Bangalore University English solved question paper|B.Com/BBA Second Semester

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II Semester B.Com./B.B.A. Examination, September 2020 
(CBCS) (2018-19 and Onwards) 
Time: 3 Hours Max.                                                                                      Marks: 70 
1) Answer all the questions. 
2) Mention the question numbers correctly. 

    SECTION- A (Course Book 40 marks) 

Answer any five of the following questions in two or three sentences each: (5x2-10) 

1) Mention the final deal between the father-in-law and the son-in-law. 
The final deal between the father-in-law and the son-in-law was one crore and ten rupees , in the form of ten paisa coins in gunny bags with one extra bag in case of any deficient amount.

2) What was the result of the new experiment tried by Eleanor and Harvey? 

The result of the new experiment tried by Eleanor and Harvey was a failure. Despite the good intentions of both Harvey and Eleanor , the boys have not been persuaded to redefine how they play with their toys nor should they be. Harvey considers that it may have been too late to change the boy’s mind.

3) Why did Anusuya find it difficult to walk down the street on her own ? 
Anusuya find it difficult to walk down the street on her own ,ever since her cataract problem  had started.

4) What were the teacher's words of unexpected encouragement to R.K. Laxman ? 
The teachers words were  ‘You will be an artist one day.Keep it up’ ,which gave unexpected encouragement to R.K. Laxman 

5) Why did the people of Balliapal reject the compensation offers in the lesson Homelessin the Global Village'? 
The people of Balliapal  have rejected  the compensation offers because cash cannot compensate for the broken links with the soil which has nurtured and sustained generations of Balliapal farmers.

6) What was done to the brown children when visitors arrived in 'Rule Britannia' ?
When the visitors came, the brown children were always discreetly hidden away, swept under the carpet, told to wait in the corridor behind the lavatories where the school ayahs kept them company.

 7) What does the free bird symbolise in the poem Caged Bird' ? 

In the poem "Caged bird",the free bird symbolise the people who live in this world unconstrained by
prejudice of any type

8) What does the Compass stand for in the poem Wall'? 
The “Compass” stands for right direction

I1. Answer any four of the following questions in about 80 to 100 words /a page each (4x5-20)

 1) What according to the wife was her husband's loss in the lesson 'Money' ? 
According to the wife, her husband had lost a life time.He lost twenty four years of his life  by counting the sack of coins all because of his  greed for money.He started counting coins immediately after his marriage ceremony and whenever his wife came to meet him he would be engrossed in counting.So his wife lost interest on him as she realised her mistake and she married a noble man who came into her life without asking for any dowry and they had a baby girl who is now a young graduate.Her first husband has lost his precious twenty four years of his life only because of his greed for dowry.

2) What imaginative ways do the boys find to use the 'peace toys' in their war games ? 

The boys gave "peace toys" the roles of their favourite heroes in war games. Robert Raikes, the founder of Sunday schools was made to play the role of Louis the Fourteenth.As he was not like him, Bertie gave him a purple coat from his paintbox. Madame de Maintenon, was represented by Mrs. Hemans . 

The municipal dust-bin had been pierced with holes to accommodate the muzzles of imaginary cannon, and now represented the principal fortified position in Manchester. John Stuart Mill had been dipped in red ink, and apparently stood for Marshal Saxe.  Louis orders his troops to attack the Young woman's christian association and abduct the girls. Mrs. Hemans is used again  for one of the girls and she stabs Marshal Saxe to the heart .To show the bleeding, Bertie, splashed red ink liberally over the facade of the Association building. and the soldiers rush in and avenge his death with the utmost savagery. and  hundred girls were killed and Bertie splashes the remaining red ink all over the young woman's christian association building.

3) Why did marriage become a far away dream to Anusuya in the lesson 'Alone'? 

When Anasuya was studying in college, she had fallen in love with Santanu. On the brink of their marriage and of a life together her father fell ill with a kidney problem. Anasuya had to work hard to bring in the extra income for her fathers medical bills and Santanus brief visits had dwindled as she was always tired and busy and they slowly drifted apart.After her fathers death, she had to nurse her mother who was already old and frail.As santanu had long disappeared from her life, marriage had become an impossible illusion.When her ailing mother died, Anasuya was middle aged and life had sacked her dry of hope and dreams,replacing them with the weight of of a resigned inured acceptance and marriage was a faraway dream to her.

4) Describe the attempt of R.K. Laxman in the class task of drawing a leaf. 

When the teacher  set them the  task to draw a leaf, any leaf it was something new and exciting for the class and all the boys at once set about it enthusiastically. They were soon absorbed in the creative task. When some boys sat wondering trying to imagine a leaf, another fellow drew a banana leaf that was so big it went out of the wooden frame of the slate. Another boy, after pondering for a while and failing to visualize a leaf, announced loudly that he is going to draw an elephant instead!’ The author had seen those leaves countless times strewn on the road under the peepal tree, and so  he could draw them  effortlessly.Thus they were so busily engaged that they had not even noticed the teacher either leaving or returning.When the teacher asked them to queue up to examine their efforts one by one and when  it was author's turn, the teacher stared at the drawing for an alarmingly long time and asked him, ‘whether he draw it himself He was very impressed by the perfect shape of my peepal leaf and the details of the veins branching out along the midrib. 

5) Describe the geological and mythological significance of Gandmardhan forest. 

Gandmardhan, one of the bauxite rich hill ranges, was regarded by tribals and peasants as their mother who provides them with food, firewood, fodder and also water for cultivation and drinking purposes. The forests of Gandmardhan are a source of rich plant diversity and water resources. They feed 22 perennial streams which in turn feed major rivers such as the Mahanadi. According to Indian mythology, Gandmardhan is the sacred hill where Hanuman gathered medicinal herbs to save Laxman's life in the epic Ramayana; the saviour has now to be destroyed for 'development'. It has to be desecrated by the Bharat Aluminium Company (BALCO) to mine for bauxite. BALCO had come to Gandmardhan after having destroyed the sanctity and ecology of another important mountain, Amarkantak -- the source of the rivers Narmada, Sone, and Mahanadi. 

6) Describe the Principal's prejudice for the Europeans in Rule Britannia?

The author and her elder brother studied in a European school which was a furlong away.Atmosphere in the school was purely colonial. The Principal's prejudice for the Europeans were clearly visible from the many incidents occurred in the school when author and her elder brother was studying there.

The school being in India, still made the children  sang the National Anthem of Britain, Rule Britannia, louder than the others. In the mornings, while Madam will sit  at the grand piano on which stood the tinted photograph of the British royal family and the  children  raised their  voices in song, singing 'Britain's never shall be slaves'.

Shirley Temple , with her golden ringlets and her toothy smile was the model of the girls of the school. The author had in her class another Shirley who  was a Scot with pink cheeks and yellow ringlets.When the dignitaries arrive, it will be  always Shirley who carries the bouquet.She was a Scot with pink cheeks and yellow ringlets.Even the poem composed by the author was sung by Shirley and when the visitor asked who wrote it, their Principal said that Shirley had composed it and added that ,she is a combination of beauty and brains.

When any dignitary visits the school the Principal always took necessary steps to make sure that everything was done by white children whether it is welcoming the guest or entertaining the guest.Even the guests would be Europeans dignitaries only.

The Principal always made sure that the Indian and  the black Anglo-Indian children were hidden when guests were about to come because for the Principal they were not good enough to be presented before the dignitaries. When the visitors came, the brown children were always discreetly hidden away.They were swept under the carpet or told to wait in the corridor behind the lavatories where the school ayahs kept them company. None of them looked too pretty in those days. There were six in all, counting Louis the black Anglo-Indian who would not make up his mind which side to take.

All  these incidents clearly shows how much prejudice the Principal had  towards the Europeans.

7) What are the differences between free bird and caged bird in the poem Caged bird'?

 The free bird lives in a colourful, bright and dreamy world.The surroundings of the free bird consists of the whole world including the boundless sky,rivers, streams and the entire earth itself.The free bird is at its liberty to enjoy as much as it wants with the bounties of  nature.It never needs to think of freedom as the bird is simply free.The free bird spends its time living and doing what it wants.Thus for the free bird freedom is natural.

The caged bird has no freedom.It is locked up behind a cage with its feet tied and wings clipped.The birds movement is limited to a great extend and its condition is similar to a night mare..The caged bird stands on the “grave of dreams” because the cage is like a graveyard to the dreams and hopes of the bird who wants to  leaps on the back of the wind and float downstream till the current ends and dip his wing in the orange sun rays .The bird is said to sing with a fearful trill.The bird's fear of uncertainty can be whether  it will ever achieve freedom which the bird so desires.

Answer any one of the following about 200 to 250 words/2 pages(1x10=10) 

1) How does the story, 'Money' prove that excessive obsession with money can harm family relationships ? 

In the short story money written by Muppala Ranganayakamma,the author clearly brings out the idea that, excessive obsession with anything is unhealthy, with the example of son-in-law in the story, who wasted one third of his life on account of money.

In the story money, the father-in-law has agreed to give the son-in-law a substantial dowry. He is mentioned as dowry donor in the story and as he was so rich, parting with one crore was not a big deal for him.The surprising thing was that well educated man was asking for dowry and the well educated woman had agreed to give dowry.The author here is trying to bring out the truth that education has no value apart from the mere weight of books.

Immediately after the wedding ,the only thing the son-in-law in the story did was, counting the money.From that moment,he only lived in the world of coins and the real world disappeared from his sight. When the man finished counting the last sack of coins, twenty four years was over and even then after seeing his wife after a long gap of twenty four years  all he is asking her, is about his father in law, as there was a shortage of forty paise in the total dowry amount, which made him angry.

Throughout the story we can see that the man, even after having a good education, is not educated in his thinking and culture.When people are obsessed with money they spend their life after money and forgets to find the real values of life.They never realises that money cannot bring them love and happiness.They never understands the meaning of life and ruin other peoples life who are their family.

The greedy people are obsessed with calculation of property and all they want is only money. Relationships or family have no value in their life.They are under the obsession of greed. Greedy people are only bothered about money.If one wastes twenty four years, as in this story, another wastes twenty-four hours.If one counts ten paise coins, another counts ten rupees or hundred rupee notes.That is the only difference obsession with greed makes. In the mania for money they forget about love and happiness.They are not realising the value of love ,family and relationships in their life.They live in the world of money and never realises that money cannot buy love and happiness. They never understands that money can never heal ruptured relationships nor build meaning to life.

Society has also conditioned peoples mind  to believe that money is everything and can bring success and happiness to life.But the fact is, even though money is essential to live a comfortable life, many people get obsessed with the luxuries money can provide and go after it, thus wasting the most beautiful,precious and valuable aspects of life like love , happiness and family relations.

The son-in-law in the story was obsessed with money and wasted all his life just for the sake of money.His wife got married to another person and he did not had a beautiful happy family life.Still he is worried for money only, which shows how much he is obsessed with it.Sunrises, moon rises, full moons , new moons,seasons ,years and all of nature vanished before him in the lustre of coins .The wheel of time moved on and he was not aware of it.If he was not obsessed with money, he could have led a normal happy family life like normal people.Thus the story brings out the idea that excessive obsession with anything is unhealthy.

2 Anusuya was very accurate in knowing what her neighbours in the apartment were up to. Discuss. 

Anasuya was very accurate in knowing what the neighbours in her apartment were up to. She knew exactly what time her neighbours children will say goodbye and catch school bus which will be usually at 8 am.She knew that by 8.30 am her neighbour in opposite flat  will do his pooja before leaving to his office.She knew very well that by 9.30 am, her neighbour on her left ,Nandita,would be on her way to office .She knew the heated arguments  in Nandita's house because of the thin walls , as their younger daughter moon moon was having a friend ,an unsuitable lover whom she wanted to marry.And she could hear Nandita's footsteps passing her door and opening and closing of the lift gates.As each of them had a characteristic way of opening the lift,she could recognise all of them.She knew how the absent minded Sarala used to close the gate twice and how Mrs.Bose her neighbour went through a hesitant painstaking closing, while her children used a loud jarring note and Mr.Bose had a steady deliberate finality.Even the smell of fish frying in the  apartment  of the Bose family  was familiar to her as she knew they will buy fish in their weekly quota.

3) Discuss the possible meanings of the wall as intended by the speaker in the poem Wall'. 

D.S. Dadhalkar is a renowned Marathi poet, and the poem “Wall” is originally written by him in Marathi and later translated to English . The metaphorical interpretation  is firmly evident in the poem "Wall".“Wall” renders both literal and metaphorical interpretations. Social evils are referred as wall by the poet in the poem.The poet is uncertain about the birth of those evil motive walls and has zero knowledge about the number of generations that have elapsed through those walls He desires to bring down the walls of destruction that steals peace and harmony of the society. Walls of destruction mean the segregation's existing on the basis of caste, creed, race and linguistic difference. 

The poet desires to bring down the walls of caste, creed, race and linguistic difference which had caused so much destruction and has stolen the  peace and harmony of the society. The poetic lines,“But these walls built by grandpas”  metaphorically reveal, ancestors are the founders of the evil walls and countless generations have travelled with these walls. They have stood as a sensitive barrier for generations and have snatched away innumerable lives.

The poet is undoubtful about demolishing the walls, and considers it as an important time to renovate the society. For centuries, caste, creed, race and language have stood as barriers,thereby seizing the peace and harmony that prevailed between countries and nations which the poet hates. Hence, the poet determines to destroy these walls of barriers to restore peace and harmony. He is predetermined to demolish these walls, but he is unsure of the period that the labour requires because those are reinforced walls which hammers cannot break. 

 The poet is doleful about the past, therefore he desires to design a society wherein brand new houses are going to be born and the people with renovated mindset are welcomed to room in. Metaphorically, new houses emblematic the refurbished souls and minds. Dadhalkar determines and decrees to take up the role of a compass, which figuratively signifies a Guide.Therefore,being a Guide, he has positioned himself to lead and reform the corrupted society and to induct a sluiced ambience wherein people become unimpeachable and dynamic. He is determined to proclaim himself as a Guide of the society

SECTION- B (Grammar and Composition-30 marks)

V. 1) Combine each set of the simple sentences into one complex sentence
a) He worked hard. His goal was to gain promotion. 
Answer He worked hard that he might gain promotion

b) A good education is essential for success in life. He believes this
Answer  He believes that a good education is essential for success in life
2) Combine each set of Simple sentences into one compound sentence 

a) I was tired. I still did it. 
I was tired still i did it 
I was tired yet i did it.

b) Hemanth passed the test. Arya also passed the test. 
Hemanth and Arya both passed the test.
Hemanth as well as Arya both passed the test

3) Change the following assertive into an interrogative sentence 
    Switzerland is known for its scenic beauty. 
     Is Switzerland known for its scenic beauty?

4) Rewrite the following paragraph into reported speech 
"There is nothing you can do about it. It is no good. We will just have to ask for help". Monica said. John snapped "oh! Mind your own business" and walked away from her. 

5) Fill up the blanks with suitable clauses: 
a) He went to London -----------------
Answer : He went to London and visited the palace
b) I know the man ------------------
Answer: I know the man who stole my bag

V.  by using the following hints 5 Doctor: What can I do for you today ? 
Doctor: How long have you had this pain ? 
Doctor: Did you do anything that might have aggravated your tooth?
Doctor:What kind of toothbrush do you use ?
Doctor: Does it bother you when you eat something really cold ? 

Doctor: What can I do for you today ? 
Patient: I am having severe tooth pain
Doctor: How long have you had this pain ? 
Patient : From yesterday
Doctor: Did you do anything that might have aggravated your tooth?
 Patient :  I chewed something hard
Doctor: What kind of toothbrush do you use ?
 Patient: I use a soft bristled tooth brush
Doctor:  Does it bother you when you eat something really cold ? 
Patient:  Yes it  bothers when I eat something cold

VI. Write a letter of enquiry to Gateway manufacturers requesting them to send details/quotation of Head phones and desktops for setting up the language lab:

                                                         Letter of Enquiry

English Learning Centre
A-10, M.G.Road,

Ms.Gateway Manufacturers 
Shop No.36, Brigade Road,

Dear Sirs

Sub: Enquiry for quoting details of headphones and desktops

Please let us know whether you can send us details of specifications and price of Headphones and desktop with terms and conditions.

1. HP Desktops 45 nos.
2.Sony Headphones 45 nos

On receipt of information, we may place an order , if your  price and other terms and conditions match with our requirements.
An early information of the above mentioned will be appreciated.

Yours Faithfully
For English Learning Centre


VII. Write a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title 
(not included here as the same passage will not be repeated)

VIII Read the passage and answer the following questions: 
(not included as same passage will  not be repeated)

 May/June -  Language 
English - II (FRESH) (CBCS) (2018-19 & onward 

Time : 3 Hours                                                                                                  Max. Marks : 70

 Instructions to Candidates : 
(1) Answer all the questions. 
{2\ Mention the question numbers correctly.

 SECTION - A (Course Book - 40 marks) 

I. Answer any five of the following questions in two or three sentences each :               5x2=10

1. Why was the son-in-law angry with the father-in-law ?  

The son-in-law was angry with the father-in-law because when he finished counting the last sack of coin, he found that , forty paise was less and one extra bag was also not there as per his father-in-law's  promise. He was angry for this betrayal and wanted to teach his father-in-law a lesson.He wanted to make him touch his feet and apologise for his mistake.

2.What was the holiday task given to the children by the history teacher in the lesson "The Toys of Peace"

The holiday task given to children was history that time and the children have to, got to learn up, something about the Bourbon period in France.They also have to got to know something about Louis the Fourteenth,continued Eric telling that he has  learnt the names of all the principal battles already

3. How did Anasuya enjoy the rain ? 

Anasuya liked the sharp shiny shower of the first rain as monsoon was beginning.She enjoyed standing at the window and enjoying the moist earth-smoked smell that drenched the air.It cleansed the city of its hot dust and green emerged refreshed.It was her annual milestone, the feverish anticipation of monsoon and then its noisy arrival. It was something to look forward to every year.

4. How did Lakshman's father react when he saw the caricature in the lesson 'Cartooning' ?

When Lakshman's  mother invited his father to have a look at the caricature he has drawn, his father  furiously ordered him to wipe it off at once. Then his mother insisted that  it should remain till others come home and see it too.

5. What is 'soil', for the adivasis ? 
For the adivasis The soil is their Goddess and their religion. Soil is the sacred mother, the womb of life in nature and society, its inviolability has been the organising principle for societies.For these people soil is not simply a resource, it provides the very essence of their being.

6. Which song was sung by the school children in 'Rule Britannia'? 

The children  sang the National Anthem, Rule Britannia, louder than the others. In the mornings, while Madam will sit  at the grand piano on which stood the tinted photograph of the British royal family and the  children  raised their  voices in song, singing 'Britain's never shall be slaves',

7. How is the flight of the free bird described in the poem 'Caged Bird' ? 

According to the poet a free bird leaps on the back of the wind and floats downstream till the current ends and dips his wing in the orange sun rays and dares to claim the sky.

8. According to Dadhalkar the world wars were fought for the walls of nations 

II. Answer any four of the following questions in about 80 to 100 words/a page each : 4x5=20

 l. How was the son-in-law punished for accepting dowry in the story 'Money'? 

The greedy son-in-law has been punished with the loss of his life-time.He had wasted one-third of his life on account of money.He lost twenty four years of his life  by counting the sack of coins all because of his  greed for money.He started counting coins immediately after his marriage ceremony and whenever his wife came to meet him he would be engrossed in counting.So his wife lost interest on him as she realized her mistake and she married a noble man who came into her life without asking for any dowry and they had a baby girl who is now a young graduate.Her first husband has lost his precious twenty four years of his life only because of his greed for dowry.He was not living his life to the full.He lived in a world of coins and the real world disappeared from his sight.The greed for money spoiled his entire life which he could otherwise have enjoyed normally with his wife and family and children.Because of greed his wife also left him and he lost all the precious and  beautiful moments in his life.

2. How, did the boys use peace toys in their war games ? 
The boys gave "peace toys" the roles of their favourite heroes in war games. Robert Raikes, the founder of Sunday schools was made to play the role of Louis the Fourteenth.As he was not like him, Bertie gave him a purple coat from his paintbox. Madame de Maintenon, was represented by Mrs. Hemans . 

The municipal dust-bin had been pierced with holes to accommodate the muzzles of imaginary cannon, and now represented the principal fortified position in Manchester. John Stuart Mill had been dipped in red ink, and apparently stood for Marshal Saxe.  Louis orders his troops to attack the Young woman's christian association and abduct the girls. Mrs. Hemans is used again  for one of the girls and she stabs Marshal Saxe to the heart .To show the bleeding, Bertie, splashed red ink liberally over the facade of the Association building. and the soldiers rush in and avenge his death with the utmost savagery. and  hundred girls were killed and Bertie splashes the remaining red ink all over the young woman's christian association building.

3. Explain the reason for Anasuya leading a lonely life.
When Anasuya was studying in college, she had fallen in love with Santanu. On the brink of their marriage and of a life together her father fell ill with a kidney problem. Anasuya had to work hard to bring in the extra income for her fathers medical bills and Santanu's brief visits had dwindled as she was always tired and busy and they slowly drifted apart.After her fathers death, she had to nurse her mother who was already old and frail.As Santanu had long disappeared from her life, marriage had become an impossible illusion.When her ailing mother died, Anasuya was middle aged and life had sacked her dry of hope and dreams,replacing them with the weight of of a resigned inured acceptance and marriage was a faraway dream to her.So she had to lead a lonely life.

 4. Explain how the writer felt encouraged by teacher's appreciation in the lesson 'Cartooning'. 

The teacher asked the class to queue up and began to critically examine their efforts one by one, by murmuring comments and giving marks. He twisted a boy’s ear or brought the cane down on the leg of another. When it was writer's turn, he stared at the drawing for an alarmingly long time and asked author, whether he has  drawn  it himself .The writer  got  frightened and stepped back, expecting a shower of blows. Then he told the teacher fumblingly  that because the  teacher asked only,  he has drawn the picture. But to his  great surprise and joy, the teacher  held his slate up before the class and announced, how nicely Laxman (author) has drawn the leaf. He  then turned to the writer and said that he will be an artist one day and told him to keep it up. He gave him ten marks out of ten. He was very impressed by the perfect shape of his peepal leaf and the details of the veins branching out along the midrib. The writer had seen these leaves countless times strewn on the road under the peepal tree, and he could draw them effortlessly. The writer was inspired by this unexpected encouragement.

5. How, has development uprooted the lives of the tribal's in "Homeless in the Global Village" ? 
'Development' has meant the ecological and cultural rupture of bonds with nature, and within society, it has meant the transformation of organic communities into groups of uprooted and alienated individuals searching for abstract identities. What today are called ecological movements in the South are actually movements for rootedness, movements to resist uprooting before it begins. And what are generally perceived as ethnic struggles are also, in their own way, movements of uprooted people seeking social
and cultural rootedness. These are the struggles of people taking place in the ruins wrought by development to regain a sense of self hood and control over their destinies.

6. How did the cook behave with the kids after learning European culinary in 'Rule Britannia' ?

When the author's family went  to Malabar for a month's stay with their grandmother, they lent their cook to Mrs.Ross so that she might teach him the rudiments of European cookery. With every vacation they took, their  cook advanced more and more in the culinary arts until their eating habits had to be altered to suit this sophistication. Instead of the rice and curry, he served them soups, cutlets and a stew. For their mother he cooked a plate of rice and lentils because he felt that it was too late to change her tastes.The cook used to frown when he saw author and her elder brother ate western meals with their  little brown fingers, licking their hands,enjoying all that was served on their plates . He thought of them as savages.

7. Describe the surroundings of the free bird in the poem 'Caged Bird'. 

The free bird lives in a colourful bright and dreamy world.The surroundings of the free bird consists of the whole world including the boundless sky,rivers, streams and the entire earth itself.

If at one moment the free bird is up in the sky then at the very next moment it is floating effortlessly down the gentle current of a river.He enjoys the sun by dipping his wings  and glides as if he claims the whole sky.The endless sky is unrestricted for him to fly .

A “free bird thinks of another breeze” that he can enjoy the “sighing trees” and be free to find his own food. These lines shows that the bird revels in the pleasant breeze ad then it hears the sighing trees when the soft trade of the wind blows through them.And when it is hungry there is plenty of fat worms waiting for the free bird on a dawn bright lawn to be fed by it.

Thus the environment of the free bird consists of the whole world which includes the boundless sky, rivers streams and it is at its liberty to enjoy the bounties of nature.The free bird is at its liberty to enjoy as much as it wants with the bounties of  nature.It never needs to think of freedom as the bird is simply free.The free bird spends its time living and doing what it wants.Thus for the free bird freedom is natural.

lI. Answer any one of the following questions in about 200 to 250 words/ 2 pages : 1x10=10 

1. Money cannot heal ruptured relationships or build meaning into a life. Explain with reference to the short story 'Money'. 
In the story "money "written by Muppala Ranganayakamma, the author is bringing out the themes of money and relationship and the dowry systems prevailing in the society.Money cannot heal ruptured relationships or build meaning into a life.In this story, the father-in-law has agreed to give the son-in-law a substantial dowry.As we move on to the story, we can see that after the father-in-law offering him one crore as dowry,the son-in-law is still not satisfied as he is confused whether to take the share of  property or dowry. Even his elders and intelligent ones are supporting him and advising him to take dowry as that will be a safe option. Finally he is agreeing with the deal of one crore and ten rupees and the money as coins in gunny bags.He also asks for the key of the shed were the money was kept.He wanted to count them immediately as he wanted to make sure that full amount was there.

Immediately after the wedding, the son-in-law is rushing to the shed and starting counting. From that moment,he only lived in the world of coins and the real world disappeared from his sight. Sunrises, moon rises, full moons , new moons,seasons ,years and all of nature vanished before him in the lustre of coins .The wheel of time moved on and he was not aware of it. As he counted the last sack of coins, twenty-four years passed by.

When the man finished counting the last sack of coins, twenty four years was over and even then after seeing his wife after twenty four years , all he is asking her is where is his father in law as there was a shortage of forty paise which made him angry.He wanted to make his father in law apologise to him and when his wife says that her father died five years back all he was bothered about was who is going to pay his balance amount.

The wife is reminding him that he has lost his precious twenty-four years of his life on account of money.She is saying to him that if her father has not given him dowry he would have led a normal life.Hearing all this also, the what surprises the author, was the answer from the man.Instead of realising his mistake he is worried about his forty paise. He is not even shocked to hear that his wife already married another noble man  after two years of their marriage as she realizes that it was a mistake marrying this greedy man who only cares for money and has no value for relationships.His wife had a daughter in her second marriage and she is now a grown up young graduate.

Seeing his wife and her daughter after twenty four years is still  not making  any difference for him as he is only bothered about his balance forty paise. The greedy people are obsessed with calculation of property and all they want is only money.Relationships have no value in their life.If one wastes twenty four years as in this story, another wastes twenty-four hours.If one counts ten paise coins another counts ten rupees or hundred rupee note.That is the only difference.In the mania for money greedy people forget about love and happiness.They are not realising the value of love ,family and relationships in their life.They live in the world of money and never realises  that money cannot buy love and happiness.  They can never heal ruptured relationships nor build meaning to life.The author is thus beautifully bringing out the theme of money and relationship in the story.

2. What are the writers arguments regarding development in the lesson 'Homeless in the Global Village'? 
Nature is necessary for our physical and mental health. Interaction with nature teaches us how to live in relation with one another without dominating over the other.But man, in the name of development, is actually breaking  the ecological and cultural  bonds with nature, and within society.In reality  nature's life and people's life are sacrificed at the altar of the  religion of development .The sacraments of development are made of the ruins and desecration of other sacred's, especially sacred soils. They are based on the dismantling of society and community, on the uprooting of people and cultures. 

 Fifteen million people have been uprooted from their homelands in India during the past four development decades . They, and their links with the soil, have been sacrificed to accommodate mines, dams, factories, and wildlife parks. But for large segments of Indian society, the soil is still a sacred mother.  Wherever development projects are introduced, they tear apart the soil and sever the bonds between people and the soil: 

Soil is the sacred mother, the womb of life in nature and society, its  security has been the organising principle for societies. The  'development' has declared this as backward and primitive. From the point of view of the managers of development,  sacred bonds with the soil are obstructions which are  to be shifted and sacrificed.

It is a truth that though the destruction of natural resources is not necessary, yet in India it continues.The forests of Gandmardhan are a source of rich plant diversity and water resources. Gandmardhan is the sacred hill where Hanuman gathered medicinal herbs to save Laxman's life in the epic Ramayana; the saviour has now to be destroyed for 'development'.It has to be desecrated by the Bharat Aluminium Company (BALCO) to mine for bauxite. 

BALCO had come to Gandmardhan after having destroyed the sanctity and ecology of another important mountain, Amarkantak - the source of the rivers Narmada, Sone, and Mahanadi. The destruction of Amarkantak was a high cost to pay for reserves . To feed its 100,000 tonne aluminium plant at Korba in Madhya Pradesh, BALCO has now moved to Orissa to begin the rape of the Gandmardhan hills.  Since 1985, the trials of the region have obstructed the work of the company and refused to be tempted by its offers of employment. Even police help has failed to stop the determined protest.

The conflict and destruction were totally unnecessary.This was  because India did not needed so much aluminium, as it already had surplus.The mining activity  was dictated not by the needs of the Indian people but by the demands of industrialised countries .These countries are closing their own aluminium plants and encouraging imports from countries like India. Japan has reduced its aluminium smelting capacity from 1,200,000 tones to 140,000 tonnes and now imports 90 percent of its aluminium requirements. The same Japanese companies have proposed setting up joint ventures in Indian export processing zones to manufacture aluminium products with buy-back arrangements . The survival of the trials of Gandmardhan is thus under threat.This is because the rich countries want to preserve their environment, their economies and their luxurious lifestyle.

In Bihar, the homelands of tribals in the Chotanagpur plateau are being destroyed to mine coal and iron ore and to build dams on its rivers. The World Bank-financed Suvarnarekha dam is being built, with a US$127 million loan, primarily to provide industrial water for the expanding steel city of Jamshedpur. These dams will displace 80,000 tribals. In 1982, Ganga Ram Kalundia, the leader of the tribal anti-dam movement was shot dead by the police. Seven years later, his fellow tribals continue to resist the building of the dam because it will tear them away from the soil of their birth, the soil which has provided them sustenance which links them to their ancestors. 

Thus the destruction of natural resources in India continues even though it is not necessary only for   the demands of industrialised countries.

3. Comment on the title of the poem Wall'. 

D.S. Dadhalkar is a renowned Marathi poet, and the poem “Wall” is originally written by him in Marathi and later translated to English . The metaphorical interpretation  is firmly evident in the poem "Wall".“Wall” renders both literal and metaphorical interpretations. Social evils are referred as wall by the poet in the poem.The poet is uncertain about the birth of those evil motive walls and has zero knowledge about the number of generations that have elapsed through those walls He desires to bring down the walls of destruction that steals peace and harmony of the society. Walls of destruction mean the segregation's existing on the basis of caste, creed, race and linguistic difference. 

The poet desires to bring down the walls of caste, creed, race and linguistic difference which had caused so much destruction and has stolen the  peace and harmony of the society. The poetic lines,“But these walls built by grandpas”  metaphorically reveal, ancestors are the founders of the evil walls and countless generations have travelled with these walls. They have stood as a sensitive barrier for generations and have snatched away innumerable lives.

The poet is undoubtful about demolishing the walls, and considers it as an important time to renovate the society. For centuries, caste, creed, race and language have stood as barriers,thereby seizing the peace and harmony that prevailed between countries and nations which the poet hates. Hence, the poet determines to destroy these walls of barriers to restore peace and harmony. He is predetermined to demolish these walls, but he is unsure of the period that the labour requires because those are reinforced walls which hammers cannot break. 

 The poet is doleful about the past, therefore he desires to design a society wherein brand new houses are going to be born and the people with renovated mindset are welcomed to room in. Metaphorically, new houses emblematic the refurbished souls and minds. Dadhalkar determines and decrees to take up the role of a compass, which figuratively signifies a Guide.Therefore,being a Guide, he has positioned himself to lead and reform the corrupted society and to induct a sluiced ambience wherein people become unimpeachable and dynamic. He is determined to proclaim himself as a Guide of the society.The poet wants to demolish the  evil walls of barriers and restore peace and harmony.Hence the title wall is aptly suited and significant to the present society.

SECTION - B (Grammar and Composition - 30 marks) 

IV. 1. Combine each set of the simple sentences into one complex sentence : 

2 (a) He saw us. He disappeared immediately.
    As soon as he saw us he disappeared.

 (b) He was sick. He stayed at home. 
     Because he was sick he stayed at home.

2. Combine each set of simple sentences into one compound sentence :
 2 (a) It was night. The street was dark.
It was night so the street was dark
    (b) Robert was defeated twice. He did not give up hope. 
Robert was defeated twice still he did not give up hope
3. Change the following assertive into an interrogative sentence : 

1 (a) Ritu is listening to music. 
Is Ritu listening to music?
4. Rewrite the following paragraph into reported speech 

' The child pleaded with his mother, "Mother, please buy me a bicycle." The mother said, "l will buy you a bicycle if you score well in your exams." The child became very happy and said, "You are the best mother in the world". 
The child was pleading with his/her mother to buy him/her a bicycle.The mother then told the child that she would be buying him/her a bicycle if he/she scores well in his/her exams.The child became very happy and told her that she was the best mother in the world.

5. Fill up the blanks with suitable clauses : 
2 (a) He will succeed 
 He will succeed if he works hard
(b)Mary had a little lamb
b)Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was as white as snow
V. Complete the following dialogue between two friends by using the following 5 hints : 

Sam: Hello Rahul, close your books and come and play tennis
Rahul  :
Sam: Why do you worry so much about exams ? I am not worried so much. /
Rahul :
Sam :You need to give importance to sports as well.
Rahul :
Sam :Rahul, come and play any game you like
Rahul :
Sam :Ok, we shall meet after one hour. Bye.
Rahul :

Sam: Hello Rahul, close your books and come and play tennis
 Rahul  :But exams are near 
Sam: Why do you worry so much about exams ? I am not worried so much. /
Rahul : Yeah, I am a bit worried about my exams
Sam :You need to give importance to sports as well.
 Rahul :I know the importance of sports along with the studies
Sam :Rahul, come and play any game you like
Rahul :Ok, I will take my cricket bat and come.
Sam :Ok. We shall meet after one hour. Bye.
Rahul : Bye Sam.

VI. Write an enquiry letter to Shamant printers asking the details about printing the monthly journal of your college. 

VII.Write a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title :

VIII" Read the following passage and the questions set on it 

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