTING 10 Hrs One Operation (Unit or Output) Costing - Collection of Costs - Tenders or Quotations - Treatment of Scrap - Production Account - Difference between a Production Account and a Cost Sheet 


1. Listing of industries located in your area and methods of costing adopted by them

2. List out materials used in any two organizations. 

3. Develop E-content for operating costing of a renowned transport company 

4. Develop E-content for the significance of contract costing applicable to leading builder and developers 

5. Collect data for Job costing pertaining to printing press and repair shops 


 1. N. Arora, Cost Accounting. HP 

2. Jain &Narang, Cost Accounting-KP

 3. Palaniappan and Hariharan-Cost Accounting-I.K. International Publishers 

4. S P Iyengar, Cost Accounting. 

5. Nigam and Sharma, Advanced Costing. 

6. N. K Prasad, Costing 

7. Ravi M. Kishore – Cost Management 

8. S. Mukherjee & A. P. Roychowdhury – Advanced Cost and Management Accountancy 


Unit1. E-BUSINESS 10 Hrs Introduction, E-Commerce – Definition, History of E-commerce, Difference between E - Commerce and E – Business, E-Commerce v/s Traditional Commerce, Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Challenges of E- Commerce, E-Commerce Business models –B2C, B2B, C2B, C2C, B2G, C2G, Types of Ecommerce Business Revenue Models, Successful Business Models in India 

Unit 2. E – PAYMENTS MECHANISMS 10Hrs E - Payment requirements, Meaning, and importance. Types -App based e-payment systems, M wallet payments, Card based payment – credit card, debit card and different types of cards, Net Banking, M-Banking, NEFT and RTGS and Cheque Truncation System (CTS), payment through BiT-Coin, Cyber crimes in E payments, Risks and protection in e-payments-cyber laws and cyber police stations. Digital signature– usage and legal provisions, E-payment in paperless society significance

Unit 3: Introduction of TALLY AND SAP (12Hrs) Meaning of Tally software – Features – Advantages - Required Hardware, Preparation for Installation recent Tally ERP source, (free and paid sources) Items on Tally screen – Creation & Selection of Company: Contents in Company Creation Screen, Base Currency Information, Company Features - F11 and Configuration F12. Introduction to SAP-Meaning, features, configuration advantages and limitations, SAP in finance, SAP in Marketing, SAP in HR (only theory) 

Unit 4: GATEWAY OF TALLY (14Hrs) Accounts Info, Group – Types, Create, Display, Alter; Ledger - Types, Create, Display, Alter; Vouchers - Types, Create, Display, Alter; Default number of Groups, Ledgers and Vouchers, Voucher Entry (Simple Problems),

Unit 5: REPORTS IN TALLY (10Hrs) Reports – Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss A/c, Stock Summary, Ratio Analysis, Brief on Display Menu Items – Trail Balance, Day Book, Account Books, Statement of Accounts, Inventory Books, Statement of Inventory, List of Accounts, Exception Report, Print of Report, Brief Introduction of GST in Tally. 42 


1. Generating the report of journal 

2. Generating the report on cash book

 3. Generating the report on profit and loss account

 4. Generating the report on balance sheet 

5. Developing E-content for SAP in finance and Material Management 


 1. Raydu – E Commerce, HPH

 2. Suman. M – E Commerc & Accounting - HPH

 3. Kalakota Ravi and A. B. Whinston : Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison Wesley

 4. Watson R T : Electronic Commerce – the strategic perspective. The Dryden press 

5. Amrutha Gowry & Soundrajana, E – Business & Accounting, SHBP. 

6. C.S.V Murthy- E Commerce, HPH

 7. Agarwala K.N and Deeksha Ararwala: Business on the Net – Whats and Hows of E- Commerce

 8. P. Diwan / S. Sharma – E – Commerce 

9. Srivatsava: E.R.P, I.K. International Publishers

 10. Tally for Enterprise Solutions 43 


 Unit 1: INTRODUCTION 10 hrs 

Business Law –Meaning, definition, characteristics, sources and its Significance. Types of business Law, difference between Law and ethics. Case precedent- Meaning of plaintiff, defendant, petitioner, respondents, public prosecutors, advocate General, Solicitor general of India, Judicial Magistrate of First class, civil Judge, Sessions (criminal court judge) Metropolitan magistrate, economic offences. Constitutional provisional relating to business affairs (state list, concurrent list and central list) difference between civil cases and criminal cases, adalaths 

Unit 2 CONTRACT LAWS 18 Hrs 

A. Indian Contract Act, 1872: Definition of contract, essentials of valid contract, classification of contract, remedies for breach of contract Termination and Discharge of Contract; Indemnity and Guarantee; Bailment and Pledge; Law of Agency. 

B. Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Definition of contract of sale, essentials of contract of sale, Conditions and warrantees, right and duties of buyer, right of unpaid seller 

Unit 3 : CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, ( COPRA ) 2019 10 hrs 

Objective of the Act, important terms- Complaint, Consumer, Consumer dispute, consumer rights, defect, Deficiency, direct selling, E-commerce, Electronics Service providers, HARM, injury, misleading advertisement , product liability. Restrictive trade practice, service unfair trade practice (UTP), Consumer dispute redressal forums- district forum, state commission and national commission. Jurisdiction offences and penalties under the ACT

Unit 4: INSOLVENCY AND BANKRUPTCY CODE (IBC) 2016 08 hrs Introduction - rationale and objectives: Need for Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Social, Legal, Economic and Financial Perspectives -Authorities and Enforcement Mechanism in IBC 2016 - Role of Adjudicating Authorities - Role of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) Appellate Authorities -Insolvency of Individuals and Partnership firms 


(a) Intellectual Property Right: Introduction and the need for intellectual property right (IPR) - Kinds of Intellectual Property Rights: Patent, Copyright, Trade Mark, Design, Geographical Indication, Plant Varieties and Layout Design –IPR in India ,IPR in abroad - Major International Instruments concerning Intellectual Property Rights 

(b) Information Technology Act, 2000: objective of the Act, Meaning of Cyber Law ,Cyberspace, digital signature, private key, public key, encryption, digital signature certificate, Cyber Crimes-Meaning and types, offences and penalties. Information Technology (Amendment 2018) –special provisions relating to online gaming, provision of adequate safeguards against dangerous gaming resources and online material that disturbs the cultural values and ethos. 


1. Prepare a chart showing sources of business law and Indian Constitution Articles having economic significance

 2. Draft an agreement on behalf of an MNC to purchase raw materials indicating therein terms and conditions and all the essentials of a valid contract

. 3. List out recently adjudicated IBC cases in India

 4. Draft digital signature certificate

 5. Collect leading cyber-crimes cases and form groups in the class room and conduct group discussion for giving innovative remedial measures


1. N.D. Kapoor, Business Laws, Sultan chand publications. 

2. S.S Gulshan – Business Law 

3. S.C. Sharma: Business Law I.K. International Publishers 

4. Tulsion Business Law, TMH. 

5. Bulchandni, Business Laws, HPH.

6. Ramachandra et.,al, “Legal aspect of business text and cases” HPH 

7. Ashwathappa and Sudarshan Reddy – Business Law -HPH

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