Bangalore University English solved question paper|B.Com/BBA Second Semester
visit website for all subjects notes II Semester B.Com./B.B.A. Examination, September 2020 LANGUAGE ENGLISH - II (F+R) (CBCS) (2018-19 and Onwards) Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Instructions: 1) Answer all the questions. 2) Mention the question numbers correctly. SECTION- A (Course Book 40 marks) visit Answer any five of the following questions in two or three sentences each: (5x2-10) 1) Mention the final deal between the father-in-law and the son-in-law. The final deal between the father-in-law and the son-in-law was one crore and ten rupees , in the form of ten paisa coins in gunny bags with one extra bag in case of any deficient amount. 2) What was the result of the new experiment tried by Eleanor and Harvey? The result of the new experiment tried by Elea